So what web browser DO you use?

So what web browser DO you use?

firefox with ublock and noscript.



I stopped caring years ago



GNU Icecat

at that point just use Umatrix



This and on mobile Lightning + Gnu IceCat.


I'm going to install Opera and nobody can stop me


muh freedom

Iceweasel or Seamonkey


Chromium for normie mode
Firefox for the rest

Firefox for porn
Chrome for everything else

>Chrome for anything at all
explain yourself

Thanks, you too.


this one (it's currently open so I cannot show it to you)

chrome and opera. chrome for anonymous browsing 4chin and checking emails. opera for casual surfing, videos and downloading because of its ad block.

I don't. I only use GET and POST requests,

you are kidding right?

Icecat is turning to shit.
But I still use it

Waterfox on Windows
Firefox on Debian.

your mom's vagina, latest version

why would i kid? chrome is always incognito, has no malware extensions and never saves anything. opera is a little faster but less functional so i use it power surf the web, watch youtube vids and browse torrents without shit ads.

dude, your PID doesn't mean shit



Comodo Dragon

That's the user of the computer "Jake" or "Tom"

Firefox at home, chrome at work.

Firefox, cuz is the only that still updating on OSX 10.8.5

Whats a web bowser

Chromium. I used Chrome for the longest time, so I'm just way too used to its general UI and some of its features. Before that though, I used Firefox. I suppose I may switch back one of these days for the extensibility, and make a few changes to make it feel a bit more comfortable.


Icecat is surprisingly good on windows (also use on linux and android), only issue is the black squares showing up on Sup Forums, which I assume is because of some rendering issue with oneechan.

Chrome because I'm an exhibitionist who gets turned on by the fact that google employees are watching me fap to futas.


Do you happen to know of a way to have the entire window close when you close the last tab?

It's my only complaint, really


Firefox. Not really sure why people are complaining about it.

Opera 12.16 on desktops, BB10OS's stock browser on my phone

Why do you prefer 12.16 to the newest Opera?

Am I a total retard if I use Vivaldi?

It seems kind of alright

Chropera's a shitty Chromium clone that was stripped of all of the things that made Opera good.

On further contemplation I've decided that the bar at the top is too big, I can't disable the spacing between a tab an the top of the screen and there doesn't seem to be a way to have the side panel on visible in the new tab screen and disabled everywhere else, closing the last top sometimes closes zhe browser and sometimes it doesn't

This is more retarded than Opera, dropped

Could you name any concrete things that are better?

Having just tried both there don't seem to be any big differences, new Opera just seems a little slicker and stuff


Tab stacks
Mail client
Side tabs
Opera Dragonfly

Just to name a few


I just switched to Opera. Liking it way better than Chrome so far.

It works for me.


>chrome is always incognito

1) are from Google
2) are 12 years old
3) have an IQ lower than 84

I felt like trying something new.

Firefox Dev Edition
e10s with dom.ipc.processCount set at 64 is amazing.



>mfw I'm in too deep
>mfw I literally work for them
>mfw 16GB of pure RAM POWER

Safari cause it looks the nicest and is fast

Netscape explorer here. Got it off my AOL CD.

It's pretty gud.

Why both?

>Capitalized the wrong word ((you)) illiterate fuck. Read that sentence aloud, I FUCKING dare you.

chromium, firefox is a piece of shit since the latest updates and I rather use a hammer to bust my cock before going back to that crap

Chrome because extensions and I don't feel like switching

i'm ashamed of you, Sup Forums

was I supposed to give a fuck?

>le no give fucks xDDD am i kool guize xD

>Firefox for porn
>Chrome for everything else

Why bother? Do you actually think anyone at Google is interested in your porn watching habits?

Firefox on my computer and Android phone.

Not a fan of browsers made by for-profit companies.

Chrome. Tried many of the "free" alternatives, but Chrome just works.


Are you seriously afraid of the botnet?
Well, true men live on the edge.

Firefox 48.0 is so damn slow compared to Palemoon (v26.0xx)

What the fuck do I do? What went so wrong with Firefox? Help me, I need a browser that has addon support and isn't slow as balls

Pale moon
I fell for the best meme

>he thinks the porn site itself isn't tracking your habits

so what makes you think they only track you on chrome, stupid?

Pale Moon, because it's twice as fast as Firefox.
Add on and media support is shit, though.

so what makes you think they only track you on Windows*

>that disgusting IE font rendering

>Firefox 48.0 is so slow compared to Palemoon
>I need a browser that is not slow

gee user it is like you answered your own question

firefucks, because all the alternatives are too horribly to think about
hopefully the new rust-based browser doesn't turn into a awful pile of shit

Anyone stupid enough to continue using firefox might as well use chrome.


Can't use the https everywhere addon with palemoon

got more than a handful of problems, but it's heaven on my wrists.

Does it have add-on support though

nope, but it does have a built in adblocker at the very least.
Several features that I use addons for in firefox are built in as well, such as open-with.


And it seems I'm the only one