/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
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Currently blocking the anniversary update by setting my connections as metered. Should I just pull the trigger since I'm already on home edition?
I've been playing with RAM timings, using SuperPi as a benchmark. I'm getting a strange result on these timings.
1866MHz 9-10-11-27-44
1866MHz 11-11-11-27-44
11-11-11 is consistently getting a faster result than 9-10-11, even though the timings are looser. Can this be explained?
CPU: [email protected]
Just update, you'll have to at some point anyway.
You're already deep in the botnet.
Are there any terminal emulators for Windows that recall commands you've already entered even after closing the session? I've been using Conemu and it's great but that's the one thing it lacks.
I'm looking to purchase a surge protector + backup battery (UPS?), but I'm concerned about the wattage.
My desktop computer has a 900w PSU for two 980 titans, and on top of that, I'd like to keep my three monitors on as well. I've found plenty with four battery powered slots, but the wattage of the batteries are rarely above 800w. So I'm wondering if I need to find a battery with 900w+ or if a 400w would cut it sense 900w is probably too much anyway.
Best way to turn my old .sfw files from /f/ into webms?
I doubt you're pulling more than 500W unless you're running furmark.
>980 titan
what are some good websites or Sup Forums pics/guides to do research on buying a new cellphone and plan?
I need a text editor for Windows. Something REALLY FUCKING BAREBONES, the fewer features the better. The only thing I want is for it to save in proper UTF-8 by default, rather than the unchangeable ASCII default and five improper Unicode implementations Notepad offers.
I don't know what happened but for some reason image/video thumbnails don't show up on certain sites. Sup Forums and Youtube works but javlibrary for example doesn't. The page is just endlessly loading and images never appear. I tried in both Chrome and Firefox.
Any ideas?
So I want to try a weird set up, but bear with me because there's a reason for it.
I have a PS3 which I want to connect to my laptop via ethernet. It's a crossover and I've already tested it and it works.
Now, since the PS3 can only have 1 active connection(from what I know at least) I won't have Internet access, since I usually connect it wirelessly.
My question is, can I connect the PS3 to the laptop via ethernet, set up the PS3 to connect to laptop but set the gateway to the router, then have the PS3 connect to the router and the Internet over the laptop's wifi? Along with that, I need to be able to 'host' some kind of streaming server with the PS3 would pick up over ethernet
tl;dr - can I tether my PS3 and laptop so the PS3 uses laptop's internet?
I'm coding in c++. What is the best way to simulate things taking time in a program. Right now im putting sleep() at a bunch of parts in my program. Are there other ways to achieve this? What are my options when I want to simulate time in a program
ffmpeg -i file.sfw -b:v libvpx file.webm
Recently (in the past 6 months) my 2-year-old PC (besides my new-ish R9 390) has been acting up. Every so often, usually AFTER I finish playing a game, the monitor will either: go black, but still on, OR just go into power save mode. During this, the sound will stutter for a few seconds and then cut off. The only way to get out of this is to hold the power button and re-turn it on.
My thought is: why wouldn't the PC just do this during actual high-intensity gaming sessions, rather than after?
How would one go about fixing this, too?
The only good alternative is to use timers with interrupt that tell the OS to continue the program at a particular time. Sleep effectively does this, by setting a time at a particular number of seconds in the future.
Is there any app to browse Sup Forums for iPhone?
Doesn't this only work if the SWF is just a container for an FLV encoded video?
Is there any actual reason to use Windows 7 over Windows 10 or is it all botnet memes and nostalgiatardation?
Test it for yourself.
Does anyone know of any decent public proxies for torrenting?
I'm having to wade through so much shit to find one.
Doesn't work for my flash animations.
I just found out whatsapp web doesnt work as expected (needs your phone to be online) so is there any way to use whatsapp without the phone you installed it in?
The wheel of my mouse (pic related) has lost its grip making hard to use, how can i fix it, can put some glue drops or something like that or i need a new mouse??
Get some fine grit sandpaper and just sand it rough.
When I play games on my laptop, counter strike for example, I have MASSIVE mouse delay to the point where it is pretty much unplayable.
I'm using a wired mouse, steelseries rival
vsync is turned off, mouse accel is turned off
Why does my mouse have so much delay on my laptop? I don't get it
Problemo identificado, senor.
Can I transform my bootloader unlocked phone(moto e boost mobile) into an att(us carrier) phone with software. I heard that it has gsm capability so I tried flashing att firmware on it but it still registered as a non-att phone in settings>about phone.
Java or C++ for a first language? Not doing it professionally, just a hobby.
microsoft word
How to recover 7zip passwords?
So I just installed Ubuntu 16.04. Whenever I try to play a video that I downloaded, I get a black screen, but I can hear the audio. How do I get the video to work?
which email provider is the best?
I usually recommend Python, Java, or C for hobbyists; depending on how HARDCORE they want to be.
C++ is more for people who have a goal in mind. Does your hobbyist programming include geimus or something?
Dumb question, but did you change the radio in the radio settings to GSM/LTE auto and change preferred network settings to 4g? If you did than what happened?
it is really my mouse? it's a pretty decent mouse
The best for what in regards to what?
No, it only includes jacking off to Korean cartoons. So i guess the easier the better. I do operate a website, so I thought java might be useful. But I'm basically a retard, so
Probably unsupported codec. Is this x265 video?
I will try that next.
I'm ripping old DVD's to maybe upload at some point. They all get jaggy lines when there is action on the screen. I have turned on interlacing but it doesn't fix it. Is this a bitrate issue? Like 25 minute TV episodes are coming in at 300+ mbs but still look like ass. I'm using DVDfab if that's important.
The videos are MP4s and WEBMs. I tried playing them on VLC and they kind of work. Sometimes on VLC they will stutter and give me a black screen for a few seconds before returning to normal. I made sure the hardware acceleration was enabled as well. That happens frequently. On the video player that comes with Ubuntu (Totem I believe), it's always black.
Python is the absolute easiest it gets, but outside of tinker toys it has basically no application. Java is, as you probably know, the absolute most popular language on the planet, albeit mostly because it can run on everything from your PC to a calculator. Java is probably going to be ideal for you though, as it will have some web application, and will prepare you for JavaScript which oh so many websites use. C++ for web stuff is... possible but very schinky. C should just be taken off the table.
>inb4 swarm of butthurt pythonbabbies
Wondering what other parts would be worth updating if I buy a 1060, that or if I can run a 1060 on the hardware I currently have.
Thanks in advance for any help.
cool thanks gent
like overall. privacy, ui, security, etc.
Anyone else?
I like protonmail
Try mpv player.
For latest build:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mpv
How can I transfer all the shit form an old hard drive straight to a new one?
looks interesting, thank you.
Proxies don't do shit for torrenting. You want VPN, and you don't want free
Clone it.
I personally like Zoho a lot. I find it to be a good balance between usability and privacy. Yandex is popular around these parts but I'd sooner trust Google with my info than Russians. Protonmail is very private but a bit difficult to use since it doesn't support any clients yet due to their top tier encryption. cock.li is private-ish but there's a chance that some smelly little man is going to read your emails and a chance that ZE POLIZEI is going to take the HDD your mail is stored on with absolutely no comment or chance of ever seeing it again. There's also rumors that it is being heavily monitored but that's probably skub. GMail is a comfy option if you absolutely love the botnet.
I use Zoho and Protonmail myself. Mostly Zoho.
get mullvad, it's super secure and only 5/month
Is cock.li Sup Forums approved? if not why not
mpv worked perfectly. Thanks user
Sup Forums ftp creds?
I'd go for the cpu first. A haswell or skylake i5/i7 would be a huge upgrade and last a long time.
What is better?
A CPU/motherboard/RAM upgrade couldn't hurt, but since you're in a situation where it's practically all or nothing I'd say just keep chugging. You won't be suffering too badly.
I might be drawing a blank here but shouldn't all consumer DDR4 be SDRAM?
Aniversary update is a good example. They increased advertising, took away control of features and access to some registry/group policy settings. They realized people don't like cortana and often switch her off, so they made her always on and an inescapable part of search. And they took away the ability to run unsigned drivers which makes it harder for small developers to make VPNs and run specialized startup services. And they seem to be heading in the direction of being like the xbox where you get advertisements just for turning the thing on. With an older OS, they don't change very much, but with windows 10 microsoft is going to keep shaping it into whatever they want, and with 10 users have very little control over whether or not they receive updates so you kinda have to take whatever they shove out. But eventually we'll all have to switch to 10 or linux as our old hardware dies out.
My local store is selling two versions of the same shit, the only difference is the ram
One has DDR4 and the other is DDR4 SDRAM
The price is the same
This is like asking which is better, an Accord or a Honda Accord?
i'd rather have the honda desu senpai
Also the model name is also different
I mean, pretty sure it's exactly the same. My understanding is that all DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM is SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory). There might be some supercomputers that are exceptions, but...
Don't listen to these guys. You should get SDR SDRAM.
I'm having real horrible problems with ping, yes wired. I looked it up and it said to do a traceroute. What do these tell you about what the fuck is up?
Can I ask why is better?
I've seen this guy in OPs pic posted everywhere on Sup Forums for years. Can anyone explain who he is?
how terrible of an idea is an AMD FX-8350 and a GTX 1080 together
Pretty much all memory made in the last 20 years is SDRAM
He's Fucking with you
So tomorrow I have the chance to pick up a computer with 32GB RAM, i5-3570 3.4 Ghz and 128GB SSD and no dedicated GPU for £180.
What would be a good practical application for this comp? Would it work well as a server?
I've started playing around with Kali and working through a few pentesting books, would there be a use for this machine for that kind of work?
I already have a good rig with a 980 so I don't want to use this for games or anything, thanks for reading my blog.
Why would it be a terrible idea?
Why are you retarded?
Not bad. Green goes easy on CPUs
Where do i learn shell scripting bash/korn
Every time I launch a videogame, my computer restarts on its own. Event Viewer says it's Event 41, so I'm suspecting some issue with my PSU. Any recommendations?
How does the windows 10 license work now? I'm selling my PC and building a new one, I'll keep my HDDs, how can I make sure that I keep my license for my new PC?
Yeah, insufficient power would be a likely culprit
Try running some stress tests and see if the same thing happens.
Can I apply AS5 to exposed CPU dies?
I want to re-paste the 2ghz Pentium M in my T42
Its not electrically conductive, it should be fine.
Stress tests revealed nothing; tried them about a week ago, and I don't have the dosh to get a new reliable PSU. I'm stuck in poorfag limbo until I get some dollars.
Pretty good.
Your connection to your router is fucked up laddie.
Bad wire, bad router, can't tell you.
Try plugging in another PSU if you have one, also another GPU with the first PSU.
Post your speccy. It is probably your PSU yeah.
CPU and GPU at the same time?
If you're using the max power of your system outside a game and it doesn't crash then it probably isn't the PSU, possibly driver related.
I want to upgrade some stuff from my computer, should I even bother getting a new processor? I don't play many new games some overwatch, maybe bf1 when it comes out. I currently have i7-3770, mini itx (I hate) 8gb 866 mhz or something, and a 9750 gpu. I was looking at just getting a better mobo, faster ram, and a new gpu. Anyone wanna help me out?
Please no bully, user-sama. I'm on a budget.
7950*** gpu damn typo
Never thought about testing at the same time; got super scared the first go-round because of my temps. Sorry, I'm not good at this tech stuff.
It's almost definitely your PSU.
Try underclocking/undervolting your GPU and see if it still does it.
Well first, what is your PSU? How many watts does it say it outputs?
My PSU is a SeaSonic 620W. According to pcpartpicker, my system requires about 340W, so I think it's just faulty, although I'm not too indepth when it comes to actually knowing stuff like this.