So I've been trying to install arch with openrc for a week now and at this point i want to kill myself. i finally got everything to work except wifi which will not work no matter what magic i conjure up from the depths of Richard Stallman's sweaty ballsack. Is it really that bad to use systemd security and privacy wise?
Systemd the bad guy
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No it's not. It's GPL3 so everybody is allowed to look at that code any time.
sudo ip link set wlp2s0 down
sudo wifi-menu
post results
Systemd is not evil, it's retarded. Install Gentoo.
the problem i was having was with dhcpcd always failing to get an ip. and the arch wiki was not helpful. i tried using wpa_supplicant because anytime i used wifi-menu resulted in failing to connect.
i have installed gentoo, i like pacman more than compiling shit with emerge
>i like pacman more than compiling shit with emerge
Even on Sup Forums it's rare to have this much of a shit taste.
Are you sure, or is it already working?
Did you actually try what I recommended?
because your problem seems very familiar to mine.
*Debian and systemd. Just werkz. Sorry you're having problems user. I'm gonna go skype or fire up steam. Let me know how it works out.
>using bloated shit
some rtl drivers are shit on linux straight up
Are you trying to summon Shiva, god of Pajeets?
>Is it really that bad to use systemd security and privacy wise?
No. Don't fall for the trolls
A week and you have wifi? Might want to try Mint first. Watch a few computer science videos on youtube and learn a programming language to get a grasp on what you're actually doing. Odds are you're gonna get that system up using some google fix and you will have gained nothing In understanding your new os.
Try, runit.
Also xbps. (It's even on AUR)
If you like that, you're welcome to enter the void.
>not using superior Devuan
>being this cucked for systemdicks
systemd is the best init I've ever used.
the big, big issue is that it's not unix in the slightest. it completely shits on the entire philosophy and consistently tries to overreach and reinvent the wheel.
but ease of use and reliability are top notch. I would assume the problem is you.
>itt RedHat shills doing systemd propaganda
nothing new here, move on
placing scripts in a directory and reading log files was easier than systemd
>using netctl when you're trying to avoid systemd
top kek m8
Hey, those are my Thinkpads, neat.
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