Is the Ballmer Peak real?

Is the Ballmer Peak real?

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I just got my dick succ, and my balls suck

So is a BAC of 0.14% say... like 3 glasses of wine?? Because I've had 3 already

Maybe I zuk ur dik

Other anons said they have experienced it before, i was drunk a whole summer and I made a programmable synthesizer.

Wow, imagaine what you could've done sober

>getting drunk
literally degeneracy

Degeneracy is a subjective term.

Yep, I know, I've been sober a whole year now and haven't made anything that complex, but I have my shit together like never before. The synthesizer was a web application, i also made a user tracking system and homepage etc... There were times when I had to sit 1 inch from the screen let my eyes focus then try to see what I was typing, then make maybe 1 line of code of progress then pass out.

>measuring progress in lines of code

no, not with alcohol, but I will say 12-2 am is like peak time because you're tired enough to ignore distractions, but not tired enough to think critically

Yeah thinking critically really kills any work I'm doing.

Yes, it is real, but pay close attention to the Y-axis. There is no units. This is a very "zoomed-in" view of the effect. If you want real productivity, you should smoke. Nothing puts the blinders on like some good sticky weed.

yeah, a beer or two will keep me more focused than not.

any more than that and I'm back to normal levels of productivity, and then a steep decline from there

i find the best way to get into the right frame of mind for coding is chase a fat rail of mashed up heart attack pills down with a couple whip-its; booze is more of a thing for vidyagame time.

If we were in ancient Rome I'd crucify you for such slanderous words against gods gift of Wine and spirits plebeian.

I haven't touched alcohol my whole life, how much should I drink to reach 0.1337% to test this out and see if it is for me?

Will I get drunk?

This seems to be true of a lot of things. Im better at billiards, online fps, and fucking with just the right amount of alcohol. But if i overshoot it i get significantly worse at everything.

That's the best metric.

Semi related, ever seen code that looks like this?
/* Hello World program */



string hello = "hello";

string world = "world";

string comma = ","

string space = " "

string exclamation = "!"



If so, you're welcome.

About 5 beer cans I think for an average bodied adult male

I believe it's a joke on how there's a certain point on your drunken path where you're both aware and infused with the drunken stupor, so you deliver drunken yet coherent wisdom. It has nothing to do with programming specifically.


For me it's 1


Booze/etc is nice to get me loose and think more abstract/creatively and stuff; but when i got to do critical stuff I'm gonna be sober so i cam focus properly.

It's not true, every time I program drunk I write a lot and feel like a genius, but when I take a look at the work the next morning it's revealed that what I implemented literally does nothing except print something in a fancy way.