/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread: What are you working on?
/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread: What are you working on?
nothing because im a procrastinating nigger
Climbing Mt. Haskell Learning Curve
I've been stuck at work making python scripts to automate shit.
Fuck you, python3 wasn't there you fucking liar
Can you give us an example of something you would automate and how you would go about it.
I'd find a task or be given one that's currently being done manually and then be asked to write a script to automate it
why, whats the point of learning haskell?
Unlimited power
fuck off sheev poster
Just updated my imageboard downloader, it uses PyQt4.
Might update to PyQt5, Python 2 is giving me a lot of headaches recently.
This user is right, right now i'm making a script that creates/updates/removes decies from our monitor solutions :)
sounds like fun.
i enjoy trying to find the best ways to automate my daily routines.
How do you get better at coding?
Can someone please just give me a line or two explaining how they got better at coding in python?
Im an incoming Junior at NYU and for finance internships knowing a coding language (as it relates to finance) would help me for internships and job opportunities.
Any help appreciated.
Makin an IRC logging bot from scratch
it's lit
>give me a line or two explaining how they got better at coding
1. find problems that are marginally beyond your capabilities, and tackle them.
2. repeat.
if you're looking for a nugget that unlocks some higher order capability, tough shit.
you code
you code stuff you dont know how to do
you google how to do it
you do it
you just learned something
but majority of people "learning programming" would not be able to come up with projects
they stop learning
the end
This makes sense
Thank you
Do you guys use IDE or just python shell
>finish half of the course on codecademy
>create projects for myself on sites i use that are way past my skill level
>google everything and figure out how to piece it together
now im good at coding