Is OS X the best OS?

>*nix based kernel good for coding
>Hybrid kernel good for multitasking
>Extensive API to manage multimedia

It has even less hardware support than Linux haha

*monolithic kernel


It's pretty gud

>monolithic kernel
wasn't Mac OS monolithic until X or is X monolithic too?

XNU's a monolithic kernel

>unironically using the word "coding"
>caring about multimedia management
>the hybrid kernel meme
>apple shill

Is this the ultimate bait?

hey I forgot to add "OS X" to my filters!

Thanks for the reminder OP :^)

enjoy your sage

but wikipedia says hybrid ... ?

That's probably referring to the 32 bit kernel on a 64 bit user land fuckery they had to do during the Core 2 days.

>>unironically using the word "coding"
>criticizing the use of a word

>>caring about multimedia management

>>the hybrid kernel meme
>literally saying nothing

>>apple shill
Is this truly all you have to offer? What a useless comment.

That's all you have to say?

>Yes Princess, it is.

XNU is not UNIX u fucking idiot

In my experience, the people who use this term have no idea what it means and even less of an idea what the sentence they're using it in means.

How is the OS X kernel good for coding?

Yes. To add to that:
>Sensible video editors
>Adobe programs
>Actual office suites

>UNIX kernels are better for coding
My favorite meme. PROTIP: unless you program exclusively command line utilities in C, you probably won't benefit from an UNIX kernel.

>Hybrid kernel good for multitasking
But hybrid kernels are worse for multitasking as they are slower.

the kernel doesn't make an OS good for programming; that would be the available tools
mac os x kernel isn't hybrid
wtf is multimedia management?


GNU is better for development, MacOS is too locked down, plus Linux is the most secure and best monolithic kernel for *nix based systems

Meaning that it doesn't come from SysV.

>MacOS is too locked down

Top I'm not sure but It's a very good OS. I'd recommend.
It's got as good hardware support as the manufacturer of the hardware is willing to give it.

They believe anything people tell them. Or they get confused with Windows 10.

Under the hood it's a solid contender, but the UI is dogshit and I still need windows for application support

>kernel never able to match the performance of Linux or FreeBSD
No thanks.

Meh, OSX is alright, but it can't run with 512mb of ram on a dual core 1.5ghz processor, while Linux distros can.

Not a declaration of betterment, but an observation nonetheless