Ideas on what this is for?

ideas on what this is for?

Other urls found in this thread:

nuclear launch codes

It says, "whoever posts this to Sup Forums is a cock licking faggot"

Snowden trying to jump back into news cycles

yeah, no. it's a probably hash for something. but what and why?

Looks like a hash to me.

sha256 or sha512 maybe?

Too long for md5.
I was thinking that it was a key, but for what?

His buttcoin wallet

SHA256. length is exactly right.

Literally just fucking with people. He's a shitty IT guy who was literally just payed to keep his mouth shut and he failed his one job.

For some reason the ignorant media/masses think he's some über hackzor because he downloaded some files onto a use stick and uploaded them to a website


Dead man's switch.

Its over bros.

Probably a hash for a tweet he's already written about something he thinks will happen in the future. This is his proof of date.

>get the facts wrong
>get the facts wrong again

Congrats, you're autistic!

He probably sent someone a file and they probably asked him to verify it's hash.

He has been trying to contact his old NSA buddies recently.

SHA-256 checksum for his cp collection

Hello ignorant individual

it's been deleted!
I wonder if it was a form of dead man's switch or just confirmation of a file he was sending to someone.

Did he ever release any insurance files? I assume he wasn't involved with the wikileaks stuff.



Bingo. It's a pre-commit: Post SHA256 of text. Later tweet text. SHA256 proves you knew the text when you posted the SHA256.

no, it just confirms the suspicion of I doubt it'll turn into much, but I'll save it all the same.

He's just sharing something with someone and used twitter to give him the hash or something.

That's a clever idea, I'm stealing that.

Snowden's not the first to use that.

Did I said that he did?

How the fuck did you read that out of my post?

he actually did axe the fbi

Now you can be just like Snowden.

You live in Russia?

you now can go back to Sup Forums and shill your orangecuck

It's called Twitter and it's for homosexuals.

Did I say that you said he did?

Did I said that you said that you did that I did that you said?

So who wants to tip off the media?

sounds like a he-said-he-said situation here

public key to send him shit

i'm too lazy to type it, but anyone here notices that looks like a hex string? convert it to text.

wayyyy too short

>convert it to text

did you google it on your facebook account?

I'm self-educated

nada. read thread.

Umm guys?

WTF is happening here....

i thought this guy was in prison

If it was that, there would be no reason to delete it.


worse, he's living in russia

Mandela effect...

> ffdae96f8dd292374a966ec8b57d9cc680ce1d23cb7072c522efe32a1a7e34b0

Even harder to predict than calling doubles.
>check em.

Is it possivle to crack the hash without any knowledge of what it could mean?

Glenn Greenwald retweeted it and added a bit:

Torrent hash for his yaoi folder

You implied it, so yeah

what? i remember watching the news about him getting arrested by the cia or something like 4 years ago

we did it ledit

>that fake obama reply

denuvo crack confirmed

Looking past that joke, I wonder if the text of this tweet is significant for decryption.

what country is hosted in and why havent we bomed it yet?

idk but I wish the admin would start backing up all the pages in somewhere like a torrent, that site is just going to disappear one day.

md5 sum of his dick and balls

he's a russian agent now, what do you think?



NSA plz.

I think i figured it out. It's a hash:

No fucking way bro its like you didn't even read the thread

does anyone trust what Snowden has to say?

Dude seems like a total shill.

There is nothing wrong with the government spying on it's own citizens to make sure they aren't terrorists or doing something illegal (selling drugs, selling children for sex, etc.)

Trump would totally allow it.

Thanks for the input ... Not like all the others didn't already point that out

>not b64
>faglord confirmed

But there is something wrong with the government if they support terrorist and do all kinds of bad shit
That's why I want him to release everything he knows because th IS is definitely an inside job.

>Trump would totally allow it.
If Hillary gets in it is LITERALLY WWIII with Russia.

If Trump doesn't make it then we are all fucked. Clinton is a war-criminal that will severely fuck this country beyond repair.


Oh look this traitor screaming for attention again.

brainwashed faggots, kill yourselves,

Looks like his cat found his computer unlocked.

jesus stop with the propaganda. america is not the center of the universe, the rest of the world doesn't care.

Ww3 with Russia is what the Jews want, After they use us against our fellow whites one last time they will move in to eradicate whites from the USA completely.

The end goal being to rule over the remaining mongol races.

Fucking moron doesn't know the delicacy of the geo-political balance that is at stake.

Clinton is going to bring several "Libyas" if she gets in. Any fucker who does not understand this is beyond saving. Enjoy WWIII faggots.

MSNBC stream where

Sup Forums is fucking retarded

I hope Hillary wins so Sup Forums could commit mass sudoku.

>i subscribe to the theory that there is an individual that "makes all the big decisions" and that one will perform differently than the other
>i'm a good voter
>what i say once every 4 years makes a huge impact

When the leak showing Clinton is guilty of treason and War Crimes, we will see who is laughing last bitch.

>laughing last
Clinton, because she's above the law?

don't be that closed minded, user

Not in in this world. He's still in asylum in an embassy. You've just been hit with the Mandela Effect.

>He's still in asylum in an embassy
that's assange

you're thinking the guy that shot a whole bunch of muslims

>Clinton is guilty of treason and War Crimes
wont happen, will never happen.
The game is so rigged from the start

Clinton is done for.

It was his tox ID

>a sha gets 500 retweets from normies who probably think it's some revolutionary shit
jesus h christ

Isn't twitter normal text limited to 140 characters?
How much would it take to bruteforce that based on his sha-256 digest?

Thanks joe

There are more than 10^260 unique twitter posts corresponding to that SHA-256 hash. Even if a computer could generate 10 billion potential twitter posts per second, it would take over 10^232 times THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE to generate all the ones that would produce this hash, never mind the time you'd need to sort through all those possibilities and find if any seem to be anything meaningful.

Thanks for Correcting the Record :^)

Yea and he's becoming too much of a fucking sjw also these days also.


anyone try a hexadecimal converter

Converter to what?


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