Which is the better lightweight DE?
Xfce vs LXDE
Both are garbage, Trinity master race.
why no QT?
I thought all the LXDE users moved to LXqt
I've heard LXDE is supposed to be lighter.
But if you really care about lightweight you shouldn't even use a full desktop environment in the first place.
Get a simple window manager and add more functionality and features only when you need them.
Isn't LXQt still in beta?
xfce is not a lightweight DE anymore, it was a first but got heavier and richer for the last years, still a very good choice if your PC is quite recent
LXDE/LXQt is light, it's still a real DE and not an unfriendly ultralightweight wm, it's not perfect and might lack some features but it does the job even on old and low tier hardware
trinity is a undead heavy old kde, nothing light on this side
puppy linux is no longer a viable option
if you run a very shitty hardware, just get a simple wm, it's not easy for newcomers but it's really light
>KDE 3
My old XP machine runs LXDE now.
>if you run a very shitty hardware, just get a simple wm, it's not easy for newcomers but it's really light
I don't have shitty hardware but I'm new to Linux so... what exactly would I lose if I just used a wm instead of XFCE? Is it just the panel (whisker menu, clock etc.)?
you won't have a panel, but you can easily install one.
you will definitely need a terminal emulator because that's not included in a window manager (take urxvt or xterm).
you'll also not have the gui configuration tools for everything like desktop environments typically have.
and you'll also not have some other tools that desktop environments provide. xfce for example has a power manager, a sound mixer, a file manager (if you want one of them, each can also be installed on its own)
Desktop environments in general try to make your experience as convenient as possible by providing a nice complete package. however if you only install a window manager along with the software you want, you get more freedom and control over your system. That requires some effort of course, because you'll be the one making the choices what to install and how it should be configured, but in the end you will kind of have your own desktop environment that has exactly the tools you want
I use lxde in my torrent vm.
Even with openvpn and rtorrent running, virtualbox is still using less than 80 mb of ram.
I use Lubuntu on an older server.
I switched because it couldn't run Unity.
I like. XFCE seems a little too stripped down for my tastes.
>Desktop environments in general try to make your experience as convenient as possible by providing a nice complete package. however if you only install a window manager along with the software you want, you get more freedom and control over your system.
>>>KDE 3
Last good version of KDE. sadly
So, you prefer TDE?
Both are dead
at least mate has gtk3 support
Obviously XFCE is better and less lightweight than LXDE/LXQt