Replace the 1080 with the new Titan X and this is literally the epitome of futureproof.
Replace the 1080 with the new Titan X and this is literally the epitome of futureproof
>gaming PC
>22 cores
High core count processors work surprisingly well in modern games. Specially ones like The Witcher 3 and GTAV.
Of course, until next year.
>compact gaming
hate this meme
no, fuck you lan partys are dead
>Of course, until next month.
Moore's Law, my man. This will become obsolete in 3 ~ 5 years.
Na, the 1080Ti won't be better than the Titan. It'll be close, and a lot cheaper, but not better.
Moore's law is dead and has been for a couple of years. Source: I design processors.
What is the point in compact gaming rigs? If you absolutely have no space for normal sized PC case, you have issues that need to be solved in your life before you start to think of playing games.
not really, otherwise everyone would be using 8350s
fuck off with your LinusShill tips, goyim
>muh aesthetics
>uses poofan colored noctua and tacky RGB lighting
Do you solder them too ?
8350 are not high core count CPUs. They have the performance of a 4 core i5 even in multi core workloads.
Okay, they do technically have many cores but the cores perform very poorly.
You will get higher FPS with a higher clocked i5/i7 skylake than a 22core slower clocked server CPU.
Linus is just flaunting his free shit and builds these unrealistic computers so he can ask for more free shit and sponsors.
....wu...what? No, that makes no sense.
Not really. I have a 2GHz MCC processor and I tap out my graphics card with ease in games like the witcher 3. It is not possible to get more than 100% load on GPU so the frame rate can't go up no matter what processor you use.
Modern games actually do support high core counts. Obviously this is pointless from a consumer point of view, since these processors cost something like 1800+ dollars, but that's not the point.
>is literally the epitome of futureproof.
It is until Nvidia decides to cripple or kill it with their drivers.
Its not even funny i am still mad what they did to my 8800GT and 480GTX
The CPU in that system costs more than two high-end gaming PCs combined, what the actual fuck?
>ayyymd false flag
sure thing buddy,you are not the one with a small pile of useless cards.
That's a sad reality. I miss LAN parties.
It's not dead. I work with a group that makes one twice a year. 200+ attending.
i was under the impression that the 8350 only has 4 true cores anyways
ye. it was so much fun gathering and just game all weekend with your friends and other random people. lots of drinks, food, faggots with laptops, Alphas with their 30kg gaming setups. miss these times.
na it sucks. get a bigger case, a normal mainboard, you dont need an Xeon for gaming. waste of money. same goes for the Titan X.
It has 8 cores and whether you want to call them "true" or not is up to you. "True" in this context means pretty much nothing.
>fell for the thinkpad meme
>too stupid to maintain winblows
>thinks people are watching him IRL
What I need to study to design processors or mess with electronics in general?
I'm joining physics next year. Is there I path I can follow from there?
Ordered one of these babies around kickstarter
Will be adding a 490 or 400 fury, 400w gold corsair psu, 512 m.2, kabylake 7600k and 16gb 3000mhz ddr4.
yes but high core count works on games such as GTAV, star citizen, crysis 3 to name a few, they eat threads
Who are you even talking to?
500w or go home.
When will the "futureproof" meme stop? People said "futureproof" when they bought GTX970 cards last generation, and now everyone's upgrading as soon as the next generation arrived. Even if you bought a GTX980 or 980Ti, you're still upgrading.
There is no such thing as "futureproofing". Maybe we can talk about futureproofing with high end CPUs because the CPU industry has become so stagnant. But you're still upgrading your GPU with every new gen.
Actually I upgrade every second or third or even fourth gen. 1 generation in GPUs is usually a boring upgrade.
Just in case Mom stop giving me money for new GPUs.
>CPUs futureproofing = stagnant industry
This pretty much sums up. Futureproof shit only exists when the industry has no reason to improve due to lack of competition. Intel is shitting in our face with similar CPUs and their sky-high prices every year. AMD is fighting in two fronts, and losing on both. So there's really no competition for Intel.
I'm starting to think that AMD should sell the Radeon/ATi division to Samsung, and focus on the CPU market. It will be good for everyone, especially for them.
I can finally read the latest VN again!
i hoped it was the right person but fuck off anyways
use windows 7 or xp for that
I ordered a 1080 and I will be using it on windows 7.
Don't plan switching to botnet 10 in the future either.
Moore's law was the stupidest thing I learned in high school a while back. When I heard of it the first thing I thought was, "how can you set a timeline on human ingenuity". It's not a law, it's an observation, and a bad one at that. Completely subject to competition in the industry. Fuck Moore.
I only lan with friends, not a bunch of thieving cunts.