/bst/ - Battlestation

Battlestation Thread.

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First time postin' in bst

Should I get a little dot mk1+ and a pair of k702 or a Bulgarian Makarov?

Shitty """art""" but comfy room and nice view



Get rid of the Tool poster, those bullet casings and padlocks.

B-b-but I need to use it to work.

But honestly I got forced onto Windows 8 two years ago, so I updated .

It's understandable then if you were on Win8, 10 is better.

Oldstation coming through, it'll look like this again when I move back to my old room once the school year starts

Looks comfy
Otherwise good, don't get the point of 3 monitors though unless your doing some serious multitasking

Back home.

1080 arriving tomorrow.

this setup now no longer exists, all has been taken apart awaiting the arrival of the new desk.

10k days was a cool album, in his defense

New thread still the same thing

Give me some good recommendations. Feel like working on my setup soon, and setting something up that is nice.

get a second monitor the same as your first and put your tv elsewhere.

Why would one replace that desk when it looks fine?

I wanted something quite a bit deeper

Yea I have taught about that but I really don't know where to put the TV besides on the wall behind my monitor.

My shit. Just finished up my VR chair. Not something for Sup Forums consumption I am afraid though.

Enjoying the Blue Angels out today from my patio.

Ahh, I know that feel. Irritating as fuck, hurts wrists, uncomfortable etc.

Got a new mousepad to cover my whole desk, not there is no reason for it to be glass but it works.

I like the way your desktop is placed a lot
Still dont know how you deal with having neither monitor centered.
Nice lighting, super cozy.
nice wallpaper keyboard combo as always.
Still super nice, do you ever change the colors of those backlights?
Really like the natural light, also I have the same socks.
You should find a wallpaper that spans all three monitors
>3 inches to move the mouse
watercooled waifu still funny
Clean cables a little but but that is mostly the camera angle desu
10/10 what are those tiny screens down there?
Is that fan at an angle necessary tho?

exactly. I was also hoping with a deeper, slightly longer desk I'll be able to fit my studio monitors on it too.

>locked i5

My lair of virginity, autism, and knowledge

lol good one user

Uhhhhhh 2003 called, they said you can keep it all

I see Delta Force and Hexen games in the background. Fuck you, now I want to go back in time.



The tiny screens are 7inch panels used for apps when 3 mains are in use. I have a couple more for some future plans.
The fan is a stock location for that case. Designed to push air along the route. There is a place for 2(1 more mounting bracket below it) but only using 1. I coulda done without it sure I guess, but had it so why not.

1983 called, they're wanting their joke back

i do some serious multi tasking

Shit camera


This is not Sup Forums

Give me a (you) any (you) will do.

No. You buy the o2amp+dac and the hd600.

>Mostly the camera angle
Yes man, got that right. Really the cable management is not that bad.
There aren't even that many cables.

I love memes.
Count the memes.

Who here /spends2hoursretakingpicturesandmovingshitaroundtomaketheirsetuplookjustrightandthenreuploadsthesamepictureoverandovereverythread/?

>1080i wega
my nigga


Nice setup. I remember you said you wanted two monitors in the past. Why not just get a 27" monitor at least?

Should I buy a Power Mac G5 case?



Reviews later

Yes, sexiest case ever

this is a 27" monitor.
the speakers are just very big.

Centered? You mean being horizontaly symmetric with the desk or one being being in front of me (and the keyboard/Mouse) while the other one left on the side. Well, it never really bothered me to be honest.

and before you ask, no im not outside im in a brightly lit room

Heres the speccy


how deep was the desk?



>guts spilled on the desk
>swisher sweets
off yourself nigger


>dude weed lol

Would a Nigger own a coffee-press?

Bedroom of your parents house/10

It's probably stolen

Lets get meming!

Well, that's why I haven't posted mine in years.

Hopefully I finish what I want to do and can post something I'm proud of.

Ah fair enough. Your setup is even better then. My brother used to have that sony crt. It was pretty good from what I remember.

How can I improve my setup?

Not even trying to be a prick but I bet you fucking stink.



cunt, comes natural right?

I like this battlestation

No rich kid bullshit, no clutter, all products are good quality, more minimalist than the fancy shit usually posted here. 9/10

U sissiboi bro?
I'm not seeing any socks?
Whatcha drinking user?

Don't need U to stand up for me m8
Thanks anyway though.

1.Clean your shit
2. replace that mouse mat
3. hide the speaker cables using sellotape

It's pretty easy m8. I'm not even going to comment on the actual equipment, that's up to you.


Na just bit drunk and meming about, no offence meant. That rhyme about the pink case annoys me. Nothing more.

always a winner!

get with the program bud
I feel yo pain

Is that a hadron air I see?

>natural light
thanks i think the lighting in my old room was so much better
what kind of multitasking
>inb4 turbo fap
it is indeed

Do you have any pics of the build? Or would you mind just telling me what you have in there?I don't recall you posting them in the last thread.


Here's a pic it's an i5 4590, gtx 980, Samsung evo 850 500gb

Are you living in a basket user?
Nice tablet though

psu is dieing sadly

What chair is this?

I'm an ex smoker from a shit hole in the middle of England and that looks like some absolute fucking
dirt weed. And I don't mean the gutted tobacco either.

My limit is $400 usd

gnash please go


Cute doggo / 10

I like the mostly white. Brand of monitor and where is that wallpaper from and can you please share it?



This weekend I am going to rearrange. I got some new toys coming in the mail.

Forgot the friggen pic


I have considered getting that as a desk. I really just want the top, but every top I find is the same price as buying the whole thing. How do you like it?

Also, get some velcro and cable manage that crap.

Cringe, please return all of that back to guitar center. JBL makes the worst speakers alive, I'd even choose Bose or KRK over them. Get yourself a Saffire Pro 14 if you plan on recording ever. Also I see 4 memes.

Updated my EDC picture


top tier taste my son

I plug a lot of usb drives and externals so having the pc in another room would be a nuisance. Good idea if you don't tho.

How do you people play anything with such small mouse pads?

>LED button on monitor not disabled

It's like you faggots want to be distracted when doing important work on your computers