Why did you fall for it?

M$ is cucking you now

using your PC as it sees fit

Because I am computer illiterate

It's a good thing I installed gentoo so now nobody can do anything on it

Anybody who didn't see this coming doesn't deserve control over a computer anyway.

I have this theory that

since windows stopped flying

we all became a cloud

for windows to look at now


100% agree. op here

muh games

No it looks static because it resembles a chip on credit card more and more. They want to sell your information and use your credit card permanently.

I really hope someone will sue Microsoft. For example, forcing encypted software on people's computers isn't legal is it? People should have control to be Administrators on their own devices.

That's right, user. Not only am I watching you masturbate I'll be applying your penis with my botnet coating and will slip in my tight botnet pussy. Download the Anniversary update.

Rather a form of delimited consciousness. The progression and soundness of profound neural systems matter for their down to earth application.

There is likewise the philosophical inquiry raised by blind spots. In the event a profound neural system is naturally propelled, does this also apply to organic systems?

Put it all the more obtusely "does the human mind have comparable implicit blunders?" If it doesn't, how is it so not quite the same as the neural systems that are attempting to copy it? What's the mind's mystery that make it steady and persistent?

The primary concern is that profound neural systems don't appear to be consistent as for the choices they make and display another kind of flimsiness. As opposed to fix things up, examination is expected to investigate and kill the issue. Until this happens you can't depend on a neural system in any wellbeing basic framework under any application.

its not a choice to update :^)

there is no choice

these idiots inhabit Sup Forums now lol

Lol true. But it's not a bad update. The extension are pretty good on Edge. And they updated the taskbar with tidbits here and there. But well I just do it for Touko.

I have a theory that

Microsoft is now a christian

anti muslim machine because when

turn the current logo by 90° you get

a cross now

Do you suffer from autism?

>upgraded win7 to win10 on a testing PC
>performance was worse than 7
>formatted HDD

I ended up disabling windows update before the AU and setting a partition aside for ubuntu.

It's pretty comfy and I still get to play gaems. No regrets.

Fucking shit, I've been gone for a few months. I come back and these threads are STILL here. Seriously man, holy shit

cheapo present

The only one suffering from it seems to be you, obviously.

No they're not, I'm using Arch.

>impyling games wont need that update

this meme already happened (w7 Sp1 requirement by games)

because i play video games?

how unexpected microshill is making its botnet even more bottnety right after people get locked in

I know, but I will cross that bridge when I get there.

1. That other shit is from 2009
2. Their spying shenanigans will never be legal (under EU law)
3. I use 4k displays and this UI looks kinda really sweet in that res
4. Sure it's none of MS's business what I do with my PC, but it isn't yours, either
5. Linux will never be useful

Well, Richard Stallman did warn us.

Because Amazon hasn't made a desktop OS yet.

Any citation for this?
Any empirical evidence?
I'm asking for proof of concept as well as a simple explanation.
If you're talking about Cortana acting ask a botnet, this has already been debunked.

What happened now?

it was time for my scheduled formatting, it was good at first, then all the problems came out

using Debian now