I feel safer already
I feel safer already
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
>no updates is good
dumbest post i've seen since the last Sup Forums thread
Considering it's MS updates
>doesn't happen on my enterprise edition
And pirates win again. GG microsoft
At this point, it's simply got to be deliberate.
Background: #034275
Segoe UI Light 57, white
Segoe UI Light 29, white
As if "Hi" fading onto an empty black screen since Windows 8 wasn't already weird and creepy.
>in an online world
You mean the world that has existed for 16 years? Thanks for the newsflash, Microsoft.
Lmao. Are they doing this on purpose? Do they want people migrating to Macs for some reason? Don't they know lots of their customers use Windows for work and they keep treating them as home customers that just use their computers for Candy Crush and Facebook?
Nadella may be the worst Microsoft CEO ever. Compared to him, Ballmer was Steve Jobs and Bill Gates combined.
>Shitty "artist" job
>From their comment history they are a dirty hippie
>They can't plan their time wisely, and leave everything till the last minute expecting their computer to "just work"
For once Windows 10 did a good thing
9/10. Raised my bloodpressure.
>16 years
The only thing I need protecting from is MS.
And, yes, I run Windows 10 Version 1607.
Masochists don't have the right to complain.
>can't disable CEIP on pro any more
>Don't turn off your PC
>he uses windows 10
>he hasn't moved on from wangblows to BSD
this update fucking broke my user account
What do you mean?
Well done Rajesh.
5 rupees were deposited on your poo acount.
>Don't turn off your PC
Thanks big brother
>We've made some tweaks to make Windows even better
>No period at the end of the senctence
This triggers my autism
Stay with 7. I could disable them on Ent LTSB but the whole thing is garbage still, compared to 7.
How to
Disabling the Windows Update Service does anything?
Windows Update blocked by outbound firewall master race. Once a month or so when I feel like updating everything do I unblock it.
Even then I use a group policy setting so it doesn't automatically check for or install updates. Just a shame I can't pick and choose individual updates anymore, but on the other hand I never had to until Microsoft started pushing the adware updates.
>Windows will restart several times.
>allow consumer markets to be controlled by oligopolies
>choice comes down to shit or diarrhea
also, linux is not the answer because most people will never install an operating system different than what came with the computer.
you have to go back
Welcome to every major update ever.
>linux is not the answer
There is no answer accept to work with and try to forgive whatever steaming pile of shit you're trying to get working to accomplish a thing or two.
>Don't turn off your PC
You can't tell me what to do
If you want to, you can buy a laptop with GNU/Linux already preinstalled.
I don't have the anniversary update yet
get out while you can
lol how does something like that even get past whatever sad excuse for QA that Microsoft has.
>can no longer update on windows 7
>svchost using an entire core as it hammers wusrv service
>the only way to get new updates to to install new windows update client that comes with windows 10
Fuck everything. Guess I'll be taking my Windows 7 machine offline soon and putting Linux on it.
if it compiles, it's good
this is what happens when your design is cruft on top of decades old cruft
I'm happy on slackware user
That was an insider build from a month ago. You just got trolled.
Ok so how do i disable the updates?
get back to Sup Forums and stream a video where you kill yourself
I never got that image. I just got something about "Doing updates, don't turn off your computer"
install gentoo
No way to disable the updates?
They know.
>when you say something misogynistic to Cortana and she reports you to the police
>New install
>insider build
Good poo poojeet. 500 poops have been pooped into your poo account
Almost got me. Have a (you).
You mean telemetry from insiders. Because that's literally all the work they do for testing these days.
What are you, on your period?
Look at this fucking thing. Not only is it retarded, but it has a vagina, which further supports the notion that women are indeed the retarded/inferior gender.
Only an inbred, alky, piece-of-shit rube would think that any version of Windows 7 is better than Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N.
Why don't you do something useful and contribute to this site by doing like every other good woman with half a brain and post your tits/pussy? That's all you women are good for anyway, unless you're a trans man—in which case, kill yourself.
Spotted the retard who works for Windows marketing and uses a macbook.
Yea, no updates are good because Microsoft has now developed a proven track record of broken updates.
>Almost every post on the sub is negative
windows 7 is better
Even damage controllers are having a hard time. This is funny as shit.
>Almost every post on the sub is negative
That's because windows users are actually users and not part of a cult (minor some pooinloo true believers).
If Linux became reliable enough for desktop purposes people would switch en masse.
>That's because windows users are actually users and not part of a cult
You should've seen that subreddit until AU came out.
>You should've seen that subreddit until AU came out.
Maybe that's where the windows cultists congregate, who knows. I'm a Windows 7 user and I don't like the direction Microsoft is taking.
I would switch to Linux if it became more reliable and proprietary friendly (yeah right).
>That's because windows users are actually users and not part of a cult
It's funny what you imply for linux users when microsoft is the one who actually instructs their employees the way you're describing:
-For them "evangelism is war"
-MS is the one who has something akin to indoctrination: is teach at schools to people when is young.
-MS doesn't tolerate the existence of competing technologies, for them the only true victory is when the competitor closes their business.
-MS actually encourages their employees to spread FUD.
-MS actually pays people to manipulate opinions and shut up criticism and buys positive reviews on media.
See: techrights.org
There's a lot of funny things to quote.
>Maybe that's where the windows cultists congregate, who knows
They did. They rivalled mac-users in their fanatism. This is all kinds of hilarious.
>It's funny what you imply for linux users
Oh come one now, those are Microsoft employees, not users. 99% of Microsoft users are normie-tier, people who just want something that werks.
>They rivalled mac-users in their fanatism.
Did they fit the street shitter stereotype, or were they more like the Barnacules guy?
Set wi-fi as metered connection in network settings (though I'm pretty sure they can still sneak though smaller updates..).
If you're on Ethernet or LAN, tough luck.
You can't disable the updates.
Every few weeks, some poor Windows sysadmin thinks he's found a registry key, GPO setting, or power shell cmdlet that will save everyone, and it doesn't work. Microsoft controls your fisher price operating system, and some dumb registry edit will never change that. You're fucked
>the sweet schadenfreude of watching people rage at Windows for literally disobeying them
At least it was "free" :^)
but it improves your experience! why would you ever want to disable that?
>this passive aggressive tone
I laughed but it's acually pretty sad
shut the fuck up men or I'll delete your anime
You are literally retarted. You can find the option to disable updates after 1 minute of googling, if you're too lazy to actually look through the options yourself.
But if it's no longer receiving updates, why not disable the windows update service?
Also as an ex Microsoft employee, I can say that most of the employees are just regular people. I quit around the release of Win8 and most of the people I knew there hated it.
>red camera
It's like you know nothing about production pajeet
Why are all these stories about peoples rendering jobs fucking up? Is that the most important thing they can come up with?
I'm not a Windows pro but what if people using Windows just blocked every known Windows-related server in their router?
Would this prevent the update+restart patronizing?
>friends upgraded to Windows 10 because "I'll have to do it eventually since Windows 7 is going EOL soon"
>half of them have completely disabled updates in an effort to stem the tide of MS horseshit