jesus fucking christ
they fired Barnacules for this guy?
also so many things to address being shown in this and i cant even bring myself to begin.
just fucking....irony, un-ironic irony
jesus fucking christ
they fired Barnacules for this guy?
also so many things to address being shown in this and i cant even bring myself to begin.
just fucking....irony, un-ironic irony
Kill yourself
Even after Barnacules sucked and still sucks Microsoft's dick, this is the best they could do? A pedo in a flatcap?
>guy in the video confirmed
apparently he only owns 1 shirt
or this was the 1 day a week when they had the forklift to get him out of his house to film
i just randomly clicked on a recent barnicles video and they're all in 4k
why cant microsoft fucking render in....oh wait...they need the Xbox One to be able to play back the video too...LMAO
>wait no don't
>also so many things to address being shown in this and i cant even bring myself to begin.
Please do. I'll go get the popcorn ready.
wtf i hate microsoft now
You're a fucking idiot if you think this guy is a replacement. Barnacules was fired a long time ago and he was not in charge of making videos for the Windows channel on YouTube. You're fucking stupid.
Smells like shill in here.
Yeah, I don't know if he's trolling or what, but Barnacles was nowhere near this area of Microsoft.
IIRC, he was one of the core Windows testers or something.
Why was that fat manbaby fired anyway? Did he get cheeto dust on the keyboards?
They fired their quality assurance team, of which he was part of. Thats why windows 10 feels like screaming at def person.
What happened to his fedora?
>What people tell Microsoft about the upgrade to 10
>What they hear
Barnacules pls leave
You have an autistic son to take care of and an unloyal wife to get cucked by.
is more botnet a feature?
>wait no don't
is that... a rape reference?
LOL'ing out loud on the floor, while rolling my ass off.
He has one of those faces you just want to punch.
>core Windows testers
Fucking kek.
No wonder he lost his fucking job. And as far a OP was concerned I think he was being sarcastic. It's a common type of joke to generalize in a sarcastic way. Don't think americans get our sense of humour.
just like barnacules
>Wait, no, dont upgrade me to windows 10