ITT: we post timeless tech

ITT: we post timeless tech
Aka technology that was/still is being used/we have used for a long ass time

Gtx 8800
560 ti
Evo 212


>Gtx 8800
>560 ti
>Evo 212
My radeon 5450 512mb

My TI-83 (silver edition, no less).

> make
Everyone uses cmake now

i5 2500k
Headphone jack (Rip tho)
Internet cable

Internet cable?

Doge6 shielded/unshielded twisted pair with Registerd Jack Fourty-Five connecfor. Le "Aethernet" caybull.

include stdio.h

Graphite sticks as a means of information storage

Aka pencil.

My xbox original
Lan party's were fun back in the, still play on it some times


Bic pen
Mechanical keyboard
3.5mm Headphone jack


I'm going to be sad when we don't use these at all anymore.

The longest? Amiga 1200 probably

paper + graphite you mean. paper is way more ancient though

Why? It's fucking god awful.

Why do you think so? I haven't had any problems with it.

Fuck off, ran a 75Hz 1080p monitor trough one of those for almost a decade and it never gave me any trouble.

Kek, reminds me of the faggot who said VGA is better quality than RGB.

Ghosting and blur/smearing out the ass even with a high quality cable thicker than shit.

Sorry, it was vice versa, fuck I can't remember

Topkek, what the fuck are you talking about?

Sandy Bridge forever!

Phenom II x4 940
AMD Radion 5770

Shit powers my living room PC. I remember when the 5770 was new and Sup Forums telling me I was dumb for buying a DX11 card.