How come early microprocessors looked so cool and shway while microcomputers/minicomputers looked like monstrosities...

How come early microprocessors looked so cool and shway while microcomputers/minicomputers looked like monstrosities that only a museum wouldn't have embarassment to have on show?

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Why do you care what they look like?

Are you a woman?

This. They compute stuff and let you see porn. That's all that matters desu.

if having wide hips count as a one ~~~

You're not a woman, and you never will be.

They probably want a yellow/red skull-shaped CPU with ammo-shaped cooling fins and 'military grade' mounting clips.

Looks sexy af
Sad the machines that housed them looked utter shit

>Why do you care what they look like?

>Are you a woman?

Superb burn.

People quickly realized that if the wires within is reduced, the power consumption is reduced.
This is why we want smaller chips.

People also realized that on a square chip, there can be more connections on the bottom than if you use all sides.

if there can be 8 pins on all sides, there can be 32 connections if you have them on the side, but 64 if you have them on the bottom.

And smd size components are easy to solder and easy to automatize if you need to.


Pure sex

But modern prahcessahs are cool too!

There must be someone out there with this fetish too




ohh my





By that logic, everyone in battlestation threads is a woman.... which I'm not disputing

What if you do not care but post a pic on request?

>implying the old intel kit computers weren't cool as fuck

end your life


I don't care that that whole room has less computing power then my cellphone, I wanna use that fucking system. Truly we missed a great era.


>None of that glorious sound
Why bother posting this?

> that whole room has less computing power then my cellphone
please don't trigger me, such statements really downplay Cray's genius, even if it is true nowadays even when taking other details into account like memory bandwidth

some day i'll use a teletype




>punch hole programming without a reference design or a display
That's some hardcode coding right there