Hi Sup Forums, why is there such a big fuss about diversity and inclusion in the tech industry?
Apple and Facebook have just released their employee diversity data. What is the significance of getting more women into tech?
Pic unreleated
Hi Sup Forums, why is there such a big fuss about diversity and inclusion in the tech industry?
Apple and Facebook have just released their employee diversity data. What is the significance of getting more women into tech?
Pic unreleated
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female engineers are best engineers
What do they have to do with diversity?
Easy PR
They created the concept
>cultural marxism
What's next, kids saying "no" to their teacher in class is cultural anarchism? a family deciding where they'll go on vacation with votes is cultural democracy?
Not only that, but there's no evidence that the Frankfurt School has any influence on modern thinking, or that the fact that many of its members were Jewish means anything other than that this image was made by a right-wing conspiracy nut. Are we going to have books demonising blue-eyed people for criticising brown-eyed people next?
Any reading on Kevin Macdonald reveals him as a literal anti-Semite.
If you read a book, you would find out that a few of the Frankfurt School members were in fact socially conservative and religious themselves.
Furthermore, we're acting as if identity is a good thing. Identity clearly causes suffering when its bases change, for it is dependently originated. You're effectively saying that suffering is great.
And of course "Catholic Insight" is a great place to get information.
Please find some source in the writings of the Frankfurt School or its constituents that supports your claim that "huge immigration" or "larger numbers of women in jobs" is something advanced by the school.
Don't forget the fact that there is *nothing* to tie the Frankfurt School to orthodox Marxism.
Femanon here, we need more females because there's a distinct lack of positive role models in the industry, and being the only girl in the office can be a very intimidating experience.
Also, diversity brings in new perspectives and lateral problem-solving approaches.
post tits pls
>Furthermore, we're acting as if identity is a good thing. Identity clearly causes suffering when its bases change, for it is dependently originated. You're effectively saying that suffering is great.
>Furthermore, we're acting as if eating is a good thing. Eating clearly causes suffering when you get fat, for it is dependently gained. You're effectively saying that suffering is great.
The "fuss" is that people see that more women are working in jobs to do with education and health, think that this is because they have somehow been forced to do this, (and that this is the fault of men) then look at fields where men are more prevalent and go into doublethink mode.
>diversity brings new perspectives
>we think different than men, hire us!
>I said, while posting shit on tumblr about gender equality
Honestly, what a bunch of bullshit buzzwords is that "reason".
>Also, diversity brings in new perspectives and lateral problem-solving approaches.
Not OP, but organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.
This is 2016, seriously why do we care about what race or gender anyone is.
are you fucking kidding me?
how dare you? how dare you to state such things as "gender", or "race" are real. it's fucking 2016 for fuck's sake. gender and race are social constructs.
they are high-paying(ish) and easy jobs. (not manual labor or anything) so naturally women want them.
they never care for the jobs that pay a lot and require work or getting their nails dirty.
Because they can hire women for 71 cents on the dollar.
What the fuck is an interaction engineer?
>Also, diversity brings in new perspectives and lateral problem-solving approaches.
This is complete bullshit to justify employment quotas.
Most tech problems do not need "new perspectives and lateral problem-solving approaches", you just need competent people to do the job right. If a woman or a black guy or an indian is competent enough - fine, no problem with that.
But when you bring in someone under-qualified just to meet some kind of quota, he will NOT contribute positively to any problem solving and will not bring any useful new perspectives because, by definition, he's under-qualified and was only hired by the color of his skin or gender. He's now occupying a spot in the workplace that a more qualified person could've had.
If women and people of color want more tech jobs then they should educate themselves instead of playing the victim and blaming the big bad white male for inequality and injustice or whatever other buzzword.
If that was true, Windows 10's UI wasn't a horrible nightmare.
I mean it's developed by Indians, Chinese, Jews, blacks...
The new generation of millenials came to power. Indoctrinated by identity politics, they seek to create "equality" and "diversity" by artificially manipulating employment markets to promote the minority into the majority. This is somewhat contrary to previous forms of thought such as not being prejudicial.
Whether or not this actually has a positive effect on business or not is anyone's guess. I haven't seen any peer-reviewed study's on it, so I consider it mostly modern age hipster snake oil myself.
Because in reality men and women evolved in different ways to survive. Men had to have quick reactions, good decision making skills, and critical thinking.
Women had to be really good at being hot and living through popping out a kid.
Not saying a women couldn't be as good as their male counterpart in the future or there's not some as good now.
Logical people have known about this and the special snowflakes are just finding out and it just overloads their tiny little brains. They don't understand that it's okay to be worse at things than other people because we all have different traits. So they blame the people who are good at those things they want to do.
Like anyone blames black people for being tall and oppressing short people.
Someone who comes up with interface interaction storyboards, I guess.
No there isn't. You're just too lazy to find them, because the only things you would describe as "available" are the things thrust directly into your mouth.
wow it's fucking nothing
>being the only girl in the office can be a very intimidating experience.
who's problem is that?
being the youngest in an office can also be an intimidating experience. being someone with the least confidence in an office can also be an intimidating experience. being someone with the least knowledge on the subject at hand can also be an intimidating experience.
what actual point are you trying to make? that no one cares about you? that you think being an adult with a job is too difficult? that life isn't easy or fair?
oh, and have another "omg so hard to find" book written by a woman.
go fuck yourself for lying
here, have another
what if the whole thing is so human resources department can get their little tax cut things or whatever the incentive is
it's jus a global hr scandal
Summerfags we're on a blueboard
here, have another from my collection, since it's so hard for you to find technical or scientific literature authored by people with two X chromosomes. it certainly didn't stop them from achieving.
you'll probably find this book revealing
hey guys, did you know it's too hard to find women represented in technology? It's like, impossible for me to find anything done by women!
divide and conquer
jews want there to be so many feminist programmers that they don't have to pay them anymore
Cuz its proven that a mixed group of men and women preforms better.
No. Overeating cannot be analogous to identity politics.
Ada Lovelace
First programmer in the world!
No it's not
I want to see that proof senpai.
but that's completely wrong you fucking shill faggot
Diversity is just code word for anti White.
Good argument
pro White is just code for small island syndrome
the first in a long, long line of javascript developers
(((long line)))
Because why wouldn't you want someone like OP's pic to work with you?
I'd love to smell her chair after meetings. Hopefully she farted.
ok, you're not exactly helping
People will be saying "da joos" or racism if they don't see certain races in a company.
the authors of the books just posted in this thread achieved more than she ever did
Fantastic. Now let's all celebrate because Lovelace didn't make a bigger contribution.
oh, i get it. you're one of those people who think the first person reported in history to do something had the biggest impact, aren't you?
protip: she was aristocracy, a billionare by today's standards. your paths would have never crossed, even back then.
she was also a whore
You can always get a degree in nursing if you want a similar edge bro.
Pushing forward towards uncharted territory is much harder that following the path they've paved. This is the reason why every child can actually own a handheld computer that's significantly more powerful than the room sized computers that powered the flight of 60's spacecraft.
>Julius Edgar Lilienfeld is NOT the reason why every child can actually own a handheld computer that's significantly more powerful than the room sized computers that powered the flight of 60's spacecraft.
Are you really trying to say that a certain number of employees will provide a greater variety of solutions just because the employees themselves are of different ethnicity and/or sexes? That would assume that one group of a particular ethnicity/sex thinks literally the same.
>Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences
Not needed if you have a lick of marketing experience or have dealt with the business world.
They just want everyone to come down to the same level as themselves
The word has no meaning anymore
>ITT I learned women don't know what a transistor is.
1. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.
One can be a interaction engineer. If it can be structured, it can be engineered.
Who are you quoting?
Women are too concerned with transgenders to be bothered with transistors.
This user gets it.
Same as "architect", "artist", "innovator", and "inventor"
>engineering interactions
Sounds 1984ish to me.
>One can be a interaction engineer. If it can be structured, it can be engineered.
It doesn't matter if a male or female does the job. Nobody respects the work of an "interaction engineer". They're a menial, shit kicking job who's work gets rubber stamped unless they totally fuck up.
social constructs are also real; nobody is denying the reality of race or gender, only Sup Forums people are claiming that they're not social constructs
but everyone agrees that they are real.
Whichever organism produces the eggs is a female. Whichever organism produces the sperm is the male. This is taxonomy.
Are you saying you'd rather associate yourself with earthworms, nematodes and some species of plants, since they are hermaphrodite?
>Whichever organism produces the eggs is a female. Whichever organism produces the sperm is the male.
Nobody is denying this, either. This relates to male and female, these are terms of sex. Masculine and feminine, on the other hand, are terms of gender. Gender does not concern sex or the biological functions relating to male and female (sex), however sex is usually a large influence on gender.
Gender is a mental concept, it resides entirely in the mind. By looking at someone's physical appearance one cannot tell gender, one can only assume (though usually this assumption is correct).
There are job titles that exist today that didn't exist five years ago. There a job titles that exist today that won't exist in five year's time. Job titles come and go as long as there's a business case for it.
I'm sure the interaction engineers care about what other people people think. After all, they are paying them their salary... oh wait, they don't.
Yeah but people converting to female gender are only doing it so they can get all the advantages affirmative action and twitter followers have to offer people who voluntarily oppress themselves by not continually enriching their minds with education in mathematics
>oh wait, they don't.
Ooh, that wasn't a very good damage report was it capitan? You're gonna have to put half the crew on damage control for that
ah, thanks for confirming that the entire feminist movement is just a cheap moneygrab by unskilled masses
Are you all right there senpai? Nothing you wrote had any relevance to interaction engineers.
interaction """"engineers"""" are a rubber stampped job
Yes, gender is a mental concept, that resides in the ill minds of tumblerinas.
For the rest of the population, gender = sex.
Okay great. So what's your point about this?
>For the rest of the population, gender = sex.
So you're saying that this idea cannot change because of ... reasons?
We are saying that the idea could be changed, in theory, but that it will not be changed because nobody likes you since you revealed yourself to be a mooch.
>we need more females because there's a distinct lack of positive role models in the industry
>we need more women in tech because there's not enough women in tech
lol k
Everyone that I'm aware of (who is not agender, at least) has or feels gender. The concept applies to everyone, it's just that in most people gender matches sex.
Those with conditions such as gender dysphoria (who aren't just Tumblr users) feel as though their gender does not align with their sex. The most effective treatment for this discovered so far is to adjust one's body to fit the gender in the mind.
Assuming gender based on sex is still an assumption.
this is complete bullshit, new people bring new solutions, regardless of whether they are women niggers, pajeets or normal people.
Increase the supply of techies while keeping the demand for them the same equals decrease in wages. Economics 101.
probably because the same people who grew up in highschool that thought they were cool because they were cheerleaders and you were into computers so you were a nerd now also want to be in computers because that's where the money is
buzzwords may convince middle-management but not me
Women and sucks trying to push the "I can do anything you can do better" meme, except without he actual passion for drive that put people in those places previously, effectively bringing down productivity and advancement in place of arbitrary diversity because of some retarded point that didn't need to be made. Something about tech being a white Bois club despite no one ever actually stopping a woman or person of color from doing a job provided they actually had the credentials
>Gender is a mental concept.
Of fucking course it is. It's the sole thing that drives people to reproduce. If you have a penis your mind should be telling you to fuck pussy. When it doesn't, there's something fundamentally wrong with your MIND. When you no longer have the will to reproduce to further your own genetic line, then your genetic line is fundamentally fucking broken.
I'm more convinced that being gay, trans or anything other than straight is more a social construct at this point, considering its direct opposition to what drives everything else on this planet from not going extinct.
The only real effect of this drive for MUH DIVERZITY in companies is that incompetent people get hired as HR departments are scraping the bottom of the barrel so they can happily announce at the end of the year that they achieved another great goal of getting moar WIMINZ into fields in which most women are not interested in.
I've worked in IT almost 10 years in multiple countries and I've rarely met women at all.
The only woman I ever respected in this area was my artificial intelligence teacher from university. She was an amazing teacher and I learned a lot from her, but she had hardly any actual engineering experience in creating real world solutions to real world problems.
It is kinda a shame that IT is such a sausage fest, but I'd rather hav ea sausage fest than constantly deal with incompetent coworkers because of retarded quotas.
How would you get more women interested in tech or information security? Asking for a recruiter friend.
It's actually very simple.
Have more high value males and if you do show them off on your company website or something.
Why would a woman want to work in a department full of mediocre looking, greasy, nerdy, slightly autistic and shy motherfuckers. Usually overweight too.
But aside from that they would also have to be competent, which is the harder part.
Or you could learn how to do bantz with the guys.
because feminist/sjw are complaining enough to extract resources from white males who own large corporations. It should not be about diversity but if you are actually qualify to do the job and if you can do it better then the next person in line for the job.
Because a bunch of 'activists' discovered there is money to be made harassing tech corps because they are forced to listen to them, that's the only reason.
There's no fight to get women into copper mining or oil rigs because those corps don't give a fuck about twitter activists and have their expert PR guys shoot down their bullshit whereas Zuckerjew and other corps are run by literal man children so have no idea what to do and cave.
The fact remains, most women do not want to be engineers, programmers, ect. Most women don't want to work. They want to have babies while men want to compete with each other and work long hours.
Bullshit anecdote time: I have a friend who was top of her law school. She articled for a major lawfirm and was set to make partner but she didn't like the hours, she quit and had 3 babies.
Now she works at a yoga studio for fun while lawyer daddy husband works 12hr+ days to afford their lifestyle.
Offer the best maternity leave program, that's all women care about.
They will work there 3-4 years, marry a coworker or boss, then pop babies and never return.
you know companies have to waste more money trying to get unqualified people to work all in the name of diversity? I have no problem with females working but they should be able to pass their calculus classes, their programming classes and show how innovating they are first. also I hope you are not a hypocrite and you are not doing anything to get more female sewer cleaners because only like 1% are females in that field.
It's just a PR meme, it too will pass.
Only redditors ever gave a shit about gaymergate. Sup Forums claims it was a free speech issue, but I'm not buying it.
femanon here, so IMO I don't have an issue with the tech industry being a massive sausage fest. I'm confident in my identity and who am and what I like enough to be comfortable with the environment and even joke about it. I know it can be an issue for other women currently in the industry. If women in tech really have a passion for what they do, they won't care about being outnumbered.
If anything, we should focus our efforts in k-12 rather than the workforce. I taught myself HTML in middle school because of myspace layouts. Didn't even know what CS was until highschool. Show kids and young girls in particular what CS and engineering is. Once they're interested, the problem should fix itself.
hire who is best for the job, what's between your legs shouldn't be dictating any sort of preferential hiring.. companies will never listen to that though.
programmers, enjoy watching your female colleagues get promoted ahead of you for having vaginas and being in an "intimidating male dominated industry"