Why is samsung such a shit brand man.
Why does android suck so hard.
I would like some serious answers from people with neutral opinion on both apple and android shit.
Pic related are from my shit normie phone i PAID FOR NEW! it cost a shitload!!
Why is samsung such a shit brand man.
Why does android suck so hard.
I would like some serious answers from people with neutral opinion on both apple and android shit.
Pic related are from my shit normie phone i PAID FOR NEW! it cost a shitload!!
gr8 b8
They make like 25 phones a year, there's no way they can have the same quality as a company who just does 2-3.
I literally prove that samsung is shit with and personal example
World needs a truly Freeā¢ Mobile Operating System where user decides what user needs, not android shit driven by corporates.
user, you are obviously poor and not using your device in the way correct way. I love my S4 and I have no reason to upgrade until phones start to actually innovate again (if that ever happens).
Forgot pic
ive always used original charger m8 and it just fucked up.
AOSP has binary blobs, get a replicate compatible phone.
But user, the cable in the picture isn't original.
its not charging you dipshit
its actually pulling power out of phone.
also the phone cant keep track of battery % so instead i use an app to view the voltage
Excuse me sir, but you got some TouchJizz in your face.
>implying I implied it was charging
Have you tried testing it with other phones?
Also that looks like an s3 mini which is quite old so that may be your problem.
its a fucking shit. i got a normal phone older and that never broke down
Just the thread I needed.
>enable overprovisioning with SSD Magician
>disable it, says I need to restart
>can't boot into Windows again
The partition is FUCKED
I can't fix it even if I boot into loonix
Fuck samshit and their stupid buggy software
>iPhone 4S
>everyone falling for the bait
These screenshots are years old, Touchwiz doesn't look like that anymore.
This better?
i made pic from op a few months ago. at that time i should have bought a 4s because its quality is far superior although overpriced
even this picture was taken with my normal cellphone
>buying a shitton year old smartphone
>complaining about battery life
>"b-but it's new!"
Define "new". "New" as in you just bought it recently? Judging by UI, your phone was made when android 4.4 was around, which is fucking 3 years already, probably your battery is 3 years old aswell.
it has a new battery mang
its just somehow broken inside that it wont recognize being charged or the change in battery level.
i bought thie fucking phone NEW in store and it has been this fucked up since 2015. it probably gets worse every time . shit wont even last these fucking days because its shit
PROTIP: just because you just bought the battery, doesn't make it new. It's probably been sitting in a warehouse ever since your phone was released FOUR YEARS AGO.
Android is always shit for telling you how much battery time you have left, it's a useless stat but i don't even think other phones give it to you, just use your common sense based on your percentage like everyone does.
Also Samsung phones are garbage, and they're overpriced, and they have been for years because they have Apple's position on the Android marketplace, if you are gonna go Android you should look at other, better phones rather than just going with the normie crowd.
OK mang thats not my fucking point man. my point is that this piece of shit breaks down so fucking fast... the ipad 2 school gave everyone still works perfect and so does everything else i bought. but samsung is SHIT
even this tv from samsung is SHIT its all out of alignment
I have a Note 4 Edge Android smartphone and it's fucking fantastic.
I have an 850 EVO solid state drive and it's fucking fantastic.
Having enjoyed 2/2 Samsung products I have used, I would say Samsung is a good brand, and I am likely to purchase something from them in the future if one of their products suits my needs at a competitive price point.
None of the things in that picture make ANY sense.
>its actually pulling power out of phone.
Leave this website at once.
Thats because it doesnt.
this one time at school it started bibrating constantly because it thought i was charging it no ty mang
How old are you?
UNFORTUNATELY i am already 18y
this samsung is SHIT!!!!
>Why is samsung such a shit brand man.
why? My Galaxy wonder working fine on 4.4.4, but my main phone is s4 mini working on 6.0.1
>Why does android suck so hard.
I guess you were trying to say touchwiz, and what you're experiencing is not android, it's an bloated variant of android. try cyanogenmod and thank me later
also my sister's iPhone 4S is stuck on a bootloop, I don't really think you'd want to buy iPhone user
I don't know what you were expecting from what appears to be a first or 2nd gen Galaxy S.
Do you also drive a 1970s American car, and complain about the build quality?
I'll make the logo
>reverse voltage flow
it's current pajeet
>reverse voltage flow
How do you think otg works?
Long story short, you're an idiot.
Are you homeless?
Because I can't even imagine the level of poverty where you can't afford a $800 phone every 2 years.
> simcard removed
The next time I upgrade will be when the internal flash storage goes bad
The reverse voltage is good in some cases. One time my buddies phone died and I tethered our phones together and let him leach off my power to get a phone number