Is 2GB RAM enough for an Android phone today?

Is 2GB RAM enough for an Android phone today?

my phone has 3 and it almost never uses a whole 2. 2 is fine

probably. I use 2GB for my chromebook running ubuntu xenial and have no problems working with pycharm

No, Android is still unusable even with 100GB RAM.

3 gigs is comfy. have note 3 for the past few years. No lag even with touchjiz.

my one m8 still works nice

No imo

long time user here

why the fuck is android so broken right now?
6.0 struggles with norm apps (snapchat) on 3GB ram

last year, yes
but this and next year, no

My nexus 5x has 2 GB and it freezes up if I'm listening to music and using chrome sometimes. Honestly this phone is dank af but kind of crippled by the 2 gigs, I notice problems with it fairly often.

Well there's your problem.
Snapchat will probably never run well on Android.
I've been getting crashes once a week with 6.0 on my Note 4

How the fuck is 2GB too little for a phone? I have a shitty Windows Tablet (Poverty pack Surface 3) and it never runs into slowdowns with 2GB RAM, usually 20 tabs in Chrome, Spotify in the background and drawing software with a 3000x2000 15 layer canvas.

My Galaxy Nexus (CM12.1) has 1GB and doesn't freeze. The Browsing isn't that fast maybe but I don't get freezes with Firefox and listening to music should never be a problem.

If you have a samshit running touchjizz then you need at least 3gb. All other phones can manage with 2gb.

I have an S5 which has 2 GB of ram and it runs flawlessly with Resurrection Remix ROM.

same for my S4

this rom is THE shit

even 1gb would be overkill
but i don't use any skin or gapps

It will only run nicely if two things happen:
1 - Snapchat devs actually fix their broken ass app and optimize it for Android
2 - Android shapes up the camera functions in the OS

Really the combination of the two makes Snapchat run like shit and have bad quality on Android. You aren't actually taking a picture like you are on iOS; the app grabs a screenshot of the viewfinder. This is done for speed on older phones and even some flagships where taking an actual picture using the API would take forever.

6 GB is the minimum these days.

I hated how my note 3 was always on fire

If you're running on custom roms 1GB is minimum
If you're using stock room 2GB is minimum
If you're using touchwiz 3 GB is minimum

i have a galaxy s2 still cuz poorfag, lmao

1gb ram + cyanogen mod = fast as fuck even after almost 5 years of usage

my one m8 runs just fine with 2gb today. people claim that you should go with 3 or 4 for future proofing because of splitscreen, though.

>s5 with resurrection remix

Is it 6.0.1 or 5.0?

t. S5 user with CM13

It depends I multitask a lot and going from 2gb to 3 gb was great.

That being said, 2gb wasn't unpleasant either, but 3gb was a nice upgrade

didn't the android devs make a new camera api a couple of years ago (camera2)? did that still not fix the issues with using the camera in android?
snapchat fucking sucks on anything but an iPhone, user. everyone who I've talked to about it agrees.

no amount of ram is enough for lagdroid

Snapchat doesn't use the camera api, It takes a screenshot.

OnePlus 3 is the way

Nah, I'mhappy with shitposting from 512mb because I got a chinkpad for anything serious.

I know. but the user who I was replying to said
>This is done for speed on older phones and even some flagships where taking an actual picture using the API would take forever.
I was wondering if the new camera2 api would fix this issue at all

I just recently sent from a Samsung Note 3 to a Nexus 6p. I've been a Sam fan since the days of flip phones. I am asking, in all seriousness as someone who isn't that knowledgeable about smartphone UIs and OSs and shit.. why is TouchWiz so hated? What makes it a make UI over others? Not trolling.genuinly curious.

No problems
>set zram to 16 GiB

because some autists (me included) get triggered when people oems put skins on their android devices. it's just down to preference.

personally, I used to prefer stock ui because it matches the iconography and colors and design language that most android developers also follow for their apps (most devs try to follow material design these days, which is the design language that the os itself is by and large based off of). nowadays this doesn't seem to be much a problem since so many manufacturers don't even bother making their skin that different from stock.