What browser does Sup Forums use and why?
I'm using Chrome at the moment but it locks up when I quickly open a bunch of new tabs (on both Windows and Mac) so I'm considering switching
What browser does Sup Forums use and why?
I'm using Chrome at the moment but it locks up when I quickly open a bunch of new tabs (on both Windows and Mac) so I'm considering switching
> and why?
firefox with ublock and noscript.
Firefox with ublock and gnu+linux.
i use icecat because it protect my freedoms.Sure is behind firefox,but it has none of that propitiatory bs like hello.It is a browser that respects my freedoms,and is also compatible with firefox addons
I've been using pale moon recently, and I like it
Firefox with ABP and NS
also DTA (it has some benefits over the standard download tool)
firefox with ublock and yesscript cause I shave my neckbeard once in a while.
Advantages over normal Firefox?
I've heard most forks lag behind on releases and stuff
Firefox Nightly
Do you care about your freedom or do you care about whatever useless "feature" mozilla is peddling?
Yeah they do.
It feels faster than Firefox to me. Especially on my aging PC anyway.
for my reason why, chrome is a bit of a ram hog and firefox seems just a bit snappier once you get a cache of your most frequent sites created
Firefox to browse the web
chrome. performance, balance of a wide range of features yet little bloat.
firefox keeps introducing wonky shit i don't need. chrome has been pretty much the same forever which is something i appreciate. if i need anything extra i'll get an addon kthx fuck off with your FireFurryLabsProjects
ideally i'd like chrome minus the botnet but i guess you cant have it all and the NSA is watching you wank anyways so what gives
>I'd like chrome minus the botnet
Son, I'm not one to overuse the word literally', but that's literally Chromium.
i know about chromium but i'm p sure last time i checked there were some features missing. like some of the search functionality (which is ofc inherently botnetty, but i like it)
SeaMonkey, it has a good number of useful Firefox add-ons that are compatible and updates less often while still being secure and looks old-timey.
Chromium, because I can't find anything I like.
Though that's about to change very soon, because those idiots disabled backspace as the "go back" key shortcut.