Quick Sup Forums how do I hide the new app list
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
install gentoo
who the fuck thought installing Windows 10 was a good idea ?
Millions of retards (aka smartphone normies).
Classic shell?
Delete System 3...
wait, you're not allowed to do that because you don't have control over your own System :^)
>your own system
Windows 10 is not *your* system, it's Microsoft's. And once you install it on your computer, it's not your computer anymore, it's theirs. Learn to love your new masters.
downgrade to the previous version
wew nice apps you got lad
idk but maybe you can at least access windows update
just write "updates"
select search for updates option
>they're are people that still use windows 7 because they're afraid of change
Should I use Windows Server 2016 instead of Windows 10?
>retarded start menu
>retarded action center
>retarded """apps"""
>retarded group policy restrictions
>retarded windows update
>retarded setting menu
>retarded botnet features
I, I give up...
>they're are people
Consider ending your existence.
Jesus. Poeple weren't joking when they said Sup Forums was one of the dumbest subs on Sup Forums
You can resize the start menu by dragging it.
I think this would hide the apps, but I'm not sure because I deleted all of mine beforehand.
It's really simple.
Windows 8.1 + classic Shell = perfection.
classic shell
How do I stop Windows 10 from constantly installing Candy Crush?
what's wrong with tiles, can't take the change?
just play the damn game
did candy crush even appear on anniversary?
in old build after uninstalling apps and after they reaper again uninstalling them again never made them to appear again for me, this some sort of bug though
I agree.
I mean,
I want to keep the tiles since I had my tiles personalized already.
I want to hide the main list of apps on the left.
Should be a registry key or some trick that does it...
Saw it in my menu after installing Windows. Uninstalled it. Turned off "Occasionally show suggestions in Start". After about a day it was back.
nothing, or use full screen start
Yeah, you'd have to look that up. I only know the Powershell command that deletes your entire app package.
did you uninstall it two times? initial and after it reapears
When I saw it the second time, I uninstalled the whole OS.
Install Classic Shell
what's the point
>it doesn't function better
>it doesn't look better
and lastly
>using third party program for start
It does function much better tho, you can also configure it to your taste.
>It does function much better tho
start10 also good
Hover over the right side with your mouse and you should be able to resize the menu
Because you can choose what to appear on it and not use some stupid most used app or alphabetical list? Because you can basically tailor it to your own taste (even the shortcuts on the right)? Are you fucking retarded or something?
My niggas. I use Start8 myself but 8.1 is still perfect.
C-could you post your background?
I don't like this 8.1. Sure, seems lighter than 7 somewhat but random connection errors and programs randomly as well. Sheesh.
win+x/right click on start icon
has most of that shit + search exists, also you can pin all that useless shit if you need it so much anyways. new start is literally reskin of old start + tiles but anything new is probably too scary for you anyways.
>anything new is probably too scary for you
Thanks, pham!