I fucking hate iPhones.
I just deleted 1GB worth of stuff on my phone because I kept getting the "not enough storage" notification. Guess what happened next. STILL NO FUCKING STORAGE. Seriously, what the fuck? What the fuck is this shit Apple?
If it weren't for groupchat messaging, I wouldn't have this garbage of a phone. I wish I still had an android.
IPhone hate thread
I totally don't understand why people use iPhone. You literally cannot do anything on this phone except pay apple more money for stuff.
because android is trash
Don't ever buy anything from Apple, it's made to be fancy and uncomplicated but it's really restrictive. Their phones won't even last for a single year because some part breaks or it goes from 100% charge to off in a minute, it's literally engineered to break somehow so you have to spend a shitload of money on their next model. Other phones are cheaper, longer-lasting and have shit like SD slots.
I can't wait for the iPhone 7 to come out so they can finally be buried like Nokia and blackberry.
A world with android and Google is a world with absolute freedom.
You deserve anything coming your way, cuck
>Their phones won't even last for a single year because some part breaks or it goes from 100% charge to off in a minute, it's literally engineered to break somehow so you have to spend a shitload of money on their next model
tell that to my 4 year old iPhone 5 still working like new
Awww.. Poor fag can't afford an android
>paying money for an Android phone
>paying money for contract
Fake and gay, no pictures for proof.
Shills, and anti-X product never post proof, aka. OP is a lying faggot
>OP too stupid to use a phone
>blames manufacturer
>Sup Forumsentoos retards support him because xD apple is bad XDD
what´s with all the hate.
>you dont like iphone? dont buy one
>you dont like android? dont buy one
>used both, liked both
>iphones feel more responsive and fluid
>androids have much more freedom
just my two cents
No you don't understand, this is a fight for freedom. Apple takes it away and charges for the privledge.
Google and android will set us free from the shackles of an apple world.
>i have never owned an iPhone, better make some shit up
iPhones don't really make sense anymore. You are paying twice the price for a phone that's quite honestly mediocre. Apple packs it with so much unnecessary shit nowadays that it has become heavy and sluggish, which gets worse the older your phone is.
I used to be a fan of the iPhone, now I don't even want one. Android has become good enough, becoming the OS it was meant to be for almost 5 generations. It shares irritating features with the newest iOS, like the default music player connecting or trying to connect to the internet before allowing me access to local content, but unlike iOS, you can actually do a lot to fix the problems it has. I mean sure, jailbreaking is a thing, but it voids your warranty. iPhones have hardware problems so commonly that I wouldn't want to get stranded with a broken headphone jack (while they still have them) just because I wanted to remove Apples bullshit applications and such.
Android is getting better by the day, iOS is getting shittier by the day. Siri is better than Google Now but in the end Siri is pretty useless too. I use voice commands to set timers and shit, they all do it the same.
I think google now is actually better
>pic related mfw i unvoid the warranty
Fluff, conjecture and little to stand on.
thats pretty cringy to be honest
What does Apple take away exactly?
Did this company ever hurt you?
If you think android is great why dont you just enjoy the greatness and let everyone who´s an iphone fan enjoy the iphone
>I wonder why there are only android guys hating on apple and not the other way around
>inb4 there´s nothing to hate about android
>there is... plenty in fact
>software updates come from cell carrier
>critical security updates not guaranteed for longer than several months after release
>no secure enclave
>mailing the device in for repairs
>considering antivirus software
>intrusive app framework logging and reporting every activity on the device
>no iMessage
>java shit
>touch keyboards suck until everyone else does it
>The thing I laugh about everyday
>meanwhile looking at the stock market charts
>looking at sales (besides that shithole india, enjoy your dogshit, pajeet)
>poorfags wont ever stop crying, will they?
Nice bait, almost fell for it.
Wtf I hate Apple now.
Jailbreak and run iCleaner, then keep it jailbroken so you stop whining about what it "can't" do.
>Im an andriod peasent
>A dystopian advertising/data mining megacorp and their proprietary blob-laden tracking devices will set us free from the "shackles" of the global minority marketshare of a luxury technology megacorp's proprietary blob-laden tracking devices
Bait, shilling or knee-jerk contarianism gone too far?