lets get a Sup Forums tier webm thread going
A new cat might be easier.
What an asshole friend. This guy fixes his laptop and he goes over to tell his friends all about how he held cat diarrhea in his hand.
Shit tier friend this is why you don't help people.
what the hell is a Sup Forums tier webm anyways
farrkkk techtronix displays are fuckin dope
That is classy as fuck. Now that is a machine made to do a real job.
UNIX? BSD? Some Sun OS?
Hot, moar pls
cute lolibots are technology
Woah holy shit.
Does that thing go beep boop?
I bet it goes beep boop.
Now this... this is hardcore autismo.
This is cute as fuck and I want it.
I'm glad XTerm can emulate the tektronix.
its hard to tell because you cant see the computer either, i cant tell by the desktop alone
I hope this is bait
>Amiga 600 in plain sight, the guy even types into it
>Being this new
what?? the guy asked what its running
That isnt just a keyboard it's the computer
>tfw this started happening during startup after an amd driver update
Can you guys stop reposting this now
not fucking bad!
or a clattering noise like an old typerwriter or old school printer.
You know what's the most fuck up part? There will probably be people who will build things like that when the technology is ready....
Hit a nerve, Pajeet?
>no Harold Abelson
Fuck off weeb.
>1mb ram
Kek, what a piece of junk.
>So you're living with you're mom?
>So you're living with you are mom?
constructive and necessary
What the shit? What are they doing? I could understand destroying the HDD, but why fuck up the mobo?
How? Does it look as cool? Should I install XTerm? I use Terminator and I'm not sure if I should switch.
It's all probably being recycled and making the stuff unusable discourages theft.
kids in africa could've eaten those computers :(
Who would steal a pile of optiplexes anyway?
I want to do this but wire it up to mains power.
Maybe that's why i never trust unknown networks or devices.
what game is that?
AMD Crash Driver 2016
apple. it just works......for a nominal fee
dumb niggers
What's fucked up about this?
>pathetic neckbeard detected
Even in fiction we can't have perfect loli cyborgs.
It's just programmed to perform a set of predefined moves and the video is edited to show as if it's all doing it in order, no way it's capable of doing all of that in order without fucking up.
>"Look mom! I'm greentexting!"
>webm thread
>on a board without sound
dear diary...