Please Sup Forums, redpill me on Python
Please Sup Forums, redpill me on Python
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Just don't use Python 3, it's a meme.
You can write highly functional, higher order functions that will run. on. anything. Or you can use it to write scripts to sort your futa porn.
It's highly versatile and doesn't lend itself to problematic issues like polymorphic decay of scope or abstract STD creep like in C++ or Rust
why is babby black
isn't Rust more efficient memory wise?
Honestly, having coded with Java and javascript, and some C#, for the last 2 years, I find that Python is a decently efficient language capable of doing quite a lot, especially with a Linux system. Being a web dev nut, I use Python's Django and Flask modules quite a bit, which are pretty nice for building websites, versus using strictly javascript. I don't understand the hate for it, imho.
Its fine if all you want to do is prototype shit all day.
Its useless for writing real applications. Just go look at gimp or deluge they both are written in python and they are shit.
Its a meme tier language that serves as a sort or training wheels apparatus for people that want to learn programming but in being soon noobified it teaches lots of bad habbits .
If you really want to start somewhere start with java. Its a real language and all the IDEs hold your hand all the way.
Cucked by Tyrone.
Anything after py 3.4 is gold.
Easy to use. Quick enough. Linear
Iirc, a lot of Google's web and mobile apps have been developed through a solid base of python, right? Same with sites and apps like reddit, snapchat and instagram. Also, I believe a chunk of World of Warcraft is written with python as well. It might not be the best language for Windows software development, but python is capable of quite a bit.
It is like programming pure butter
Python is so smooth when I use it I feel like listening to jazz and smoking a cigar
Of course a compiled, lower-level language is more memory-efficient.
whats wrong with deluge
>redpill me
Fuck off with this cringe. Do you have a question? If so, just ask it. Don't come in here with that bullshit m8.
import this
Why are you so upset?
ur a reddit idiot u """"REDPILL"""" FUCKHOLE
Go back to your desktop or guts thread, brainlet.
python is fine
Ok, kid
p-please redpill me on why this is cringe senpai
Have a fun evening with your (You) shitposting XD XD XD
Thank fuck, this guy isn't actually the biggest cuck. Still looks like a cuck, though.
his wife looks pretty qt though desu
everyone who wears glasses looks like a cuck?
Explain this pls
You ever think about the praise you get for trying to get pregnant and getting pregnant? You get to ejac deep inside your wife and everyone is pleased. You get to creampie the shit out your wife and then tell everyone about it. What a life.
It's his gay hairstyle.
>her son
>he's not a cuck tho
>Please Sup Forums, redpill me on Python
How could anyone use this shit?
>Dipshit finds out you can add and edit text
"""ironic""" big black thick rimmed glasses, """ironic""" traditional haircut
GIMP is written in C/C++ with a lot of python scripting going on. GTK is a part of GIMP.
Deluge. is written mostly in C++ (on the backend) with frontends written in a few different languages. Python may be one of them, but either way look shit up before cherry picking facts retard.
Oh yeah I see, so if he had normal just longer hair on the sides he wouldn't look gay?
It depends
some newborn babies have dark red skin for a few hours after birth
very easily?
I didn't even know there was any pip command that isn't pip3 and pip
I'm a literal monkey who will type shit into my terminal as root directly from google and give 0 fucks and it has never failed me once
>pip for 2.x
>pip for 3.x
hahah meme epic!
you can do the same in haskell
pip is the package manager, python devs are so incompetent the whole ecosystem has to be split into decimal place version executables
>spend thread bitching about hair
This thread is actual proof that Sup Forums is autistic
Python is a great language to first learn about programming concepts, and it is a great language to learn after you've learned C or another systems level language and need a scripting language to prototype in or write small jobs.
It's just as good as PHP, Javascript, Perl or Ruby. It's a scripting language so it's slow, use it for calculations, or frontends. Basically anything that isn't very complex or speed hungry.
Rule of thumb is start writing your programs in the shell (Bash/KSH/POSH) and then when they start getting big rewrite them in a scripting language (POSH doubles as a scripting language AFAIK.) Then if you need speed rewrite in C/C++/Rust.
Then if you still need speed optimize your loops and algorithms, and if that isn't enough inline some assembly.
I saw the unshopped picture with the white baby. Could the Sup Forumstard please go back to his containment board now.
found the cuck
You shouldn't default to being a speedwhore and using C, and even then you can just run a fast C routine from python
it's a great language period. Fuck java and C++. I no longer see the point of either of these languages.
Seeing as this thread is here, would Python be the best choice for a program that crawls news sites looking for specific terms and extracting information?
Last time I used it was back in... ~2002? Can't really remember any of it.
Yeah it would be really simple to write something like that
>her son
I know, I have been a C programmer for 10+ years so I default to it but replace C with any systems language. And like I said the only time to use such a language is when you need speed and can't get it from a scripting language (or, in regards to C, when you need to manually manage memory.)
Python is a terrible language to learn first. Babies you up way too much.
You're right about everything else though
>to her son
it's a photoshop from Sup Forums
they edited it into a black baby, changed it from "my son" to "her son"
because dank numale meme
modern scraping is actually a bitch due to cloudflare, phantomjs would probably be the best choice, is also alright, javafx's webengine is nice but not really a framework
>her son
You python kids are really defensive about critiques to your language.
You forgot the "ironic" ebin beard.
>your wife
>her son
What the fuck? I thought that was just an ebin Sup Forums maymay.
because they know deep down their language cant do half the shit real languages can
>that's the joke
don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
>saying "maymay"
kill yourself
Pretty sure reddit is written in php.
you know you can literally go look at it right
why not? it's newer and python 2v3 fragmentation is bad, better to move to the newer one.
Underrated post
i want Sup Forums to leave
it was written in lisp
I want Sup Forums to leave the other boards alone.
> her son
Stop with the memes, please.
Look at all these cucks