does anyone actually believe this has been running autonomously for the last 20 years? I've seen it in person in New York. There's just no way. All electronics eventually fail especially one running all day long, being exposed to the elements like that. They probably replaced a few parts at one point and never told anyone.
Does anyone actually believe this has been running autonomously for the last 20 years...
Why would it fail? I don't see any reason why it would just break down out of the blue.
plastic burned and melted to all hell and back. screen is fine. The cake is a lie.
Screens pretty much desolder by themselves on these things.
The whole thing could be a hoax, this was done in the 90's, today we could easily determine if it's genuine or not.
Simple, reliable solid-state electronics in a climate controlled box with nothing touching it, running with minimal, consistent stress. Don't really see a reason why it would fail, I've seen plenty of well-used shit in far worse condition (internally speaking) that have gone decades without failure.
Electronics will probably run even better 24/7 since you aren't stressing the shit out of them with self-tests and OS/software loads constantly like you would be if you turned them off and on ever other minute.
Mine still works fine, and I literally found it in the trash.
It's not constantly playing games and switching cartridges all day, you impossible idiot.
Are you fucking implying that consoles aren't technology? Don't be a shiteater sometimes things overlap.
I bet the batteries will be the thing to fail
The electronics in the game boy are pretty simplistic and reliable, even more so than most Nintendo hardware.
Obviously they replaced the screen and allowed outlet power. Beyond that, shit wouldn't really need replacing.
Literally kill yourself
but user it doesnt run on batteries you silly
My Game Boy Pocket still works fine
it might run off of rechargeable batteries
the batteries will probably corrode even if it isn't using them
Sup Forums is technology. Every board should be merged into Sup Forums.
The first game boy was a pretty solid brick with well laid internals, this story though looks Just like a meme.
It's a micromachine, OP. Does not overheat, does not leak memory. It is designed to do what it does and do it right.
Yeah, you're definitely a fucking idiot. The subject of Sup Forums's underlying hardware or software is definitely technology.
No dude, it's powered with a very visible power cable
Once it's plugged in you can just pop the batteries out.
The LCD will die eventually, the power regulator will die. Just not for a while yet.
Sup Forums is anime, every board should be merged to Sup Forums
I don't really think the point of interest is how long the game boy has been plugged in. More the fact that it's still working after getting bombed to shit. I imagine having it "perpetually running" is to reduce wear it might get from being power cycled
it makes me sad you had to point that out. although it is Sup Forums
i saw it too OP
we both stood in the same spot
aren't there integrated batteries in the circuit board?
>tfw my gameboy didn't get bombed when I was there
no fucking fun aloud faggots, no fucking fun...
Why is the screen fine?
Because they replaced the screen. It's the only thing that didn't "survive" that bombing.
Maybe the screen lens protected it.
Playing CS:GO doesn't count as being "there" fatass.
>Electronics will probably run even better 24/7 since you aren't stressing the shit out of them with self-tests and OS/software loads constantly like you would be if you turned them off and on ever other minute.
Tell that to the many routers I've gone through. Same concept behind it, runs 24/7 and fucks up every so often. I imagine it's the same deal with the Gameboy, there probably are a few hickups but aren't noticed.
Sup Forums will just nostalgia about it or post memes. At least on Sup Forums I would get a solid answer
They removed the protective plastic over it, which probably got melted.
There was a Nintendo Power article about this when they found it, and they replaced the screen I believe.
They have the snippet on display at Nintendo World next to the gameboy.