

Battlestation Thread.

Last one almost dead. R8 & H8

Good afternoon, sup?

cute desk
It like Im a blood vessel in a body.

Early goy best goy.
Recently upgraded to a 6700k and a new desk. I need to take new pics...



4K master race reporting in.

How are those Korean monitors, and are they worth it? Specs on the monitor?

Looking much better with the amiibos below the tv instead of scattered around your desk.
What monitor?


Nice little setup, considering your budget

How can something be so simultaneously pretty and ugly?

Looks p. comfy, but why aren't you making use of that elongated desk?

(me) /10

Gorgeous looking monitors, also, nice collection

Based doggo/10

Why fisheye? Looks like a nice setup, though

Pretty damn good, for the price. Hate the power connector and lack of DP inputs though.
60hz (overclockable, but I haven't bothered)



Bang for buck.

Nice monitor

Use it for projects and writing. Just keep shit put away till I start a project.

I don't like it/10
Comfy manchild/10
We're lamp twins now I need a new picture/10
Real human bean/10
It is what it is/10

Got an ikea Tertial architect lamp to replace mine, need new picture. It's like twice as big, maybe even too big. Might put it on my bedside table instead

Snake. Snake? SNAKE!!!

>comfy manchild
I'll take it.

Hi guys.

i should maybe get round to taking a new picture.
still looks like a brothel
neat i've got the same printer and i love them thing as it just werks.
top doge


Im wanting an another lg ultra wide to off set the weight.
It works pretty good bb. Want a decal printer eventually but 10k is alot. But custom prints are awesome.


i mostly use it as a glorified label maker.

top notch/10

So I can fit everything in from my PoV.

Wanna watch Bladerunner together on my screen..?

Just cleaned my desk the other day
Camera is shit

Geez, are you just constantly tripping?

5K master race reporting in

>Based doggo/10
>top doge


Also, nice solution to the sag.

How is it not real 5k? It's a Up2715k monitor.

Yes my solution was a completely new desk, looks good tho

Can I participate?

whats the thing in the bottom left pic (lcd panel?) looks cool



Your room looks like an Applebee's

what do you make labels for bb?

postage labels from selling shit on ebay, and sending things back.

oh yah forgot about that. Do you sell your nudes or something?

sorry, I don't know that place man... But I suppose that you say that because of all the shit in the wall, right? You think that I should get rid of all of that?


no, mostly electronics, like unlocked modems, and parts from old laptops.

dang it was so close kek. But awesome stuff.


Donald Dump

looks like something you'd find on reddit

redid it.

how are my cables? its the best i could do with zip ties

Early-ish for once.

take it back

I really need to improve everything

ahahhahhahaahahahahh he LITERALLY is in his mommies house in his fucking BEDROOM

lol have you no shame

this is BATTLESTATION general, not bedroom babby general,

reported for underage

Same shit different day

Killyourself weeb neckbeard, i can smell your stench of doritos from here

Why the fuck are you asking us for? if you like it that way, keep it that way.

Your self-confidence can NOT be that low, surely.

Has lamp technology gone too far?

Seriously this new lamp is enormous. Which does /bst/ prefer?

Old lamp

>getting triggered by an Image.

Wow your future is looking fun... miserable twat.

>The mouse on the left..

What have you been up to? ;)

Also, did your grandad give you that keyboard because he had had it for ages?

Damn get with the times!

Stinky weeb neckbeard

Quite nice

sorry for shitty phone camera

picture taken by michael j fox.

thanks sir :^)

>model m
>Blade Runner

Is that a Spartan? I use mine almost exclusively as a bottle opener and corkscrew.

Except the entry level Sennheisers (which are still decent) this is literally perfect and I want your life.



fag spotted

yeah, new picture please
naah, this is cool

Let's see your battlestation, Mr. Wannabe Alpha Male


Too young

hes been too young for too long m8


Just mounting your monitors will make your set up a lot better.

How old do you think that person really is?


This guy fucks.


What cameras and lenses do you have?

What size is your monitor?


hmm, unlikely DESU

Would like to see an hdr picture of your station from the front, also consider using blinds instead of curtains

is that a naxa tv on the shelf?
shit, those brings back old memories.
>hiking and camping with buddies out in the middle of nowhere.
>whip out tv after full day of hiking.
>get a small fire going and tune to local news
of course back when batteries were shit and C cell batteries lasted only 1 to 2 hours

those were days

Just get your white balance right

hes at least 18 by now

That's completely reasonable.

I'll do it next time I'm taking a picture

just get your life balance right,
50% girlfriend
45% computer
5% fun
fucking noobs

Nice senpai :)

White balance not life, just nvm.

wut? please

>heh, its nuffin personnel ked

>he doesn't have Phillips Hue bulbs


>project cars

please tell me you're not that stupid.........
Fucking please

>Wanting to be on the Botnet of Things.

well thanks user

it's a Huntsman, and yeah, same deal. I have a way better multitool and knife but I've had this thing for 20 years, makes a great bottle opener.


Stop overfeeding your dachshund. It'll get IVDD and I'm guessing you don't wanna shell out 5-10 grand for an MRI and spinal surgery.

who would spend 5k on a dog? i have 3 and set a 1k limit on medical expenses. more than that and we take them out back. twice already. then get another one. it's hard but at the end of the day it's just a dog.