Simple question

If Linux is so good and free to use, why does Microsoft spend millions every year developing Windows instead of just using it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it's actually shit and only used by neckbeards as desktop.
Everyone that isn't autistic uses it as server.

Linux is a clone of Unix
sadly MS couldn't just rip it off because patents and shit

Because they are basically being forced to just use it. They started offering it on their cloud platform. They now have a virtualization layer for Linux binaries on their desktop OS. Microsoft is contractually and strategically obligated to keep developing Windows even though it's a pile of shit.

It's fine for desktop usage.

>Why does a company spend $$$ on developing a product that it sells?
Not sure if good troll, or genuinely retarded.

>TUX Racer
nah, play SuperTuxKart, so much better tbqh
but to answer your question, GNU is free software and MS can't make money from it and control it's users and they want to rule the market with their own stuff, that's why, in fact they hate GNU and the Linux kernel, as you can see in the late 1990's and early 2000's they saw it as a threat and paid OEMs and driver developers to avoid Linux driver development and OEMS would install Windows instead of GNU, this wastheir way of wiping out the growing threat to Windows

>It's fine for desktop usage.
Not him, but no it isn't, Windows or OSX are much better in that regard. Linux is great as server though

>It's fine for desktop usage.
Then why is desktop OS marketahare 2% despite the millions of distros out there?

It's absolutely fine. I've dual booted for the last 7ish years and in the last couple years it has become entirely viable. Hit me with some examples.

Are you seriously asking why Linux doesn't have the market share that a mega-corporation with OEM contracts and a hardware manufacturer have?

But it is, I use it just fine and my parents use it just fine for daily use, it can do everything Windows can do, so saying it's only for servers is vastly wrong, although it is incredible for servers as well. We never have even touched a terminal in all of our use, it's gotten more and more user friendly since then (90's and early 2000's)

>It's absolutely fine

Most people don't even know it exists. It's not as though they advertise or shove down peoples throats like the "other OS's" do.

Your loss, scrub.

just wait for vulkan mate

Are you just going to keep repeating nope?

Give me something specific. I'm dying to know.

>based milo
wew and

>browsing Sup Forums
>ostensibly being a technology enthusiast
>being too stupid to use a Linux desktop

Funny that no other software has that problem. If it's better than what else is out there, people hear about it. Yet Linux... crickets. Almost as though it's a hobbyist OS.

>why would a company continue selling its own product even though there's a better one

What's the point? The only real use a linux desktop has is for ricing. That's it. Outside of servers linux is a huge meme OS.

I'm absolutely blown away by the stupidity of OP

>instead of just using it?
Since 2003 they've been using linux.

And last year to present their new products they were using a mac book.

Go use linux mint or ubuntu for a while, you have nothing to lose.

Don't like it, fine don't use it.

to be fair MS doesn't manufacture laptops unlike apple

it doesn't sound like you need to use it either. ur just another pseudointellectual aspie


I lose

>muh gaymen for entertainment
>muh .NET platform for work
>muh windwos only programs I use for hobby

So yea, I surely have nothing to lose, apart from every single thing. Not everyone uses their pc just to program in C (lol) and shitpost on Sup Forums all day.

They sell support, hardware and services now.

Also, people from most countries in the world have always pirated Windows.

Dualboot or even better use it on another laptop/computer lying around. You only need 15-30 Gb to work with linux just fine.

> tried most distros
> settled with ubuntu on my laptop and debian stable on the desktop
> enjoying the stability and ease
> reports on windows 10 au freezing pcs
> laughs

But WHY, why would I want to do that if Windows already does everything I want. That's the question. And it's a question every Linux fails to answer, hence it's negligible market share.

Btw azure linux by microsoft

As an experiment, over the course of the next few days, I like you all to pay attention to the frequency, in which, Windows users use the term "LOL". Prepare to be both annoyed and astounded.

>The only real use a linux desktop has is for ricing
fuck off idiot
I use standard ubuntu with unity, just added a temperature and system load indicator in the system tray, no rice needed to be productive
I use gnu/linux because is the fastest, no-frills, no-spyware, no bullshit operating system out here
every developer tool is an apt install away, hardware just works without installing drivers, everything is logical and when you have an error you can actually solve it
developing in windows is a pain unless you are a c# monkey, and even for that is not so good, microsoft documentation is horse shit and they try to fuck you in the ass at every occasion

really makes u think what a tech enthusiast is these days. kys

pretty much thus Sup Forumstards make it seem like everything other than Linux is trash or a meme yet they themselves are the memes. note I use Linux at work as a dev but don't on my pc and I'm completely fine with them both like this

Let us go back to the 1800s

> why would I need these automobiles
> my horse can get me wherever I want

>>no spyware

Amazon searches anyone?

It is disabled by default now. Also don't listen to that faggot RMS

Tha'ts retarded. It's more like

>I want comfort and speed so I drive a BMW M5
>Here, use this car instead, it's driving system is different, the pedals are on the roof and it won't play your cd/usb, but it's from a different company!

I know it is but thats like saying stalkers dont stalk you because of a restraining order or something. You should still feel violated you were stalked in the first place.

>don't listen to that faggot RMS

Canonical shills are getting a bit angsty huh?

>search form
this is retarded
RMS is too much hyperbolic sometimes

Most CS people use OSX nowadays. Why use a poor Unix clone when you can have a real Unix.
Linux is for idealists and poor people.

I'm sure you are using one of the FSF approved distro, or you are just being hypocritical?
I think RMS deserve respect but I don't have to believe everything he says like it's a fucking cult
the user you quoted is a moron tho

You missed the I'd like to interject for a moment part

Yes, horse can get me everywhere I want

No, linux can't play my games
No, linux doesn't have enterprise level software for .NET platform, and that's what I do for a living
No, the programs I use for my hobbies are not linux compatible
No, the browsers or linux aren't different from what I can get on windows for shitposting
No, the media players aren't any better on linux


>just stop doing what you like, change work, change hobbies, use the same software you can use on windows. It's great!

In short: you're retarded.

What the fuck does the canonical / amazon controversy have to do with RMS? I don't know why you're even trying to bring him into the equation.

I use arch on a laptop and debian on a server since you asked.

Windows is like a plastic butter knife and Linux is like steel kitchen knife.
With windows kids feel always safe to use and have fun with it playing to be chefs, doing things like cutting tomatoes or maybe onions, even if they do it in a slow or clumsy way, but meanwhile they feel happy and satisfied with themselves.
Then when they see you cooking with the steel knife they starts wondering how it feels, then they starts whining that they want to cook like you and want to use the steel knife instead the small plastic one. You say that you cannot do that because you're busy but you'll teach him later.
The kid gets angry and start whining more that he want the knife now and don't want the plastic one anymore, you tell him that to use the knife he must practice and be patient, meanwhile he should start with a smaller one.
The kid gets more angry and tell you that he don't need your ugly and stupid knife because the yellow plastic one is more cool, and more safe, and he can do the same things, and that this one is not allowed for adults to use.

Then you laugh in a light way like thinking 'that's cute' and you just say ok.

Use wine
What is docker?
Use wine

Later in the night when you're sleeping, the kid takes the steel knife and starts playing with it.
He feels very exited, this one is heavier, shiny, it cuts things very easily, now he feels like a professional.
Then he try to cut harder things, or trying to cut the vegetables in small cubes.
During his play he mistakenly cuts his finger and starts crying very loud.
You wake up and hurry up to see whats happening and you cure his finger with a bandage and cleaning the injure.
The kid starts blaming you saying that this is because you didn't lend him the knife when he asked, that you never have time for him, that your shitty knife is dangerous and you're a retard for using it, that he didn't need anyway, that was your fault for always treating him like a kid.

The only thing you do then is hug him and say, 'ok but promise me that you'll not try to use the knife again until being more grown', the kid just nods with his head while a tear walks over his face.

> because it isn't that hard and even grandmas can use it
> because it can from play your cds/dvds/usbs
> because it runs on less resources
> because you also get it for free ,could also call it a birthday present
>because you really have nothing to lose, your fanboyism is just shoved so way up your ass to understand that.

>No, linux can't play my games

Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

The hundreds of distros ARE the reason nobody uses linux

>No, linux doesn't have enterprise level software for .NET platform, and that's what I do for a living
>No, the programs I use for my hobbies are not linux compatible

Fair enough if that is for you but:

Half of them are shit and unmaintained or tools to serve a purpose because anyone and everyone has taken a distro and made it something new.

Dude, most people just need a browser to do stuff on the interwebs. Linux distros can do that.

There are only a few valid reasons to use Linux on the desktop:
- you want a Unix like enviroment but can't afford a Mac

I'm sure there are other very specific valid reasons but I can't think of any at the moment

Well i believe he was the guy that pointed it out

how long until we have a mainstream android desktop OS?

Because MS is kinda silly. It's quite obvious Microsoft is going to drive down Windows development and is migrating to Linux. I think this is one of Sataya's 10 year plan pillars.

They already shoved Ubantoo shell in it due developer demand.


Do freetards fail to understand that most people want to use their computer and do not care about tweaking their computer?
Until Linux becomes proprietary friendly it will never succed on the market.

Android is shit ...

Correction all current phone OSes are shit

How isn't it "proprietary friendly"?

>Android is shit ...

Based on Linux...

but it has the good goy software the plebs want.

Based on Linux, ruined by google.

that pajeet brought RMS's statement on ubuntu because I said that ubuntu has no spyware

then a sperglord (probably false flagging) said RMS is full of shit

I personally don't care, I just use what I want, I'm just happy there is stallman watching for my freedom and calling out who doesn't respect it

I installed mpv in Fedora 24, but it does not start, I get this if I try to start it from terminal

mpv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any ideas?

> The Linux Community becomes proprietary friendly.


It's not like RMS will come beat you up over creating proprietary program for linux. Look at vivaldi the community loves it.

dnf install libwbclient

If you dont have the wbclient library it wont find it.


what's the use of something like that?
miss google's cock?
do you want 'apps'?

>How isn't it "proprietary friendly"?

Linux tolerates proprietary software, but it cannot be considered proprietary friendly.
Distro fragmentation kills proprietary software.
Also political issues (the whole freedom thing).

adobe suite among much more software for professional use than what linux has on all distro combined.

in the end that's what people care.

most of the good goy software people complain has no linux port, has an android port.

> because it isn't that hard and even grandmas can use it

So is Windows.

> because it can from play your cds/dvds/usbs

So can Windows

> because it runs on less resources

Yeah, because if I work with full stack .NET and play muh gaymes I surely have P4 and 2 MB of RAM so that what little OS uses matters.

> because you also get it for free ,could also call it a birthday present

But I got all my programs for free, you know, from work. If you are actually productive, the bosses will happily pay thousands of $ for any software which you use to make money (for you and company). Besides, free != better just becasue it's free.


I FUCKING TRIED IT. It has it's uses. As a main desktop system for my needs, it's garbage.

>because you really have nothing to lose, your fanboyism is just shoved so way up your ass to understand that.

I listed my reasons. You resort to fanboyism and name calling.

no one talked about the kernel
oh yeah, you probably don't even know what a kernel is

Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:18 ago on Mon Aug 8 10:43:15 2016.
Package libwbclient-2:4.4.5-1.fc24.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

I get that and still can't start mpv

I'm not saying it can't play ANY games, I'm saying it won't play MY games. Yes, I checked it, they don't work or work with problems.

a dalvik/art implementation for gnu would be better though
android is not for desktops/laptops

>having to sudo chmod +x 777 every fucking time
>going through datasheets to install a simple program since linux lacks a .msi

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Not joking this actually solves most of my linux issues.

If its still not working then I have no idea.

It would be neat a sort of wine for android.

>oh yeah, you probably don't even know what a kernel is

Naaaah, I just like triggering freetards


Desktop Linux is slow buggy unstable garbage.

If it's arch that is expected it is cutting edge after all

>chmod +x 777
what the fuck are you doing?

I wonder if such project exists, there are windows implementation already, we need to catch up, it's probably simpler having the same kernel and the android source

>What is apt
>What is pacman
>What is yum
>What is the aur

What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you need Windows, use Windows. If that meets your needs don't add Linux onto it. If you don't need Windows at all, then just use Linux. Don't use Linux and Windows unless you really do need something Linux offers that Windows does not. They both have their respective uses and neither is the end all answer. Some people only need one, stop trying to force the other on them. Simple stuff.

Just don't use OS X. It's only "useful" if you need to make software for OS X. A grim ouroboros of useless shit.

>Using a package manager
>Not compiling from source

>in the end that's what people care.

Heresy, people want to tweak their tiling window manager all day.

>Compiling from source

>Use wine
>What is docker?
>Use wine

Again, WHY would I want to do that if it already works on Windows? What am I getting, apart from lost time to set everything up (IF it works)? And no, free isn't an argument, becasue a day of my work is worth more than Windows license.


Into the trash

Tha'ts mostly CAD and graphics. They'are not the programs I use.

In that precise case, the horse would be linux, while the car would be windows.

>the horse would be linux

Linux would be feet. Bare feet. But you get the source code to build your own shoes.

You get the latest releases of software, not the "latest version offered by your distribution through its repositories".

Not to defend linux-tard in this thread, but linux is both free as in beer, and free as in speach

Cancer is also free

Because it couldn't make as much money if it had to release all of the source code for its OS because people would start releasing it for free all over the internet and it wouldn't be illegal.