Sup Forumstorrent Day 2

Last night we discussed making a KAT alternative that doesn't look like shit,
has the torrent sorting, and some of the social features KAT had. This will fill
the hole that KAT (and to some degrees torrentz) has left in the torrent
community, and with a little promotion could easily gain back some of the
users that KAT/Torrentz had that are still looking for a new home.

3 things we need to decided on are
1) Name (gtorrent was a Sup Forumsproject from 2 years ago, though we could just out-seo them)
2) Whether to use a public project like, with an already established and simple to configure torrent indexer which we can modify to fit our goal, or make our own from scratch
3) How many people want to help with this project.

Set up an IRC channel on at #gtorrents

Last thread

Other urls found in this thread:

If you think Sup Forums is capable of anything more than making a logo, you're mistaken.

I'll make the logo

If I really wanted to risk doing this, and spend all the time on it, I would make it on my own without you plebs mooching off it.

Oh i remeber lo/g/os good times

I mean I'm more or less capable of doing it on my own, but as I said in the previous thread I like the idea of community projects that are actually done by the community and not just an elite few (eg. proj ascend etc). If it fails Ill likely see what I can do on my own, but I'm a PHP dev, so it would be super irresponsive and design would be pretty okay compared to every torrent site I've ever seen, but pretty meh compared to what some people could probably do.

just make a private tracker to keep shitters out.

this tbqh. make a ratioless semi-private tracker (you have to sign up to download). it worked out great for rutracker.

Do what still needs to be done? What has been accomplished? Once the ground work for the site is done and the site is up and running, maybe deciding how large this site is proposed to get?

Yeah I don't care about that, just tell me which is the best alternative that actually exists right now.

yup, the only people to kick out would be hit and run types. Fuck that ratio shit, just seed for at least 2 days and we're good. Post a password "referral" in a thread once a week and call it good.


We already made Sup Forumstrack, I don't have the address though because I'm not a filthy nigger pirate.

tl;dr Sup Forums has its own tracker already

rip mutracker
rip gtracker

Sup Forumstracker was a thing. why? nobody knows. it existed when Sup Forums had a very very good ftp server. So nobody used the tracker. And tracker and website maintenance can be costly. Pointless too if nobody uses them. So it died.

Funny thing is, it may have survived if it didn't do the private meme. And if the ftp didn't make its existence worthless.

how can you go on IRC without people knowing your IP and identity ?

by using a vpn which isn't banned on irc. good luck finding one.

GTracker is down because it was shit and had no content. This isn't just a tracker, but a KAT alternative. Social features, functional KAT-esque sorting (no other service has this), etc.

I uploaded a few things but never invested myself into it
I'll do it if there's a next time

I'll upload all my exclusive stuff


>Social features

I'll make the facebook page.

Have I missed the bus? KAT down? I was using it yesterday, what's going down? What's the word on the street jive talking honky?

focus on best quality content, make it decentralized and/or use an off-shore host (, ecatel, etc)

I meant like on site, with comments, ratings, verified uploaders etc. A large number of the users on KAT were the only because of the online "friends" they made on the site. If we could achieve something similar the amount of recurring visitors would go up by a decent amount, and I'm already making a forum software on the side and integration shouldnt be too hard.

You're using a shitty malwarefilled mirror. is down and down forever. If you try to register on the mirror you're on you'll either get a phishing page or a "disabled temporarily" because its not actually KAT and doesn't have any of those features. Just people capitalizing on its demise.

Well meme'd

Eh I'm more for, quantity > quality, personally. If you can say "this site currently has 7m torrents," that looks better for normies than saying "this site has amazing content, but only 1000 torrents."

Social features will make sure the good, user-submitted/exclusive torrents get promoted. Maybe if we implement advertisements in the future we can do btc payouts based on PPC and download count to give the larger torrent networks an incentive to post their content there exclusively.

you're delusional.

Really? All of the things I mentioned are done really easily. I already have code for the social features that Ive worked on for the last few months. Stealing magnet and torrent files from other services is a easy way to fill our database with torrents (every other service does it..), and with a user submission form on the side eventually makes that obsolete as soon as we get enough active users. Payouts may be a bit shady, but I have friends who have done it before with legal non-bittorrent file sharing sites, and it works well.

If you're building a torrent index in 2016 that isn't distributed and easily replicated, you're doing something wrong.

In all honesty IRC alone would be better, paired with a separate search engine with no links, 90 day retention + requests

I prefer receiving files via IRC for different reasons more than torrent


I'm not really sure what you mean. I've only ever used IRC for chatting. I'm personally leaning towards making this more for normal people who maybe only use the internet for facebook, youtube, movies and porn. One of the main reasons gtracker failed was because it was made for Sup Forums by Sup Forums. This will appeal to the masses, and doing some weird IRC/zernonet/tor thing will look scary to most normies.

Needs a verified Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn login too
Don't want any pedos or turrists in

I'm interested in contributing but I only know Java and basic Python and JS.

I'll make a secondary logo

Aight, I'm setting up a application form in a second so we know how many people are actually willing to help out with code etc. JS is always needed.

IRC can DCC files through client on command via chatroom bot or via irc user initiated

mutracker worked for a while.

> I'm too autistic to work with other people

Good, I'll make the logo for that.


I'm down to program it if anyone is willing to fund such a project. (hosting)

C++/JS/Python/Java dev here.

A better idea would be to make a public git repo(s) for all the source code.

Doesn't some Sup Forumstard run a gog instance or something like that?

If you'd like to be part of the first planning phase make a submission here. Anything you post will stay between me and you. Don't need to type a long essay, just some basic skills, and how to contact you. Everyone will be contacted when we move on to the next phase. Sup Forums will still be the main information place I hate when projects like these end up being ran by an elite few. Git will also probably happen in the future.

Yeah, I'm fine with that.
Sorry for delay, but had to rewrite how the entire site worked.
Probably will, but for now its easier to know what kind of skills we have on hand.
a what?

Torrent Archives

They can be used for making a new torrent search, or just for anyone who doesn't want to use the new KAT and TPB copies.

Or just renting a VPS and configuring a bouncer.

I meant GitLab instance. It'd be a replacement for GitHub since GitHub would take down the src in minutes.

Is everyone here willing to use Gitlab though? The new official popcorntime project is still up months after, so I don't know if DMCA would be a huge problem.

They won't care until it's up and running and popular enough to attract attention

is the hastily scrawled yellow penis the logo?


>yellow penis

too large, make it smaller

I think we'll just use github for now since most of us already have github accounts. If problems occur we can change it later.

Use the application link ( to send me your github email/username and I'll invite you.

You know it.

Are you really this new?

That's the lo/g/os logo.

I mostly browse Sup Forums don't cyber bulli

Sup Forumstorrent is going nowhere until someone decides that they'll do the time when it gets shut down by the feds.

Can't we use a host in a east european country?

What's wrong with just using 1337x and rarbg?

I'm willing to take care of that. I live in Norway so worst thing that can (historically) happen is that I get fined a couple hundred per torrent. Although if we run it like KAT was ran minus the mistakes it shouldn't really be a problem in the first place.

The UI makes me want to kill myself and they don't have KAT style "torrent listing", which was KATs biggest feature.

See Don't host it in one place, host it everywhere.

host it in China, they will not help the jews

what about the logo

he's crying because the communists are going to torture and kill his family because he didn't win

OP, I'll contribute on the conditions that you do the following:

- License as AGPLv3+
It's basically GPLv3+ but is better designed for web based software.

- Let everyone keep the copyright of their own code
This will help prevent a person or group from relicensing it under a proprietary license.

Would still need a frontend coordination server to handle all of this though. So there's still a single point of failure.

Without having read through the license yet, the last one sounds like a pretty good idea considering all the drama going on in various OS communities right now.

I've invited everyone who made an application on to the github org.. Check your emails.

you are fucking retarded and a newfag if you think Sup Forums will be able to make something besides the logo. you need to go back to red.dit.

Unless anyone has anything against it I actually like this license. If you send your email on Ill invite you to the org.

Weird its worked on so many projects in the recent past and we've gotten to many volunteers on this one then. Also, you're loved ;)

Can we use XMPP for communication?

Why not IRC at that point?

We have an IRC set up on #gtorrents (barely anyone there, but feel free to join in). Never used XMPP before, but if theres a lot of interest we might try and set up a chat room there as well.

We need something Tor friendly. I'm not getting fucking v&.

Don't worry if something happens Im willing to go down for it.

It's not a question. I don't care if i have to finger fuck you with security. If you need IRC, find a Tor friendly IRC network.

Welp, it's a honeypot

No experience coding or anything, but I can list off some stuff I think might be useful and maybe make a few suggestions.

>Using bitcoin anonymously

>HUGE list of non-US hosting providers

>Article on preventing domain name seizures

>List of tracker software (mostly outdated)

>Security shit you should read

>HTTPS certificates easy + free

Use encryption: GnuPG, Veracrypt, LUKS, etc

Definitely put everything up on Github / Gitlab. Share code so the whole community can benefit.

Hidden service:

Since you're just starting this a great opportunity to make a backup plan when LE starts shutting down your domains. Backup up your database(s) regularly.

All this shit needs to be considered if you're actually serious.

Its only temporary. Just use a fake nick and a vpn if you really want.

lol I doubt we'll ever have any issues with hollywood if we're somewhat careful about linking our real life and piratesite accounts together. Worst case scenario, I'll pay whatever fines they drop on me.

Yeah we've been discussing some of those topics in IRC already. We'll likely be making a lot of our software from scratch considering how many of the applicants so far know pretty useful languages for this project. Hidden service will probably be an afterthought as soon as we have the actual site working. If you care this much about security you're probably not using bittorrent in the first place.

Why not run a IRC network on the domain you're hosting registrations on? Also, email me. I registered under just[...]

use discord, much safer than irc

We need something encrypted

>these are the people posting on Sup Forums now

Pretty sure I invited you, but cockmail might be on the github black list. Ill send you a email in a minute. I could, but I'm also hosting some pretty decently sized/sensitive sites on the same server, so if I need to use a non-cloudflare IP on it to host a IRC I'd rather not. When we've rented the dedi for the pirate site Ill probably set up a IRC server on a VM.

1337x UI is the cleanest I've ever seen from a torrent site.

its still extremely ugly and makes me want to vomit. personal opinion though..

I'd help out if I had the time, but I'm going back to college in a couple weeks, so I don't want to make a commitment I can't keep. If this project is still alive by the time I have more free time, I'd love to contribute.

Got Java, C#, and js experience. Best of luck with the project.

Here is the final solution. Help him. It's fully distributed.

Thanks man, we have a decent amount of somewhat talented gentoomen who have signed up for the project right now, so I don't think It'll fail by then. You're welcome to make post a submission on and I'll make a note about your situation.

Yeah I talked to him yesterday and we're not really trying to achieve the same thing. We did discuss borrowing some of his code though, and we still might but at this point we're leaning towards maybe making our own bot though.

What is IRC info?

Kind of dead in here right now as SO** left a little bit ago, but hop on in. #gtorrents

I haven't received an email yet.

>sensitive websites
Enjoy your https MITM

I don't know they have decent protection at the paid level, and I'm not using them for anything illegal so..

dont make a new torrent site, just a video player with indexing that will lower or higher the bitrate of your stream to change the quality automaticaly

I.. I don't see how thats related at all, but I think the world is more in need of a new torrent site than a new video player.

then put a manget link also

It's me. You still haven't emailed me.
I'm interested in helping, but I need direct contact, and not over a public IRC channel.
