I am sure there is one of this every day but

I am sure there is one of this every day but.

Does Sup Forums uses any android app to browse Sup Forums?

I use pic related version 1.2.9 I tried the latest version and it sucked.

Other urls found in this thread:


Clover is a botnet that steals your contact list and text message history and is sold to russian hacker mans

Mimi for ultimate Memes

Yes, really useful when im taking a shit

I personally like Clover


Dashchan - multichan app, that firstly was created for russian 2ch.hk

i use iPhone so i wouldnt know



Is there color set that i'm using better than the black ones?

But clover doesn't have access to my contacts, wtf are you talking about? Bait?

The new clover is nice

Bet your clover can't do this


What's in the new update?

i'm using overchan

What's better clover or over?

Tbh all I've noticed is the colors and the fact that you can't have a thread still opened when you swipe right (it exits the thread) still good though

Upd: modules - github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan#packages-list
Overchan - another one, that has multichan feature.

Over Chan = lain chan other Chan's but a worse viewer
Clover= Sup Forums only but comfy

Cheers fellaz

Kill yourself

Clover on iOS when

Clover with black theme is great

Just installed Clover. Is there an easy way to batch add filters

i tried clover but theres no thread filter/highlight
and browser eats less battery anyway


When your phone's os stops fucking you in the ass with a condom on.

>contact list
>text messages

Joke's on you, I've got neither of them.

I ask this constantly but how do I split screen on Clover on 5.0 without flashing a custom rom

Buy samsung

Not sure if stock Samsung supports it.. Rooting it allows split screen for every app, the stock version supports only a handful of apps

Clover v1.2.11 here. Sometimes it fails to load images, and usually it's stuff I want to see. Can anyone tell me if this was fixed in a later version? I don't want to update because of how shit this app has apparently become.

no catalog
broken webm rendering

or maybe it has catalog and has no notifications
its one of those


>no catalog
>broken webm rendering

>broken webm rendering]
absolutely, sturreting and pixelated.

I use Ouroboros


I love Clover, but it drains the shit out of my battery. Pic related; SOT 1h20m so far. Clover has used 300mAh whereas the screen has used only 130mAh.

Maybe I should just use the browser.

Yes, Firefox. Both on PC and phone.

Yeah, I use the latest released version on F-Droid for when I'm on the go. I need to use a Sup Forums pass because Google doesn't work here.

Personally, I haven't encountered any issues with it.

That's because you shit post all day

When does the next clover release come out?

That's because your battery is shit..

How in the fuck can your screen be less consuming than Clover

What does the details screen say.

i just installed it. is it really botnet?

It's possible. I have a one-year-old Pajeetphone with a 2500mAh battery and a SD615 processor. If I just surf using Opera Mini, I get 4-6h SOT.

Other than shit battery as per , I have no idea. I am running a CM13 nightly, so maybe the fault lies therein.

I do my part by curb my Pajeet shitposting tendencies and mostly lurking.

I already mentioned the relevant details in

Naah, its pretty sweet.

Eh no. I want to know if a wakelock went crazy or if the mobile network was active for a long time.

Thanks, bro.

Ah. Here you go. Note that I am using mobile data; I don't have WiFi.

holy fuck your statusbar is cancer

>cellular packets
There's your problem.

Ayy lmao

Webm-libraries module might fix it a bit, but i use automatic opening of mx player with no troubles.

Anyone have the version of clover forked by some user that adds a bunch of customizability options

It doesn't exist, or you would find it on github through the clover fork list.

literally shitposting

Miki is the best

Is there a chan client that can browse uuuhhhhh 18th channel? Asking for a friend.

chanu master race


The only Sup Forums iOS client that I know of. Gotta jailbreak for it though because the Apple store cucks you.

Ayy lmao

chrome is literally all you need to browse four chan.

How do you change fonts? The only option I see is to use condensed font and it's an on/off switch

>implying I'll tell a frogposter

What if post amine

Clover is good

Can you even jailbreak an iPhone anymore?

sent ;)

A new jailbreak cane out for iOS 9.3.3 not too long ago but the jailbreaking software is made by chinks and is super fishy. So I'm not upgrading.

There is usually one jailbreak per main iOS update, 7, 8, 9, etc.


Not sure if it's the one you're referring to but I've been running this from what an user build from Clover. Forgot which but it has newer options like enhanced Catalogue and gallery


I cannot tell if newest Clover is bad, or if i am just really used to the version i had. I dont like it, but i didn't like Clover at all when PartyVan died, and it took me forever to come around to PartyVan after Chant disappeared...

Use Clover all the time at work. No complaints other than it's pretty basic.

This garbage app killed this board by making it the default. Nearly all the shitposting comes from underage phonefags.

/ck/ was default when i installed latest version, cant blame clover because Sup Forums is a trash board now

This was a huge mistake.I honestly think Sup Forums needs to globally ban mobile. I know it would be such a huge inconvenience but I can't see other options aside from some security magic to fix the untold amounts of abuse that can come from mobile.

why not do what HN does and make it Read Only from mobile?

why are people so inclined to outlaw things instead of modifying them?

Most computers have a finite amount of IP ranges and options unless you are really tech savvy with networking and know your shit. Also there are multiple solutions and ways to block and deal with troublesome users. On mobile this is a completely different beast. They have a near unlimited amount of IP's, wifi, and protocols they can exploit. Get a group of dedicated shitposters on mobile and you will see some serious shit

legitimately curious:
How does HN pull it off then? Or is it just a tacit agreement between the app builders on the site?

also, and bear in mind i am 1 step up from potato when it come to networking, how is that possible? dont phones[sic] use roughly the same stack?

Mobilefags are fucking cancer and the cause of 90% of shitposting on this site.

Does it ever crash for you guys? Because old Clover worked fine. NuClover is overall better, but this shit crashes at least twice a day for me. It's ridiculous.

It could be a particular phone issue. I believe 2.1 was the worst case since it crashed for a lot of anons before Floens sent out the update to fix it.

It does. Rarely. Although the captcha not loading occurs more, leading to restarting of the application.

And of course you have cool explanation of it, like the only hikka type of user is true.

>bitches about shitposting
>with a shitpost

You are becomecancer; destroyer of threads

I like overchan, but the quoting system is different from clover. I use both.

I'm sorry, it's seems like force, but maybe u don't saw this one it's realy comphy alternative, dude.

*didn't see
Oh my runglish.

Well, it's not on the playstore.

Using Mimi too. It's the best one out there

So what? You should know how to install apk. When update is coming - app send pushapp for download new version.

I don't have time for that.

*Buy LG

2 minutes action. Didn't think Sup Forums is so casual.