Hear how great CM is because it de-bloats your phone and the ROM is designed to give you more freedum and power over...

>hear how great CM is because it de-bloats your phone and the ROM is designed to give you more freedum and power over what runs, aka better battery life and more security and features

>HTC's Desire 510 stock ROM is 4.4.2 with a later patch that pushed it to 4.4.3

>have CM 11 and 12.1 available for my fone

>install 12.1
>its called stable
>onlything that doesnt work is the mobile data
>literally says texting and calling is working tho

>install CM12.1
>SIM card not even recognized meaning i cant do shit with it unless on wifi
>can only make 911 calls off wifi
>random reboots and other shit for no reason
>throw on the stagefright apps just for shits and gigs
>fails everything on each of the tests on the play store

>install CM11 which is based on 4.4.4
>wow a later version than HTC stock this is great
>fairly stable
>gps straight up wont work
>meaning the google maps offline mode to save data is useless now
>get it to work somehow
>rebooting fucks it up again
>run stagefright apps
>they fail everything too
>battery is almost at zero while sleeping for a few hours after a full charge
>literally full 10% every few minutes

>go back to stock rom
>everything except 1 stagefright exploit blocked
>battery rock solid only dropped 10% over 24 hours sleeping
>gps and everything else runs fine
>all the "bloatware" (aka just a larger version of gapps installed)
>none of them auto-start so its just taking a few MB's more of the internal space

Other urls found in this thread:


also forgot the biggest thing

theres an autism mode in CM called performance which is supposed to save battery by throtling the CPU

and the battery still drained

meanwhile stock HTC rom has just the developer mode menus and its stock battery options has a "saver" mode that lets you select thigns, one of them is "exclusive exceessive cpu usage" and theres also a feature to disable background cpu/data usage

all of that and more is in the CM menus yet didnt do shit, just made the phone run like shit when on "battery saver mode"

Just werks on my device been running nightly cm 13 on my s5 with no issues

Running CM 13 on a 1st gen Moto Sup Forums, works really great.

Suckin that cyanodick on my moto x pure and Nexus 5

Is MC 13 good for a Nexus 4?
t. poorfag

Official CM13 on 8-6-2016 here on Note 2
Don't run unofficial pajeet shit ROMs op

Running 13 on my Nexus 5X, works really great.

I actually just installed CM12.1 on my phone today and it's working without any problems as of now

>im stupid I do things badly and things get fuck up
>not my fault I swear

>Mobile data doesn't work
>Can't do any thing unless on wifi
Gee I wonder why.

Many of the cm roms are made by people who dont really have an idea how to make it, only the reaaalllyyyyy popular phones have working cm roms and many times those are shit too, just like some oems, best would be pure android but given that there are 200000000000 hardware option good optimalization is not possible

Thats one reason why ios is better

Running CM on Galaxy S1, Note2, S4mini, Moto G, Moto E and S3. Absolutely no issues and much better than stock.

sultan's cm 13 stable on my oneplus x here. runs amazing no bugs and great battery life. I'm very satisfied

The desire 510 had a Qualcomm processor processor, needing you to get a GPS lock in stock for it to work in CM

You do know that the whole point of cyanogen is not using gapps right? Of course google shit wont work, you install CM through the official site or download a pajeet rom from XDA, use microG and put F-Droid on that bitch, you can get the apps from places not named playstore, the pro versions even, get that google cock out of your mouth already

CM is a test case for googles future fuck ups.
everything that CM is already developing is slowly
being integrated into stock android.
(i.e. "permissions blocking" android 6.0)

you are the pre-alpha soak test for google to rape and call their own


>what is fragmentation

It will forever be the fatal flaw of Android but sine Apple can't pull its head out of its rainbow sharting ass, and Microsoft is barely even trying, and Blackberry is stuck in Stage 1 Denial mode...well, Android is still best option out there.

>theres an autism mode in CM called performance which is supposed to save battery by throtling the CPU
This is my biggest issue with CM.

Retards fap to it like no tomorrow but it really fails with battery life. Doesn't matter what phone, what build. Battery life will always be shittier than stock. People think it's so great for battery life because it debloats your phone. So what? The firmware they cobble together to actually run the phone ends up being so inefficient that it's twice as worse.

It's unfortunate that CM is junk at basic shit because it does have a lot of cool features.

CM is mostly junk because people are trying
to build off of a system that was built off of linux and catered towards analytics collection.
the entire system is built around this.

if only there was a phone with native linux
built in...

>not running SlimRom

tfw i can't get my d415 to boot into fastboot

Comfy with Oneplus X and official Cyanogenmod 13

Prior to installing CM13 on my Nexus5, I'd constantly get disconnects when playing Hearthstone on LTE, sometimes with me not being able to reconnect for minutes, evidently resulting in a loss and a great deal of frustration. With CM13, all issues are gone.
My only complaint is that power saver button in dropdown menu is mysteriously gone after update.

Are you implying that there's no native Linux in Android?

Android does run native linux kernel tho.
Did you by any chance mean GNU?
I would kill for some sweet GNU/Phone

Why cocoon? It just looks dumb

It feels good to have a battery lasting two days

I've been running this cm 12 nightly on my HTC one m7 for months now, only little problems that can easily be fixed.

They are big talents

I use RR 5.7.3 (Without SuperSU), and it runs pretty good; in fact, it's even better than the official CM builds in terms of battery life.

>theres an autism mode in CM called performance which is supposed to save battery by throtling the CPU

That's not it, fucktard. That thing makes your phone constantly run at max CPU clock speed. You're too dumb to use custom ROMs. Did you read the threads on XDA on that rom to see what problems people have with it? Do you even know how to flash properly?

Your builds reek of unofficial ones. If you're running unofficial builds you have no right to complain.

Next time you buy a phone check if it has official CM support prior buying it.

bug you tell!me :^)

It would be possible if retarded manufacturers used a FOSS license on their firmware and drivers.

>a fucking unofficial ALPHA that isn't updated in a year

>No updates in a year and a half, and it's unofficial ALPHA as well

get out of here; the official CM is awesome

hasn't been*

>only the reaaalllyyyyy popular phones have working cm roms


you probably tried to install the gsm version when your phone isnt gsm
>hurr durr i cant download the right one

Naw, look at He's using unofficial alpha crap.


Kek, how do these tech illiterate fucks even make it to Sup Forums

OP unless you can compile CM from source, debug issues, fix issues yourself, you have no right to complain you uneducated street shitter, you shouldn't be here either

>theres an autism mode in CM called performance which is supposed to save battery by throtling the CPU

Is this bait? Performance mode forces all cores to run at the max clock speed and marks every core as usable.

Android in general is a hot mess.

You either get working, but outdated software with vulnerabilities or something updated, but buggy.

There's pretty much no third way, except maybe with some Nexus phones.

>tfw running CM13 on my S5 and it just werkz

Enjoy your vulnerabilities

>implying I download apks from totallylegitcracks.net.ru

I get daily builds anyway so it's going to get patched in a week at most, couldn't care less.

>I get daily builds anyway

Well then it probably doesn't just werk.

Except it does, unless you are trying to say that you know how my device works better than me.

What ROM should I flash on my 2nd Gen Moto X XT1096? Verizon are cunts and never updated it to 6.0 so I'm stuck on 5.1 forever. Would prefer something that improves battery life no matter how little because the stock battery is kinda weak. I was thinking about flashing the XT1095 6.0 ROM since it's fully compatible and functional AFAIK. It's either that or whatever the newest CM is, 13 I think, but I'm not aware of any other alternatives.

>tfw phone has only unofficial CM roms

>waa why my alpha unofficial operation system doesn't work waaaa

custom roms are a meme

You are a meme

i used official and '"'stable"'"'" releases of cm, yet I got crashes, not working features and even boot loops

I don't know if bait or plain stupid.

So, what?

You must have a piece of shit phone then

Is cm13 on rn3p out of pajeet tier now that it has official support? Everything was broken before

Same here, CM was good. I did ADB bug reports for the S5/S6 and pushed them to maintainer and Ray.
After a while, they just stopped giving a shit.
> install latest nightly
> Gallery completely doesn't fucking work when reading from SD
> Clover freezes when viewing too many consecutive images/webms, caushing phone to reboot
> Random reboots during idle use
Honestly. As much as I hate touchjizz, feels good to be able to come back to something that works well. The camera works great as well which is a first.

>what is nightly builds

They're still shit.

I don't get any of those with my official nightlies and I have an S5. Which phone do you have?

>tfw first Note
>tfw CM12
>tfw feels like a new phone

Why do people even upgrade their phones more that once every 4 years?

Did anyone try cm13 on a oneplus 3?
Is it good?

>tfw international Note 4 CM development is pretty much stalled
Marlin and Sailfish when

>root and install cm13 on my 1+1
>better battery life (6-7hrs screen time)
>no more touch screen issues

it just werks