When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?

When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
Which distro?
How did you come across it?

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?

>Which distro?
Ubuntu 9.04

>How did you come across it?
Saw some random promotion for a "virtual server" for "$0.10 first month!". Decided "why not" and took the chance.
Had never used a remote server before so I didn't know what to expect. Got an email with "VNC" details, installed VNC, logged in and was prompted with GNOME 2. Been in ️ ever since

Fell for the Linux meme on Sup Forums

1997 I think?
Red Hat. Yes, kids, back then, Red Hat was an actual desktop distro, before it became RHEL and they created Fedora Core (now just Fedora).
Trying to get away from fucking Microsoft Windows cancer given that I preferred the dying OS/2, made worse back then that Win9x was true, absolute cancer, a buggy, laughable mess.

In the 1990s.

Slackware, which was a bitch to keep running

I found it on IRC, a person talking about a usenet post

I think I switched to Mandrake at sometime because it already had drivers for some hardware I had, then went to Debian and never changed.

These days I use BSD because a) less distraction, I need to get work done b) simple system, no intelligent daemons rewriting config files or complexity c) predictable behavior

A friend of mine gave me a disc

Bought CD

and for the record, Red Hat has always been awful.

Ubuntu 8.04
Friend was using it, so I tried, then never used it again until last year because the computer I put it on was terribad
Then got on the Xubuntu 14.04 train for CUDA

here and I agree, RH was crap but it was the first one I found. SuSE was the second thing I found and it was at least better.

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?

>Which distro?
Fedora Core

>How did you come across it?
I truly and honestly do not remember. I heard a computer science buddy talking about GNU/Linux, so I got curious about it and installed the first thing I could find. I have never looked back, though I use Arch now. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... hiss!)

A friend told me about it.

Mint sometime in like 2007.

But I consider myself properly starting using linux in 2013, with Mint again, I think. Could have been Ubuntu or Manjaro as well.

Oh, I came across it on the internet. But I installed it when I friend brought it up and reminded me that it was a thing.

Got into it in 2013 because I started seriously browsing Sup Forums then.

>These days I use BSD because a) less distraction, I need to get work done b) simple system, no intelligent daemons rewriting config files or complexity c) predictable behavior

First time I've seen someone advocate seriously for BSD > GNU+Linux
Those are some pretty good reasons. I use GNU+Linux myself as much as a hobby as I do productivity.

When I was 11 or 12
>which distro
I'd read about Linux here and there and wanted to try it out.

90s, Maybe 98. It was a Red hat that came with a real magazine. The cd came scratched but i manage to install it anyways. The gui was the hard part with those obscure video cards.

i payed for redhat disks in the 90s when i was a kid

learned to compile my own kernel

if i knew someone would invent linux mint i would not have bothered learning

Damn Small Linux in like 2005 because I was scared as fuck of identity theft. It was my first online purchase ever using my mums credit card.
Linux is shit tho, and I haven't used it since.

> when
> distro
Ubuntu 14.04
Windows 7 was heavy for that laptop i had.

It worked much better than i expected/heard.

First time I used Linux I had used a copy of Mandriva, something like 2006? 2007? My gf actually was the one who suggested that if I wanted to get into computers I should pull apart OSes. I liked it, but my computer was a real clunker, so I eventually started using Debian with XFCE. I tried free BSD but it was such a pain to get everything working properly I stopped using it.

I'm still on Debian, but nVidia doesn't seem to like XFCE at the moment because it won't run my graphics driver properly, so now I'm on GNOME3 and I hate it. I've been told to try K, but I don't like most K applications so I'm hesitant.

>Wanted try something new, kept getting angry at everything because everything felt hassle, went back to windows

I do this occasionally even now, but i dont get angry nowadays, i still have to switch back to windows because some software dont work correctly

>my own distro
>i was board

Like circa 2012 i think?
Linux Mint
>How did you cum across it
Started browsing Sup Forums

I remember this. Full package with CD and manual.

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
>Which distro?
>How did you come across it?
Wanted to try, walked past magazine stand and saw a magazine that came with all the discs.

Ubuntu 10.04
I wanted to become an epic h4x0r

Linux Mint
An asshole mlp fan on a steam chat that claimed that it's the No.1 OS with no explanation and started harrasing me for not using it, scared me away from getting it and blocked that fucker.
Went back this spring after looking around Sup Forums, but now I'm testing out mostly every distro I can find. As far, I took a liking to Fedora and Debian.

Oops i read wrong:
3. I found ubuntu and other distros through distrowatch.com which was some user posted.

I tried various distros with VirtualBox
Then later i learned of Wubi and used that for a while.

Moved to xubuntu with 9.10

Mint de
Kept complaining about Windows to a friend and he told me to stop being a pleb and threw me a disk with the words "mint Debian testing" on it

I liked mint but using manjaro now and enjoying it

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
>Which distro?
>How did you come across it?
Got it from a friend who had downloaded three ISOs from 56k modem connection.
I'd previously read a bit on linux, but never gotten it, and I got the CDs, got a new HDD and I started to play around with it since

I guess it was Ubuntu a few years back. People always recommended Mint so I went on to try that but nowadays I prefer pure Debian.

Mint 2009


I ran both Slackware and OpenSUSE on my new computer for a while (I found out about them on a magazine), until finally settling with XP - that I'm running to this day.

I should probably try a Linux distro sometime soon.

still running to this day*

Exactly the same for me.

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
I was 13
>Which distro?
>How did you come across it?
I wanted to be hacker lol

may, 2016

Ubuntu 16.04

>how come across it?
saw friend of mine using it, became interested in linux

programming is a hobby so it makes it easier. (for C/C++/Python anyway)

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
I'm not sure, around 2005 or 2006.
>Which distro?
Can't remember. I used Fedora Core for a long time and Arch too.
>How did you come across it?
I have no idea.

Alpine. (no GNU)
Sup Forums

It was Slax which is/was a usb version of slackware (idk if its still active)
Googled "custom os" or something along those lines bc me as a youngin didnt know anything about the work needed for operating systems

Installed RH early 2000. Didn't have an internet connection to my room and dail-up was only available on my parents PC so I abandoned it when I found the learning curve a bit too steep.

In 2005 I moved out and dual booted xp with Debian. Finally got the hang of it then.

I still use Debian on my desktop and NAS.

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
Sometime between 2003 and 2005.
>Which distro?
Mandriva, I'm pretty sure.
>How did you come across it?
I used to go on Slashdot every day. They would constantly talk about Linux and make references to it that I would pretend to get. I got curious and installed it. Was uncomfortable with how ugly it was, and that it didn't just werk. Although, in 2007, my desktop broke, and for some reason Windows didn't work but Ubuntu did. Used it for about three months before I got a MBP for college and saw the light that was OS X Tiger.

2001 i think
My classmate's brother had a cd and i just borrowed it




The website

I put it on this shitty netbook, and gave it to my brother, he thought he was a big haxor and was like "You gave me a fucked up computer"

Ubuntu in 2009. The internet is a magical place.

Linux Mint
Maximum Lurking

Capta: fagioli 7400

Don't know what GNU+Linux is but my first Linux installation was somewhere like 2006 and it was OpenSuSE

Ubuntu on my Macbook
Sup Forums

2015. Linux Mint. Have since jumped to Xubuntu after playing around with different distros. Windows 10 is horrible NSA spyware.

>When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
In 2014
>Which distro?
>How did you come across it?
Sup Forums memed me into it

3 or 4 years ago.
I installed Mageia on my laptop, a Mandriva based distro. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing but I managed to get some things working, essentially via the GUI (though I felt like a god when I finally learned how to make a .desktop for the gnome dock).
I had known about Linux for a long time but I never bothered looking into it even a little since I had no real reason to use it at the time. I finally got into it when my I grew an interest for programming and tech in general.

Now I'm running gentoo and I don't want anything to do with windows ever again.