Go for a walk at midnight last night

>go for a walk at midnight last night
>come across a PC on the sidewalk
>looks like it could work (but pentium 4)
>make a note of it and keep walking
>find another PC but this one is open and it's too dark to see what it's missing
>decide to take them both home
>walk 3km home at midnight with a computer under each arm
>have to stop every now and then because arms are killing me
I just looked now and one of PCs has had all the good bits ripped out, like they literally ripped them out and broke the PCI slots

What odd tech stories do you have?

>found PC outside

>be me
>go to recycle place
>buy laptop pc for 25 bucks
>know what wrong with it
>hinge is broke everything is fine all parts work
>battery is fucked and charger is faulty
>common model.jpg
>Order all the replacement parts from Trademe
>CPU C2D,4GB ram upgrade , old shell of the same model
>fix it up
>install windows 7 give it all the drivers
>upgrade to windows 10
>install office 360
>give it to my mum for mothers day.
>the end.


Whats the name of the recycling place? If you don't mind

>Go into thrift store I visit regularly
>Ranfom junk as always, go to the back where they have the CRT TVs and maybe some interesting stuff
>Find a fucking IBM PC XT with the 5153 CGA monitor
>"How much do you want for this guy?"
>Give them €10
>The thing works perfectly fine, even the hard drive works, the motherboard had been replaced with a generic "Turbo XT" board at some point, though
Pic related

>willingly paying for junk
this board never ceases to amaze me

The money goes to some charity that helps addicts get off drugs

and what do you do with that old piece of crap?

But you didn't donate to them, you only paid to get junk in return

Another yerofag here, we used to smash that shit working at a recycling center, sometime we got in 20 of those old fuckers from companies or abandoned offices to be taken apart and scraped.
Only plus I can tell you about those things is that they are build well, hard to fucking crack.

Play CGA gaymen and run demos on it. I'm also planning on getting an ethernet card and using it for IRC.

I believe you bought this junk just to brag about on Sup Forums

I second that

What CGA games? What NIC are you planing to use? With what stack?

who gives a shit, he's interested in it what more info do you need? It's more productive than sitting on your ass shitposting or playing vidya which is what like 90% of you faggots do

>What CGA games?
Sorry, I misspelled "gag games"

>What NIC are you planing to use?
That one which better fit in my ass

>With what stack?
That stacks in my ass as I said

how is buying junk productive?

Didn't hope for better.

literally everything u can do on a fucking phone

kys faggot

>Get actual question
>Answer with retarded shit
Oh Sup Forums, never change

>waaah mooom some people online like things that I don't like

Some people just like collecting old hardware and/or doing stuff with them. Stop getting autistic over what someone else does in his spare time.

Real mature folk you are.

What some other person said does not concern me nor disproves what I said. Maybe you'll stop getting autistic over what other people like on a mongolian basket veawing site.

When you aren't 12 anymore*