Which one and why?

Which one and why?

ZSH because it's more extensible and I really like syntax highlighting

Bash isn't perfect, it's just there to be a standard

"Anything but Bash is just hipster garbage"

>more extensible
What's better?



ksh because it's OpenBSD's default system and user shell.

Ksh always +1

im not into shell scripting yet so bash just because no reason to use anything else

sh for scripting, fish for interactive use, and whatever's installed for sysadmining

this desu

Whichever one Mr. Robot uses.

That trash isn't even POSIX compatible. Next to this, you can't sudo !! nor command && command.

I like zsh more because tab completion feels more like on windows.


>feels more like on windows

I like to tab through the completion list back and forth instead of just getting a list and having to type the rest myself.

Zsh. Because of oh-my-zsh and other small improvements. I tried it on a hackintosh and it makes osx actually good to use

Pretty much this.

>too lazy to configure defaults

>too lazy to configure his own operating system and hardware

busting some myths

>bash can't autocd
shopt -s autocd

>bash can't autopushd
alias cd='pushd "$PWD"; cd'

>bash can't cd into variables
shopt -s cdable_vars

>bash can't autocorrect cd misspellings
shopt -s cdspell

>bash can't do pattern globbing
shopt -u extglob

>bash can't do recursive globbing
shopt -s globstar

>bash can't search the history for
man bash / history-search

>bash can't circle through autocompletitions
man bash / menu-complete

-u +s

zsh is objectively more powerful. (go over the reference manuals of both, I ain't gonna do it for you)

Why wouldn't you pick the tool that allows you to complete your work more quickly? It's not rocket science.

Differences between pdksh, oksh and mksh?

You can do command; and command but I guess adding features through unnecessary keywords is bash's MO.
Regarding sudo !! there are so many ways that you can do something better in fish that I'm not even going to comment on that.

bash over zsh because I learned it 10 years ago and haven't bothered updating.

Same with screen over tmux, irssi over weechat, ifconfig over ip, gcc over clang

bash because if your main concern is pimping your shell all day, than the probability you missed the point increases

nice, thanks pham.

So if I were so inclined to switch from teh bash shell to something else, how would I do this? What file do I have to edit? I use Xfce4-terminal btw.

is it that difficult to ask your local web search engine this question?

would have taken less effort than posting here instead.

It actually would take less effort posting here, assuming someone actually replies with a useful post. Like for example:

"You run the command chsh -s /path/to/shell

Instead I got a sarcastic inane reply, like yours.

That's the spirit!!!


not really, because you would have to wait if you just post here, but when you search for yourself, you learn how to fucking do it and get the answer instantly.

I might have to wait, or might not. Depends on who is browsing the thread. Sometimes you get quick (You)'s.

fuck ksh :(

Don't you dare you piece of sh!tz say that zsh I better. Bash. Bash is the only real shell