Fucking Jews ruin everything.
Fucking Jews ruin everything
Go back to Sup Forums
no you.
Isn't that a good thing? This allows the free world to combat terrorism more efficiently.
that's not good enough for pedophile Sup Forums users
>He thinks this will only effect terrorists
You're the cancer that's killing this website
>hey look goys we cracked the terrorists that conveniently never attack us haha we are the goodies yes
They have always been here since the days of /new/, dunce. The only cancer is the wave of neocons flooding in from Trump popularity.
Are you upset?
Nice try sholomo but no one is falling for your juden tricks anymore
Trump isn't a neocon, he's just a moronic dickweed. The neocons hate him, since he isn't nearly interventionist enough for them in foreign affairs, and hates free trade.
You're the cancer that is killing society
my sister
They have their own containment board to go back to.
Go back to your containment board
Seems like you are the one who does not belong here, thief.
Get out
I didn't say he was a neocon, but many of his supporters are misguided israel loving evangelicals, they come and shill all over the goddamn place for DA CHOSEN PEOPLE everywhere.
a containment board was made for your kind. youre the one who does not belong here
kys kike .. fuck off my 4chins
Don't you get the memo? No one likes your parasitic kind. Jews should be banned from everywhere. Get out
is she 18
You're so fucking retarded it hurts.
No, it hurts because you are not welcome
Sup Forumstards are spilling out of their containment board again...makes me wonder how shit their programs must be if they're dumb enough to unironically be trump - supporting breitbart readers.
>look at me guys I'm trolling xDDDDDD
can school please start up again
Why not?
do libs really get so triggered they have to derail every thread they don't agree with?
haha shit programs!! burn!!
Breitbart is sensationalist bullshit on the level of Buzzfeed.
Leeching on the US economy
Literally what
"Terrorists" fell for the Telegram meme?
Nothing new here.
I agree, I only get my news from trustworthy sites like huffingtonpost and gawker.
> implying right-wingers don't do the same
They're all cancer.
This. Most news agencies appeal somewhat strongly to a certain group, but breitbart is literally just conservative propoganda that will turn a hippie into a nazi within 2 weeks of daily use.
Oy vey
I'd bond burger your sister.
He's implying you're one of the zionist kikes ruining this beautiful country with your corruption and greed
>huffington post
kek 1/10 for making me reply
prove it
Don't worry senpai, they know they are on the losing side of history, when trump loses in November they will slink back to stormfront like the beta males they like to think they aren't, 2016 is the last gasp of neo-facism.
this #ImWithHer
Idk how the hell he can imply something like that
That would be Sup Forums with their hourly gpu pissing threads