Install Debian

>install Debian
>installation goes fine
>"Fatal error. Display not found"
>None of the solutions online work
Why did you make me do this Sup Forums?
Going back to Windows

Where do I subscribe?

You shoud install gentoo.

where did you fuck up

Install Gentoo
Install Gentoo
Definitely install Gentoo :^)

If this is how hard you try, then you should go back to windows. Pajeet will be happy to take over your computer for you and correct the display driver. It should only take 30 minutes or so.

found your problem right there if you need a GUI for linux then you're small time

$Xorg -configure
$mv /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf

>Xorg -configure
Throws the same error

should note that I don't think this works using sudo
you have to be root

should work

if not there are a ton of distros based on debain that handle all that shit for you.

ps i use the arch wiki regardless of distro because its so fucking good. as long as you know what shit is arch specific its your best resource. pretty sure the xorg -configure thing is in the arch install guide

Just install manjaro instead. It's like arch but not shit.

Have you tried installing Gentoo?

Install Gentoo

install gentoo

>Can't install from the minimal
Install the full ISO

>can't even keep their website together let alone an OS
>literally so incompetent they stole their logo from a shit band

Checks out. OP is incompetent as well

why not just have the installer install a DE for you

cause that's dumb and lame
full DEs are bloated as fuck, it's much better to just install the parts you need/want/use
OP is attempting to install Debian the correct way

Clearly he's not ready for it

You should have gone with Arch.

the fact that he says he's going back to windows shows that he maybe never will be

Gentoo is a bitch to install.

Calculate Linux

Not sure why I would want to install that. Sounds like a scientific based distro.

look up nigga

I did. Doesn't interst me or cater to my needs

How long will this be a problem
Holy shit just push a fucking fix.

Still better than grub edit

You can install Gentoo without the bitch to install part

I'm fine with Arch. I don't really need to compile all packages

What problem? This is just how you install a bare bones minimal Debian.
There are countless other GNU distros that do everything like this for you - Perhaps you should try one of those instead.

debian sucks. install fedora.

Don't fall for this meme, OP

yeah it's best to do it yourself ofc but op's obv retarded so maybe ezmode is right for him

>Install Windows
>see dollar signs
>join Microsoft
>paid to post trollfuck threads like this all day
>get paid
Against Sup Forums rules, Microsoft. Leave.

Try Ubuntu or Mint if you want something that is more spoonfeeding.

Install slackware

>he fell to the linux meme

Real talk - debian is kind of just shit. I really want to like debian, but it is probably one of the most difficult distros to use save for gentoo because
1) focus on freedoms
2) testing and unstable can be a problem with the way updates are handled and
3) apt-get is shit.

Are you using an AMD by chance? AMD is FUCKED on debian based distros.

Try Ubuntu MATE or Xubuntu.

no he doesn't know how to config startx n00b

Gotta work harder for that (You)

Nigga I just installed Debian few days ago and I had Xorg OOTB... wtf?

I do tho, but Debian won't let me install my gpu drivers.

Who was the moron who told you to startx? Install a display manager you gross southeast asian.

You have a driver problem. Did you forget to download yhe correct driver?