>Edward Snowden's Dead Man Switch has been activated and Sup Forums isn't even talking about it
What did he mean by this?
>Edward Snowden's Dead Man Switch has been activated and Sup Forums isn't even talking about it
What did he mean by this?
stop reposting this thread fqggot
Chucked it through a few random decoders and found this
>implying doggo isn't one of the immunities that is blocked
I like this meme. People cant die twice.
I dont have the files. He never shared the files publicly.
So the key is useless.
>hfw he just forgot to trigger the switch in the morning and now has to pretend to be dead to avoid looking like an idiot
>implying that the dog which blocks "no immunities" can be blocked himself
>implying that I give a shit about "hurr no immunity animals" anyways
These kinds of "Reply to this" posts are cancer and need to go back to 9gag.
Possibly this.
Too much russian vodka.
>no actual information whatsoever, just speculation over a random tweet
what is there to talk about
>doggo is immunity
>immunities are blocked before doggo is played
>therefore doggo cannot be played
>Thank you for your help with Correct The Record's social media campaign. $0.12 has been deposited into your account. Please remember to pledge your continued support to the Hillary for President campaign - Your contributions are making a difference!
>Immunity animals will not help you here
fuck you nigger
Its all made up bullshit dumbass.
You think this is a fucking game?
If it really was something we would know about it by now. It's probably someone who's hacked his twitter
the dead-man switch is installed to protect the
source of information.
this means upon no further confirmation(meeting snowden in person) his source is considered closed
dead man's switch or more likely a SHA-256 commitment scheme.
attention whoring
Who cares?
So what happens when a Noah's Ark of immunity animals are made, what now?
Thanks pupper
This is a proof of knowledge, not some crackable password.
Bloody snowdin fucking national traitor.
>lurking Sup Forums in a god forgotten village in the mountains
>haven't posted anything ... see this
Snowden is no different than attention whores who post vague Facebook posts.
>visit correct the record's about page
>"Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks."
>all the homepage news entries are attacking Trump
Leftists surely can't be this retarded can they?
>Thing is other thing
>Thing does something retarded
>Therefore other thing is retarded
That's not how it works. I'd also like to point out that your left wing is considered extremely right wing in the rest of the world.
because fuck you
What breed of dog is Immunity Dog?
inb4 fat dog
oh you stupid
it says immunity animals dont help
( You )
you'd be surprise
Fuck off Sup Forums not everything is a Jewish conspiracy. You really think we'd kill Snowden?
fuck you
Fuck off Sup Forums not everything is a Jewish conspiracy. You really think they would kill Snowden?
> please remember that everything will always be ok
u got a lot of copy pasta up ur arse
gotta play it safe tho
>tfw captcha lucky 777
based doggo
fuck you
You cruel!
Nothing counters immunity animals, m8
No, pls no
Do you really think they wouldn't?
I mean, jewish or not, a lot of high ranking officials said they wanted him dead, and US seems to kill for policy more than because it is practical.
Yeah you got me.
It's a key for encrypted files sent to journalists and associates.
Stay tuned for some ground breaking leaks in the next couple weeks.
2016 is gonna get even more interesting.
>2016 is gonna get even more interesting.
nah, it's boring and it stays boring
I thought it would be the ilelminaty year of USB 2.0 16 GB sticks, but it just fucking sucks.
Everything got even worse.
I blame the frogposter.
You people will get what is comming once killary gets into power.
She wont. Bernouts wont vote for her, They are going to Jill Stein now.
The voting base has been split now, Only angry femminists are voting for her, The feminazis have been spitting on even gay white males so now they have no friends left.
Femminism truly is a self correcting problem.
same can be said for the frogposter.
Even his own party hates him.
Maybe they will go for gary.
muh sekret club
You stupid fucking nigger.
Just because you say "immunity animals will not help you" doesn't mean they don't help you. The only way these are even effective are through the use of meme witchcraft such as a spoilerpost. It's like a vampire. You can only invite it in, it cannot be forced.
I'm not trying to act like an idiot, this is just honestly how these fucking cuckposts work. Try again shithead.
>inb4 new memepost
goodnight, sweet prince
This is a reply.
at least is creative/faggot
fuck youuuuuu
a snitch nigga thats that shit i dont like
Ayyyyy, monica
also, nice roll
That's a pretty funny scenario.
fuck off
I think that opportunity has passed.
Fuck off
The game. You just lost it.
i hate you