Ok, Sup Forums, i need help. My computer is a fucking fire starter, and i cant stand anymore air coolers or water coolers, and got the idea of putting my pc in an aquarium and fill it up with mineral oil.
1. Have you seen someone do that?
2. Do you guys have any tips?
3. Im think about putting 2 air coolers in the aquarium bottom, to make the oil flow, but am concerned about it being forced by the mass of the oil.
4. Im going to put my ssd on it, but what about the hdd, have any tips?
Please help me out, guys.
Ok, Sup Forums, i need help. My computer is a fucking fire starter...
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Since submerging your computer on mineral oil to cool it is not a standard practice, have you considered you are doing something horribly wrong power-wise?
What do you mean? Wouldnt it be power efficient, acttualy cause of not being too hot?
custom loop
>1. Have you seen someone do that?
No, its retarded
>2. Do you guys have any tips?
Don't fucking do it. You have to clean the oil constantly or it will start to smell putrid. Good luck ever getting it completely off the components when you get tired of doing maintenance to it twice a month.
>3. Im think about putting 2 air coolers in the aquarium bottom, to make the oil flow, but am concerned about it being forced by the mass of the oil.
Air coolers are not meant to move liquid, they will burn out very fast. You will need something designed to pump liquid.
>4. Im going to put my ssd on it, but what about the hdd, have any tips?
Don't fucking do it.
>My computer is a fucking fire starter
Don't buy AMD next time.
>My computer is a fucking fire starter
Think why this is happening and solve the problem, don't patch it with a stupid idea.
Mineral oil have no smell or color, its not couzine oil. The maintenence should last a year or so.
Get one of those industrial strength air conditioners like the kinds you see in hotels. They can cool a room to 0°.
Thats actully a good idea, and i had that idea before, didnt do it just because i live with my parents and they are lame about changing the house layout.
i just bought a gtx 980, that shit is hot as hell.
This. Aim the air directly at your components.
What are you running that commercial coolers cant cool effectively? If its an FX 9k just sell it and buy an i5 , even an i3 6100 gives same/better performance
Its a i5 4770k and a 980 gtx on a z87 deluxe. Recently, some 20 days after the gtx980 arrival, my computer started to shut by itself, and after testing the power supply an this kind of stuff, i discovered it was because of temperature.
that is actually a great idea, im thinking of ways to that without my parents killing me.
>i just bought a gtx 980
>mineral oil
that's like saying a rock can go rancid
i am not a tech guy that much, i just work and do that boring shit, but now i got time and want to play some games and shit, so i asked my friend what was a hip gpu and he told me that this was the right choice for me, so i did.
didnt understand that as well.
How much did you pay for it? In american dollaydoos.
Im running a 4790K 4.4 ghz on a Z97 pci mate cooled by a 212 evo and im not going over 55C after 6 hours of prime95 , gpu is EVGA SSC 980 Ti that doesnt go over 68c with a custom curve. Either you forgot to apply thermal paste on cpu, take off the sticker from cooler or have 2 failing/ low quality PSUs. Whats the PSU/cooler and temps after playing something
I dont know in american dollars, i bought it in new zealand.
I just changed the thermal paste to see if it was that, but it wasnt unfotunatelly. Could be bad coolers, but im not sure. im going to change that anyway, even if not going into mineral oil stuff.
it's a retarded idea, it's only been done as a novelty project, it's not practical for everyday use, and if you're concerned about the heat rather than the noise, then with mineral oil your computer will still dump about the same amount of heat into the room
you'll get shit into the oil, either from the pc components or from the outside
Either youre baiting or being an ignorant fuck , whats your cooler , which make and model of psus did you try and what are your temps
this is Sup Forums-tier trolling, maybe the underage summerfag OP ought to learn a lesson but it's kinda cruel
im being an ignorant fuck, sorry, im new to this again, last time i did something with a computer was about 8 years ago.
would it fuck my pc?
nothing would go into the aquarium that would be semi-sealed. Pc components dont fall into the oil, because the oil prevent the components from oxidizing.
How do you go from air cooling to fucking mineral oil submersion? How about watercooling you fucking mongoloid? I see the dumbest shit on this fucking site.
AMD fag
That is why you're here. King of the retards.
mineral oil is highly inefficient for heat dissipation dumbass
and you plan on gaymen?
if water coolers, or air coolers trigger your autism, you should either kill yourself or use an expensive phase cooler which is twice the cost of the highest end computers.
A better idea would be fucking submerging yourself and a plugged in toaster in a bath and hoping you fucking die
Sounds like you don't have enough case fans, or yours are in a stupid orientation.
Draw your airflow in mspaint.
there are on my case, im thinkinf of getting the pc out of the case and putting it in a table.
I have seen it
Don't do it
No, oil needs pumps to flow, fans lack the oomph
HDD is a very bad choice as the oil will fill it and kill it.
If you are intent on submersing your PC, you should use silicone transformer oil. You will probably still want something to circulate the oil otherwise you might end up with insulating pockets.
noob fuck are you taking care of your computer? do you have fans on your case? is it full of dust? please download speccy and post a screenshot so we know what you are dealing with
do it OP
for the HDD, just keep it out of the oil.
If the HDD doesn't run hot, and you can do it right, there is a method of putting a balloon over it that is just slightly inflated.
Sup Forums is your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
I put my i7 in mineral oil, and my NVME SSDs, don't listen to these faggot computer janitors, everything will be fine, just make sure you run Gentoo on top of a ZFS root
Do it and post pics OP. I need to see this.
Yes, I have seen people do that. That's actually a sound idea.
Use aquarium air pumps to move the oil.