Just pulled the trigger on this

Just pulled the trigger on this.

How bad did I fuck up?

Pretty badly, you should've gotten a 1070.

+$400 for the 10 fps increase

Here's the best part, I have 3 1080p monitors and i'm upgrading from a 290.

why do you ask after buying a $600 card


All you fucked up is posting this here. Can't expect anything else but salt from poorfags.

Yeah, you fucked up.

If you don't own at least one Titan XP, you are the poorfag. The 1080 is a mid-range card.

barely an upgrade

You did really well, the cooler on that is one of the best. I regret not waiting for AIB cards when I got my 1080.

>getting a reference card. Ever
>in the year 2000+16 even

You should regret being born.

I run 3 1440p screens on a 290. Why did you get a 1080 for? 1080p gaming?

>buying high end nvidia when they are switching to HBM in 3 months
still got time to return it mate. 4k is becoming viable.

p gud m8.

So I don't plan to get into VR anytime soon

1060 the way to go for me?

It's not a bad choice

There are seriously people like this. At least on Sup Forums some guy claimed the 1070 is mid, low/mid.

1070 is mid. 1080 is mid-high, 1080 sli is high.

1060 is low, AMD is hobo-tier.

Titan X is gaming capable. 1080 Ti budget card. 1080 multimedia tier. 1070 poor man's video output device. 1060 HAHAHA.

I think a 1070 could run almost all games maxed on that setup , a 1080 for sure will as I max most 4k games on mine

>didn't get the new Titan

What are you poor?

ever heard of watercooling?

should've gotten a Titan XP poorfag

I don't even put 1060s in servers for when I need to occassionally get video out. I use 1070s for that. Are people actually that poor they have to buy AMD or 1060s?

The 1080 IS a mid-range card, like it or not. The Ti and the Titan are Nvidia's high end. The x80 chip hasn't been high end since first generation Kepler.

>he actually believes this

>tfw just bought a 1070 for a single 1080p 60hz monitor

>tfw have a 290 and a sub-1080p monitor
I should be set for a while r-right?

And I'll just be here...enjoying my RX 480...

cancel that shit and get the 1070 if doing 3 monitors at 1080p/1440p

paying an extra $500 for 10% more is stupid-tier, not high-tier

>750 ti
>tried launching Doom
>menu screen runs at a smooth .3 frames a second
>remember my motherboard, CPU and hard drive are 9 years old

Time for a new PC. Might as well get the 1070

Does a game exist that a 980ti can't max out at 1440p?

Leaving 4K out of the equation because no single card can do it well enough yet

If you're playing Doom go AMD. 1080p/60 at ultra settings on my 290, an RX 480 would be more than enough GPU.

Titan looks promising.

what should I get Sup Forums?

Just got my 980Ti yesterday, can't max out GTAV or hitman at 1080p. :^(

macbook air imo

1080p 144hz, so my choice is 1070 right

Slap a 480 in that bitch

Sorry if this sounds like shitposting but I'm barely working so is using 30% more electricity through an RX 480 oc'd any concern than a 1060 oc'd?

Some estimates put it at 340w peak.

You don't need to OC it. At 1080p you can max just about anything at stock clocks. If you're really that worried about power consumption though go with the 1060.

I thought I may have to OC the 470 to match the 480 though. Problem with the nitro is the temperature isn't too brill, niether is power or noise if you mitigate temperature.

So with the 470 I can get an MSI for £230 as opposed to a Sapphire 480 for £240.

No two fan cards are out in the UK besides Zotac for £260.

Since I am on my arse every other day I admit I am a little power conscious.

660ti runs great for everything at 1080p, GTA v runs at 70fps on medium.

Bit of a tard question, what would make the 660 last so long but not the 1060?

>lengthwise channeled heatsink fans
>massive yet unused back bracket vents on their 1070 and 1080 but not 1060
>not everyone has a sidepanel
What the fuck is EVGA thinking

Because that's how GPU manufacturers rolled back in the days. They would make these cards and 5 years later they would still perform solid in games at 1080p. I bought my 660ti off a friend for $20 because he got a 970. The only thing lacking on these old cards is VRAM. This thing only has 2gb of vram. Old AMD/Nvidia cards can still compete with the newest titles if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of visuals for it. Most benchmarks are ran at maxed out settings. I'm sure they will get that way with these new cards and make them competitive for at least 5 years. But yeah, if you can score a gtx 780 for about $50 thats a good deal.

I'm not upgrading until HBM2 and then I'll get whatever cards are out and a better monitor

Any more in depth insight?

about to pull the trigger on a 330 dollar 980ti hybrid from evga's B-stock sale. Really my aim is to play overwatch at 144hz with near max settings and games similar to that. Good?

No idea sorry, It's got something to do with drivers and how games target certain aspects of what the gpu's have. All I know is I can play all the games I want smoother than I thought so I don't need to spend $800 aud on a gpu for now.

Sure. that or a 1070 would work wonders. Go for the 980 ti

you're joking right? My 980ti can barely handle 1440p on med-high settings with minimal AA

Even the new titan only averages like 80 fps on Witcher 3 1440p

Before it's out of stock, yeah.

>be in third world country
>want an EVGA GTX 1060 SC because it's kawaii as fuck
>for sale are MSI Gaming X that cost equivalent 351 bucks and Asus Strix for 377 bucks
>An ASUS RX480 is equivalent to 351 USD, picture posted are the reference one

How do anons feel about Zotac and Palit's 1060 and PC's RX480?

I'd wait for aftermarket 4gb RX480s

If he's in a 3rd world country, he'll appreciate 15°C lower temps and much lower Watt usage. Prices are the same, although in Europe the RX is often more expensive.

I appreciate lower watt usage due to being a frugal sod.

480 is much worse than a 1060, get a 1060

>Tfw I have a 900p monitor and an r9 nano
I Regret everything.

What's wrong with EVGA?

>AMD Hobo-tier
hey atleast AMD dont lie about their 3.5 gig cards

EVGA is actually top tier, that guy is trolling

>atleast AMD dont lie

Toppest of keks