Why do people even use anything besides Chrome?

Why do people even use anything besides Chrome?

>Only uses 175 MB of RAM
>Only uses RAM, only uses 1% of your CPU
>Firefox uses 100 MB of RAM, but 5% of your CPU
>Extensions only make it worse

Why even use SJWFox?

Because I use IE8 on my Win Xp toaster

I use vivaldi yeah it uses Google chronium as base but the ram consumption is different way less than chrome

My chrome is fucked, takes aaaaages to load (it's not my internet)
Switched to Firefox, not even that bad

What's the name of this doujin?

I use Opera, because I like being part of a chinese botnet.

Can't completely theme chrome. I want the address bar and menus to all be white text on dark backgrounds. You can do that in Pale Moon/Firefox but not chrome on Windows.

I don't use a browser that can not support the Tree Style Tabs extension. Since I started using it, there is no way I am ever going back to horizontal tab.

Admit it, you're getting jealous as you look at this and think of all the times you've wasted juggling and managing your tabs when there was an easy solution at your reach.

>>Extensions only make it worse
Clearly have not used it.

Or you just installed the wrong extensions.

Interesting, ill check it out, but you better not be memeing me

I prefer to use Opera which is based on Google Chromium for some privacy features which partially bypasses cuck ISP restrictions in my country and is simpler for me to use and configure than Chrome a little.

Don't like Chrome as it generally liked to be linked to a gmail account (not necessary but had memory leak issues the last time I used it when Google had not address a fuck ton of bugs for it at the time). Also need the privacy feature too from Opera.

Still use FireFox as it used to be good and better than most, but SJW nonsense in the development department may has actually ruined it or put it behind the competition.
Opera can support some stuff that FireFox can do such as playing .webm files so that is why Opera is my preference.

Also use MS Edge but it is so shit. Even after the Anniversary update I still don't like it and it's settings are too stripped down overall.

FireFox actually has extensions and I fear the botnet boogeyman more than the fat transfurries with died hair boogeyxers.

Try buying more RAM, it's like $30 for 8GB user.

I was thinking of doing this since I'm using Antergos on a 3 GB laptop and I have a pretty dumb question,
is it "ok" to mix RAM cards and use different brands, etc.?

>Tonikaku - Josoko Hatten Kei

Honestly, I look at it like this.

>Chrome - Botnet, fast, great HTML5 support, no extensions besides the necessary ones.

>Firefox - Fast, but not as fast as Chrome. Customizable. Not a botnet. Needs extensions to be as good as Chrome.

>Opera - Basically Chrome but with more extensions and features. Not as many extensions as Firefox. Faster than Firefox but Chinese botnet instead of American.

It depends on what you want. Personally, I'm on Windows 10 so I'm already balls deep in the botnet. I just use Chrome. There's no point in protecting my privacy with something like Firefox, and I'd much rather have Google spy on me than a bunch of chinks.

TL;DR - Use Chrome if you just want something that werks. Use Firecucks, if you want something that werks but needs tweaking to be great. Use Opera if you like yellow penis.

No idea user. 3GB definitely isn't enough.

I recently replaced the 4GB of RAM I had in my computer for the past 5 years. It was $30 for one stick of 8GB of RAM (INB4 >one stick).

It's a hell of a lot faster. Between Chrome, Steam and Battle.net launcher, it used like 65% of my RAM. Now it uses like 35%.

That's because Sup Forums is full of Jews who are too cheap to update their hardware. They have the money, whether it be from their job, NEETbux, or their parents.

Sup Forums hates spending money when they feel like they don't have to, that's why they run Linux. The whole "L-Linux is faster than Windows" meme is a result of Sup Forums still using 4GB of RAM because "R-RAM not used is wasted".

Linux and Firefox are lightweight, so it makes it run better on their half a decade old Thinkpad. There's nothing wrong with saving money, but Sup Forums are truly Jews.

No lie, 75% of the posters on Sup Forums are just paid shills. The whole "5 points have been deposited in your Bing account Pajeet" thing isn't even a meme. It's just a Jewish shill insulting another Jewish shill because he's promoting Windows 10 and the other shill is promoting Apple.

>Only uses 175 MB of RAM
>Firefox uses 100 MB of RAM, but 5% of your CPU

Five years ago maybe. Now they are both over 400MB with one tab.

When it comes to linux and thinkpads, why spend more money when it's just shitposting on Sup Forums and watching anime?
It's always better to concentrate on software efficiency than to blow 400W on the new super-inefficient browser or operating system

Thinking of making the switch to chromium, it starts up in 1 sec, firecucks takes like 3 secs. And the Chromium project has always been one of the "good examples of C++ code", unlike furecucks.

maxthon 5

> be me
>watching Keeeeeeeeemstar on yt
>poodlecorp "HACKED SHIT"
>lets go check them out on twitter
>My browser glitched
>delete history delete chrome install fox fast fast
>change every password everywhere
>change ip
>uff, never again.

Let me guess, wincuck?

Sick b8

No, because I have vimium which can do tab search and I don't like wasting 30% of my horizontal space like a dumbass.

Indeed, I cant really play my games on pinguin,

Because I don't have enough ram and I have a good CPU? It's not rocket science dipshit

do a defrag
>unless you have a SSD
>he fell for the SSD meme

>using SJWs as an argument
Sorry, this is not Sup Forums. Please take your mental issues back there. Thank you.

Also, Google is very SJW. See their youtube vids and footer ads.

Firefox is fine on my core i3 PC with 4GB ram. I usually have 20-30 tabs open, and thats with GNOME. (Deb Jessie)

Stop using firefox on winders.

Where's that pic from?

Reminds me of a trap hentai. Ask /wsr/.

If you have 3GB, you already have certainly different sized, probably different timed, possibly different clocked and maybe even different branded (albeit possibly using the same chip brand) modules.

Firefox on Windows works great too.

Same hardware, firefox used to crash when i used Windows.
>load article
>60 seconds later

Because I actually use my browser and tab management isn't dogshit on Firefox

It's a trap though.


Frankly OP, it's pretty laggy with OneeChan.

Firefox and Safari are smooth with it.

>Tonikaku - Josoko Hatten Kei
Shit I should've known he was the one who made this. I thought the art style look similar.

thanks for saucing me kind user

>only uses 175mb of ram

Literally the only reason I use Firefox is for Pentadactyl and Tree Style Tabs. My setup is way too comfy to switch.

Call me a heretic or whatever, but regular vertical tabs are good enough on a small screen and I actually prefer SeaMonkey's sidebar on a big screen.

That's even better.

Call me a tinfoil, but I like knowing that my browser (pm) isn't phoning home to anyone.

>Only uses 175 MB of RAM

Can you change tabs by using a scroll bar like the linux version of chrome?

You don't need that horizontal space. Webpages are designed to span over vertical space.
