Does Sup Forums believe in free speech?

Does Sup Forums believe in free speech?

I believe in freedom to tell them to fuck off and decide what content goes through the connection I pay for.

Yes. And I also believe in the right to block for myself what I don't want to see and hear.

I believe in free speecj: "Ads are garbage and I will get rid of them"

That's low

this is just as stupid as that guy in africa who tells people to vote for him or their ancestors will curse them

>doesn't use REEK
What a pleb

>ethical advertising


>Honk if you love Jesus

Advertisement is not protected speech. Private companies are allowed to pick and choose which ads they want to broadcast.
The right to free speech does not imply that people are forced to listen. Consumers do not have to listen to speech if they don't want to.

I don't really have an objection to ads if I'm not paying for the content that the site / service is providing. They have to pay the bills somehow. As long as it's still a usable UI... no issues here.

Now, I do not like when there are so many fucking ads that run so many scripts that make the whole page just not work. Then I'm not really going to see any content effectively, the ads or the stuff I came for.

Also I'm not a pleb that pays for a metered connection. Business stuff doesn't have monthly limits. And it comes back up a whole lot quicker when you complain. :D

turn your trip off you fucking autist. nobody cares who you are.

Yes, as long as people agree with me and don't hurt my feelings.

Free speech means you can speak about whatever you want, it doesn't mean I will listen.

I do, as long as it is not it's sole intent to hurt/disadvantage(put good word here) someone - don't be a dick and everyone will be fine

I don't particularly care that you don't care?


>being an adblock cuck

I'm glad they're doing this

What do you mean?

Their free speech argument is really retarded and a low brow but if they actually practice ethical advertising then I'd whitelist them.

I don't approve of "free speech" that decides to invade my privacy.


I also recognise that pic in OP is moronic.

Free speech is the ability to express something; it has nothing to do with people actually paying you any attention or receiving your message.

lol - how baity! true editorial skill in action.

Do they believe in free malware? Most of it is served through ad networks.

How is not asking for content equivalent to censorship?

Your web server is free to recommend that I connect to external services and download ads. My browser is free to ignore the request and tell you to fuck yourself. You're free to ignore that too.

USA Today online has become clickbait garbage, so no, fuck them.

>free speech
>forcing ads in your face

>Lügenpresse is upset that nobody wants to read their propaganda, desperate for ad revenue.
How sad.

Free speech is speech not censored by the government, not making oneself open to paid for advertising.

>shut the fuck up?