Is Windows 10 tracking as big of a deal as people are making it or is it overblown?
This is coming from someone who usually uses Linux and boots into Windows for gaming and video editing.
Is Windows 10 tracking as big of a deal as people are making it or is it overblown?
This is coming from someone who usually uses Linux and boots into Windows for gaming and video editing.
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I personally don't trust Windows 10 partially for the data collection, but for other things like forced updates, ads, and stability. But it is probably a little overblown. I mean just look at the amount of data Facebook & Google collect. Basically Microsoft has just integrated themselves into that. But I feel it's different since you don't own Google or FB servers. This is your personal machine and they're banking off of it.
I switched to Linux after windows 10 was finally released. I used 10 for a month and realised it's actually a botnet.
Microsoft has the right tools and your consent to log your keystrokes, files and browsing patterns.
What makes you think they won't be blocking your torrents?
It is not overblown and even if it were "overblown" just by a princible it's not a good thing. You are supposed to be the sole one and only administrator of your own computer and operating system.
I wish Microsoft gets sued by someone big time.
Like user said. They have your consent. When you click "I agree" you are agreeing to their terms of service. You give them your permission to monitor what you do. Don't agree with it? Don't use Windows.
never forget how they more of less were forcing everyone to update with shadowy updates and annoying popups
how they made it free
and they already stopped some of the updates for win7 and are planning on stopping more
they clearly want as many users as possible on win10
if i'm not mistaken it's also related to their phone OS
This, I just don't agree to their terms
Windows 7 is a 7 year old OS. It's in extended support. So of course they're slowing down and stopping certain updates. Also the reason it'll be getting limited new support on newer hardware like CPUs is because new architectures and newer standards often times aren't compatible with Window 7's kernel. Hell even 8.1's.
it's not, at all
but you are on Sup Forums, the biggest shithole on the internet, so what do you expect?
But OP. If you don't want the data collection then I'd say stay on Linux. And if for any reason you need Windows then throw 7 or 8.1 into a VM or dual boot. I mean I do keep a Windows partition on all my machines for gaming and certain other tasks. Or if you wanna use Windows as you day to day OS then use 7 or 8.1. Maybe 8.1 with Classic Shell to take care of the start menu issue. And make sure to set updates to manual because it will install telemetry. Not cool stuff.
There's no reasonable justification for them to collect that much data.
They do (even when told not to) collect basically everything.
The EULA makes you agree to what is essentially a back door into the system, and then does even more than that.
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear," is Nazi bullshit, by the way.
But even if it's not a matter of 'hiding' things. Windows 10 unapologetically compromises functionality to facilitate the spying and control over the end user's hardware. That's completely unacceptable. I need things to work.
Well fourzerofour. While I mostly agree with you MS isn't really "spying" under the normal sense. Spying means you're being watched without your knowledge. It says it there in the fine print that they will collect data. If they didn't tell you then it would be highly illegal. Also Google and Facebook objectively do the exact same thing. But the problem is is that most people either don't know, or just don't care.
Most folks are on Windows 10 by now. People like us aren't enough for Microsoft to completely stop the data collection. And I know they can. They just do it to sell the data to advertisers. And maybe give it to the NSA, CIA, FBI, and whatever else.
Hell even if you're hooked up with a smart TV the NSA can see what you're doing.
i'm practising in a vm for the upcoming techopalypse.
had to reinstall 5 times because i fucked up the settings beyond fix, but it's easier than setting up w10 at least
If you're trying to avoid data collection then using Ubuntu isn't the best choice either. It'll save your search results and send them to Amazon. I'd say use a different distro like Mint or Xubuntu. But that's the beauty of Linux. If there's a version that spies on you then we make a version that doesn't. But as a day to day OS. I can't get any real work done with Linux. It's merely a toy to do cool stuff with.
Unity doesn't do that anymore and it never did it in gnome 3 variants.
I agree here. I would happily switch to Linux if it was completely practical for everything, but unfortunately it's not.
Yes it has its own alternatives to software packages etc. but get in the real world, they're not comparable...
While Linux as a desktop OS isn't super good, Linux on a sever is where it really shines. It just runs.
>I can't get any real work done with Linux.
good thing I never do any
Is that elementary os?
I don't know whats more autistic
this or the shitty iphone copypasta
and people still defend this over OSX
it's like how everyone's been spouting about there being ads on windows 10 but i've been using it from day one and have yet to see any
For minimal botnet - Use LTSB, Don't use a MS account, use Powershell to wipe out the apps (Can't use store w/o a MS account anyway), use O&O ShutUp 10 and Spybot Antibeacon.
Make sure to go through the "new" control panel with a fine tooth comb to disable anything else, like the lock screen and start menu crap.
Or they could just use 7 or 8.1.
Literally the worst of two worlds. closed source like Windows and no games just like Linux
Or use 7, or 8.1 with Classic Shell.
shills in full damage control
i dont use facearse or twatter, and i sure as hell aint giving you fucks my browsing history or keystrokes, cunts
Yes, use worse operating systems, great advice over just unchecking some shit.
How about Gaggle? Or SnapShit? Or a smartphone? Exactly. HOLES!
>pull ethernet cable
>problem solved
you nerds do know your isp is monitoring you and everything you type in goes through them first anyway right? Fucking morons
Windows 10 still sends all that shit to Microsoft. They have the "options" to "turn it off" but you just think you turn it off. It still collects and sends EVERYTHING!
i dont use any of that shit either, pajeet
i also have a Sup Forums account, so no captcha bullshit
And did you know the NSA also knows everything you do? Idiots.
Liniggers need to feel like they're superior so they blow it out of proportion.
pathetic scum
I've been using Windows 10 since launch. It's a great operating system developed by brilliant minds at Microsoft. The telemetry is simply to provide the brilliant Windows developers with data on how to improve the operating system.
Cortana is super useful. I personally didn't turn off anything. It's a great operating system and they gave it away for free. You should really get off Linux and get on Windows 10.
You're correct. This has tripled our data intake by 16%. Windows 10 is great.
ITT cynical and tinfoil memepad users that have to type an essay just to open a browser
actually i just hit ctrl+alt+f and it opens firefox, its great
I regret selling my company. Now it's collaborating with the NSA.
but have you been using a toilet?
I feel you man.
Try using Trumpbuntu.
Should have chosen freedom.
Too bad my OS can't be used for shit. :/
Is there anyway to disable this shit and still have a function OS. I mean its fucking Windows 10 surely someone has or is working on a way to completely gut that shit out from it.
Good firewall
If you have an Enterprise edition you can do that. But I think you need a Microsoft contract to do that.
So basically pirate enterprise and a bunch of butt hurt idiots won't do it because "install gentoooo".
>Spying means you're being watched without your knowledge.
Not necessarily. Going unnoticed was merely the means to an end for most spies, since being noticed as a spy would preclude collecting the information they wanted. It's not an inherent part of spying per se.
I can assure you that as a happy Windows 10 customer and 300,000,000 other users whom have upgraded willingly and were not forced on at all.
Windows 10 is a great.
Microsoft is a brilliant company. Data collection makes the OS better. They're able to sell that data and make money to make the OS better,
Don't you want a more secure OS? Even though Windows isn't that secure to begin with. I mean don't you love having someone knowing what you're doing?
Microsoft knows best you guys. I love it. Get off 7, get off 8.1, OS X, and Linux. USE WINDOWS 10 NOW! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!
e-everybody I know is using it, so it should be safe... at least you won't be alone when they decide to enslave us
Yeah and grocery store loyalty card too right?
I don't buy anything with credit. I only use cash.
Banks are tracking where you send your money, sometimes even just doing it FOR you because that's easier for some people. But no way jose are they getting their greasy jew hands on my neetbucks my mom gave me for chicken tendies.
Its a pretty big deal. Basically Microsoft wants to execute arbitrary code on your computer without your knowledge or approval, collect your keystrokes, access to all your files, and wishes to prevent you from precluding it from doing these things. These are all activities hackers might engage in by infecting you with malware.
Just install Norton so it'll close Port 80. PROBLEM SOLVED!
Gee thanks for that ran oosu10 and now my PC won't connect to internet....
Fuckin retards made this thing
Say it to a disabled human's face. Now to destroy every copy of Windows 19 that I can.
Thread it dead. :/
Regardless of how excessive Windows 10's tracking features are, it is always exaggerated by self-important fucktards who feel really good lecturing others about how much they're wrong for letting Microsoft spy on them by making enormous presumptions about their power and intentions.
>Microsoft just has a big red "Block torrents" button and they totally have stakes in this that would motivate pressing it because they're against everything you fight for and hate everything you like
God damn it my os is fucked from that oo10. Gotta reformat don't touch that pos.
Apparently they got people the V& for a pirated copy of windows 7
No wonder people are banning telemetry 10 users
Who cares about tracking? The new update broke direct X9 somehow. What the fuck?
Home editions of this OS are literally alpha quality product.
When did that happen? I want sources. And if it's a company that got V& I am so going to ignore this shitty argument.
Microsoft has never been aggressive with stopping users from doing what they want with third party software. If they had been, their solution to RemoveWAT and Microsoft Toolkit would have been a little more harsh than flagging them as malware in Windows Defender.
no sar , is not a ture
vindo tan it;s good oporateng sistim
don;t maek the liyeng , basterd son of bich
Ah the "I have nothing to hide" mentality. I feel sorry for you bud.
Okay, well in this case it seems they were coming down against people who intended to sell the pirated copies on computers or something, which is good for both Microsoft and the end users because when you buy a computer with a "Windows license" you want an actual legal Windows license.
wtf I hate microsoft now
Do you think we'll ever get a way of completely blocking or disabling all of Microshits botnet in Windows 10? Its the only thing that's preventing me from moving up from a 7 where I need to disable updates now. From what I read no matter what there are things built into it that make it impossible to totally remove.
that's gnome, read the screenfetch
he used plank dock and numix circle icons
then dynamic top bar. It's a setup from reddit r/unixporn
Hourly reminder
I don't give a shit about your privacy when the OS is shit for much more relevant reasons, like programs that I need not working properly.
Stop deflecting attention from it being a shitty quality products just so you can brag about being a pedophile.
Most people don't want to get arrested for pirating
You don't get arrested for pirating unless you do it on an industrial scale while running a business you fucking retard.
Actually, you still don't get arrested. You'll just get taken to the cleaners by Microsoft.
>You don't get arrested for pirating unless you do it on an industrial scale while running a business you fucking retard.
Linux doesn't have this problem :^)
dumbshit hindu nuffin
And I don't fucking care if you're shitty ass software doesn't work dipshit. Windows 10 is a piece of fucking shit. Anything after XP is a turd.
So you do admit that wangblows is a spyware.
Why the fuck should I not care for my privacy if you don't? Are you a one of those pro nudist SJW cancer?
Which is what I'm saying, except I actually have a valid problem with it while you're a tinfoil hat wearing retard.
I'm pretty sure that you would get sued if you decided to pirate RHEL on an industrial scale and then sell it off to customers, fucktard.
I don't give a shit whether it's spyware. It's fucking atrociously bad, customers are beta testers and Microsoft is incompetent.
You can care about your privacy all you want, your privacy problems however are fucking irrelevant. Even if they didn't exist, the OS would still be shit so nobody except fucktards like this
who sell pirated windows give a fuck about your concerns.
I want to use Linux, but how the fuck do you fix the god-awful web browser scrolling? Seriously, Firefox, Chrome, Midori, basically every web browser has the jerkiest fucking scrolling. That alone makes me go back to Windows.
its greater than or equal to as big a deal as material design
>I'm pretty sure that you would get sued if you decided to pirate RHEL on an industrial scale and then sell it off to customers, fucktard.
The one who got arrested didn't pirate anything in an industrial scale fucking mouth breather
Absolutely 0/10 kill your self
>I don't give a shit about my privacy
>You souldn't as well :-DDD
emulating on Linux is actually healthy right now.
Hope ya like DosBox and Nintendo games.
No one seems to have connections to Microsoft's official servers and what they store and traffic nor will Microsoft be transparent about it so until one or the other happens there's no way to be sure.
But if you think about it if Microsoft had nothing to hide then why wouldn't they be transparent about this?
>I don't give a shit whether it's spyware. It's fucking atrociously bad, customers are beta testers and Microsoft is incompetent.
And Linux is you being the beta tester and also the programmer that fixes it too, right ?
Honestly you guys fucking turn every mole hill into a mountain
>fuck MS, they are collecting my info !!!
god forbid MS try to make their product better by say saving your bookmarks in the cloud when you use IE (chrome already does this)
or other really boring shit, but instead you twist around boring legal language to mean that MS spies on you 24/7
Or if you ever reset windows and then use your login (MS account) again you will notice that your wallpaper is back - that legal language covers mundane shit like this.
>It's cool cuz google doez it XD
>Paying to be lab rats