We all have that "friend"
That "friend" or family member that only talks to you when they need tech support.
Share your stories.
We all have that "friend"
That "friend" or family member that only talks to you when they need tech support.
Share your stories.
i don't have any friends and my family hates me
>having friends
>I'm that guy
>receive sms
>it's that "friend" I haven't heard of in 8 years
>message is my name followed by a "?"
That was hard.
I have no idea how to fix problems with Windows, printers and other shit normies need "tech support" for, so most of them think me being a programmer is bullshit as I clearly know nothing about computers.
>Nigga looks like he was stung by a bee
They don't know i'm a tech person.
They bother other people. HA HA!
You are me
ppl are stupid
I'm tech support at work... kind of nice to be appreciated, but annoying.
I literally just use my common sense, in a way it's all intuitive to me, but I can't see why others can't just try like I do?
>dude my Outlook is in offline mode, wtf help
>I have no fucking clue, but have a look
>click along all the ribbon shit buttons
>find the work offline button
>woah dude how did you do that, you're a computer genius !
Every time
>using portable gvim on a flash drive to make a simple Java script for someone
Sister who is not short of cash but is tight as a badger's ass. Said she would pay for OS reinstall with bottle of fine whiskey which never appeared. If there's a next time she needs help, she's getting charged up front or she can fuck off.
"Friend" and his brother: I showed my console-pleb friend how to computer, his brother becomes interested down the line. Only hear from them now when they fuck something up or can't fathom a solution to something. Just reply to them now with "dunno".
>is there any tech savvy person here?
>don't say anything, don't consider myself that good with computers
>no one speaks up and I finally decide to help them
>they couldn't download a youtube video
Holy shit it amazes me how tech illiterate normies are.
>>I'm that guy
Go fuck yourself, buddy
Yeah, 'tech savvy' just means not retarded.
I'm amazed we even have NEETs here when basically anyone can walk into Best Buy and blow the fucking socks off of the Geek Squad and start making $20/h.
Yeah I hate them, it has been a relief since I moved to another city for college but stil have to deal with it sometimes in the spare weekends I visit my parents.
The most annoying thing is that I have to setup them printers and many other stuff that could be done by just reading the freacking instructions that come with the device. GOD DAMN IT
>3 years ago
>teachers in my school considered me the in-class IT guy because the actual IT guys took their damn time to get down
>literally never did any work
>huge noise cancelling headphones
>browsing the net because the internet restrictions are ridiculously easy to get past
>teacher walks up behind me
>close gay porn fanfic just in time
this happened a lot
>tfw they saw it once and they installed netnanny
>>>I'm that guy
At first I read ugly
At last I can see
I'd rather not have people bothering me for anything else, really.
>help!! here's the error message
>"could not access the database, please try to delete /var/logs/someunimportantstuff.shit"
It's like their brain automatically shuts down when presented with an error. unbelievable
>help! there's an error message
>ok let me see, do the thing that doesn't works
>error message pops up, the dumbfuck immediately closes it
>user, how are we supposed to know what's wrong when we can't read the errormessage?
>user, I thought you can into PC ?????
I'm an IT guy but I often catch myself closing error messages when they pop up because I'm used to absolutely fucking useless uninformative error messages that Windows gives
>unexpected error happened at 0x53a387f
>searching for solution on the Internet
fuck off scrub
>Huge noise cancelling headphones
user were you in the retard class?
Oh so you were.
>have that friend
>give advice when they ask for it
>they never use said advice
>rinse and repeat
>That "friend" or family member that only talks to you when they need tech support.
That sentence describes my whole life, senpai.
I've been with the same group of friends since 3rd of ESO, some of them know that I'm "good" with computers.
When teacher messed up the computer, I was the only one that can fixed it just by using common sense.
Now I am in my house cause I don't have a job, and the institute just call me when they broke something and I get 50€ every time.
The last time they call, it was because some idiot installed shit from Softonic, and fucked all the computers in the room.
>We all have that "friend"
I don't have any friends, lol.
two fuckers, after a couple of "hey how are you? say... would you mind checking my computer it's acting funny" I resorted to fuck both the laptop and the other desktop with a shitty powershell script that randomly renames all the files inside the documents, pictures and video folder. It runs every couple of weeks.