Sup Forums integrated advertisements

Is anyone else getting this shit?

This is the third time today this has happened and it's got me spooped.

Is this asian moots doing?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's adware you fucking idiot



install gentoo

This, I recommend AdwCleaner

kek dickhead

Oh look it's this thread again
>that font rendering
Guess it's on windows too
Was it chrome last time? I forget.

You've got a virus, dumbass.
Nuke your computer, it's all got to go.

Of course, I'm only saying that because it's a pain in the ass to do anything else.

I swear to kek it's not adware.

Malware Bytes, Spybot and Bitdefender are picking up nothing.

It's obviously new ads Hiro is running that my Adblock isn't stopping.

That is exactly what I imagine when I thing newfag

Change adblock and stop using chrome

check your chrome extensions dipshit

you probably got something installed that adds ads to pages

you probably clicked through an installer too quickly

>this is an actual problem on Windows.

nice meme

isn't it sad?
i don't know about this from direct experience, i know this from a dumbshit friend doing it.
i can't believe the kind of caution you have to use when installing (or updating!) software on windows

I have no adblocker and am not getting them

I don't let installers add bloat m8.

Nothing in the extensions except what I've always had.

This shit doesn't pop up anywhere other than 4chin so don't play that.

Maybe the Adblock is just shit.

What's the next best adblock extension then? As for botchrome I've looked over all the other browsers, I'm not going to start using Opera and Chromium just doesn't seem like it'll change anything.

>not using uBlock origin

>Malware Bytes, Spybot and Bitdefender are picking up nothing.
nigger come on
antivirus hasn't been effective for years
try a different browser at least.

well, it's not happening to anybody but you.

so one way or another, it's your fault, you caused it, and you're the only one who is going to remember that one time you did something wrong, like drunkenly clicked through a sourceforge-hosted install wizard without reading.

It's definitely something on your end

Malwarebytes isn't the most effective thing in the world for adware

I got one last night for the first and only time. I forget what board I was on.

God the summer is real.

No one else is getting these ads, obviously you have fucking malware idiot

begin this gay

Format C:\ and reinstall you idiot

No new IP when this post was made, nice try OP

It can't just be me, there are older threads mentioning this a few times.

Realistically, aside from nuking. What can I do - if there is anything. I've always got N32 running live, both MB and Spybot didn't pick anything up in deep sweeps, and the online shit didn't either.

I've been infected in the past by easy to nasty shit and it's never gotten past me, I've always been able to hunt it down and root it out. I'm clean.

Post extensions page

install linux

lets see the results of your scans then. proof of your idiocy

It's not just you. I saw one last night. It spooked me.

combofix and adwcleaner
try in a different browser first though newfriend, see if the problem persists

I got this earlier today while I was on /fa/ I think.

bruh you tried ad-aware?

Right I'll give it a try.

Why would I screen empty results? Spybot picked up a bunch of mild registry crap, MB nothing and same for BD.


Yes, captain!

I only allow FVD when I'm going to use it then turn it off, that shit is sketch, and ABP has been cancer for a long time - use uBlock Origin

Good thing that with Linux you don't have that problem because it doesn't have software.

news to me!
i guess i'll have to go back to windows to do all my shitposting and work that i

That makes sense, bit of micromanagement for an extension I use quite a bit but that's smart.

I'll switch up to uBlock now.

fuck, how did I get here with no software
you got me, clap clap clap

>flash video downloader

>i'm not intelligent enough to find software that isn't on's home page

you actually installed garbage-tier shady extensions like flash video downloader? i wondered what kind of person downloads those.

i bet you're the kind of person who pulls their wallet out in a back alley of chinatown and counts your fifties, then you're surprised when some gook robs you

This thread does not belong on Sup Forums
Source: got warned about asking a technology question earlier today

God damn, Windows is nasty.

you probably asked a stupid question
and you were probably not in and you are probably twelve, based on your name, so you're really not allowed anywhere.

Go to stupid questions thread idiot newfag

I just asked why Opera will stop playing webms until I restart it if I play a video game for a while

OP's question should be there or wsr, user

you got malware lad.

do you have norton?

>flash video downloader

Alright, I'll help you you tremendous faggot

Go to your programs via control panel, check if there's a "Video Player 1.0" or "Music Player 1.0" or something like that. It's sometimes directly "Ad Services" or similar. Uninstall it. Uninstall every single suspicious and unused program while you're at it.

Literally that easy. I don't even know why those adware faggots make it that easy to remove them

And if that didn't fix it, it's DEFINITELY caused by your extensions, which you should completely purge asap

>malware installed as extension on chrom*
tune up for more on this at nine

>windows 10
>video game issues

you forgot the most cancerous part of it lad

No my free license ran out :( :( :(

Fuck off, this isn't your thread to hijack with your autistic shitty name.

Look it gets the job done, it's the best I could find. Yes I'm using Chrome, fucking hell burn me alive. If you know about any extensions which can pull content from sites please enlighten me.


I got surprised by this the other day and thought my computer was infected with some sort of adware but after two scans nothing turned up

as far as I can tell they only appear on archived threads

I'm usually on top of this and to be sure I sweeped programs, trust me nothing in there remotely suspicious and that I don't know the origin of.

I also dumped shitty Adblock and the flash downloader, which have never been a problem before.

Hiro sold us out, I don't get this anywhere other than these boards.

I got one too, on chrome.

No extensions enabled

It's notorious archive ads. Use 4plebs instead.

Surprisingly on 4archives, my adblocker diddnt stop some ads.

yall mofos need to get your asses on chrome://plugins and disable all the malware shit, not just on the extensions page

>i dont even use chrom*
>seen the same happen to plenty of normies multiple times
>Sup Forums really is this cancerous

if i wanted reddit tier content, i would go to reddit.
i need a break from this shit...

holy fuck that came out wrong

yall mofos need to get your asses on chrome://plugins

and disable all the malware shit, not just on the extensions page

>i dont even use chrom*
>seen the same happen to plenty of normies multiple times
>Sup Forums really is this cancerous

if i wanted reddit tier content, i would go to reddit.
i need a break from this shit...


Only a winfag could be so stupid as to think Adware is actually a part of Sup Forums.

Back to I go. Kill yourself, faggots.

Nothing of value was lost, downboat and move on.

uBlock Origin is the best adblocker. It's free and open source.
Once you install go to it's settings and enable more filter lists.

By the way, don't listen to people who say uBlock Origin only hides ads, the developer proves that wrong here:

You're wrong ublock hides ads and that's that

Delete system 32

You made this same thread previously.

No, it's your cancer ridden machine. Wipe and reinstall.

>Rogue Chrome extensions are a Windows problem

kys bro.

Eat shit, liar.

The more obscure a site is, the less likely someone has bothered to write ad filters for it. Just use block element and block them yourself.

Enjoy your shit then.

I don't have it on Sup Forums, I meant

In any event I'm on Arch so I'm not worried about viruses

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>using plugins

niggar your computer is infected

>adblock pro
>turned off
>asking about ads

honestly how are people this fucking stupid in this day and age

Connect through Sup Forums through https and see if you have the same problem. If you do it's probably a browser extension. If you don't, make sure you're routing your traffic to the correct host and not through some shady proxy server/dns/vpn that does mitm attacks. If possible, connect to your ISP via ipv6

It's real, it's only in archived threads, and shitty flash makes my computer grind to a halt.

Turn off all your extensions, one probably got bought or the developer got greedy

>not using ublock origin