I need some advice Sup Forums

I need some advice Sup Forums
I decided it's time to upgrade my 7 year old pc. I work at a computer store and my boss said he's gonna build me a new pc. This is what he came up with:
FX 4320 4GHz
Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P
Corsair Vengeance Pro 2x8GB 1600Mhz DDR3 CL9
Patriot SSD Spark 256GB
Gigabyte Radeon RX 480 8GB GDDR5
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo

I'm a little worried about that cpu and ddr3 memory. Personally I wanted to go for i5 6500 and GTX 960. I could use some help deciding what to get. Thanks.

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You should maybe go get a better job.

Get an i3, some homo in another thread is ranting and raving about them.

Go for the i5. The cores on the FX are way weaker than on the intels. (like less than half)

What if I were to swap the FX 4320 for a FX 6300 perhaps?

You just add more cores. Most desktop applications and even games can't use the extra cores. Even 8 FX cores don't compete with an i5 in MULTITHREADED (when it can use all cores) games. Let alone single threaded.

Don't bother. AMD cpu's are outdated for the most part.

the options you posted are i5 or fx4k
i5 + rx480

4.6ghz my nigga is the fastest dog out there

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

He recommended a GPU better than the one you wanted but you want the shittier one?

Sup Forums in 2016

Well I wanted a cheaper GPU but a more expensive CPU. I don't have unlimited money, you know.

What do you even need a GPU for at work?

I meant a pc for myself, to use at home. I just mentioned where I work because I'm not sure if my boss knows what he's talking about.

I am a professional gamer.

>My boss is gonna build me a new pc

That is a clear indication that he is paying for it... Is English your primary language?

I have that exact SSD in my laptop and it's cool bananas. Very impressive for its cost.

English isn't my primary language. And basically he is paying for it.

So wtf are you talking about then?

I meant he pays me to buy the pc, forget about it. Just tell me if this is a good build and if I should change something.

Everything is fine

ask for a 6300 OP

May I have attention of the tech gurus pls?

FX 6300 is a piece of shit. trust me, I'm still using one.
Ditch the CPU cooler and the SSD and get an i5 instead, or if not then a decent i3.

How so?

Go Intel or wait for Zen.

> I work at a computer store
Shouldn't you know what configurations you need?
>my boss said he's gonna build me a new pc
Okay but shoudn't YOU know it already?

>This is what he came up with
>FX 4320 4GHz
>1600Mhz DDR3 CL9
>Patriot SSD Spark 256GB

> Personally I wanted to go for i5 6500 and GTX 960.
Thats a good CPU but what are you going to do with that old ass overpriced GPU?

no just get a i3 or i5, other than that the build looks good

Behold Digital Foundry.


Thats one of the best AMD Cpus going against all of intels last 3 gens.

I think you can see the problem.

Not only does AMD suck at overall average framerates, it suck in a very important non seen part. And thats framerate stability. You want 60 FPS 100% of the time you don't want 40 or 50 or 59 you want 60.

AMD might come close to old intels on average frame rate but boy does it get lower FPS at the lowest. It's fluctuates too much. Frame times are shit.

What about GPUs user?


Basically if you want a cheap GPU go for the RX 470. IF you want a good one pick RX 480 8GB or 1060 GTX

hey shut ur whore mouth bich

AMD FX is trash. GTX 960 is also trash.
Get a 480 and an i5.

Fury X. No point in having all those cores if you can't put them to good use in new APIs.

Party over here!

Never buy an AMD CPU.

DDR3 RAM is fine, you can't afford the CPU and Mobo required for DDR4.

The RX 480 is a shit load more powerful than a GTX 960.

Never, ever buy a GTX x60 GPU.

Nvidea GPU listings:
x60 - is for diagnosed Downs sufferers
x70 - is for poor faggots (best price/performance ratio)
x80 - is for normals
x80 Ti - is for enthusiasts
Titan - is for autistic streamers.

Retard alert, the only worthwhile Nvidia ones are low end for muh power consumption while everyone avoids X60(overpriced for power) and X80(worthless when the TI comes out)

****never buy AMD anything
its on the same level as buying chinkshit

>x80 is normal
>A GPU worth more than probably your whole PC is normal

So, always buy them then?

tfw just bought 1060 because I couldn't find an rx 480 anywhere paid 320 after tax and shipping

Drop to 8GB (YOURE NOT GONNA FUCKING USE 16GB RETARD) and get an 8320. That's pretty much the build I did a couple months ago and I'm happy. Don't wait around for Zen unless you wanna wait 8 years and don't listen to the dumb i3 drones. You don't want a low end piece of shit

16 is literally future proof though, i never use all 8GB in my machine(though ive never actually checked how close i get while gaming) and i plan on getting 16

>wanting a GTX 960
Nigger, do you even Sup Forums?

Then buy another 8 in 5 years when it's half the price and you need it