How can Snowden still be in Russia when they are clearly a dictatorship and don't even try to hide it?
It makes no sense
How can Snowden still be in Russia when they are clearly a dictatorship and don't even try to hide it?
It makes no sense
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why doesn't Snowden shoot himself in the foot and piss off the only people willing (and able) to protect him from the US government
Good question.
>How can Snowden still be in Russia when they are clearly a dictatorship and don't even try to hide it?
Uhh, where is he supposed to go when Oceania wants him captured and only Eurasia will host him.
Your mistake is assuming America is still the good guys. We're not. We've been suborned by a political class of Mandarins who are distinguishable from Soviet Russians only by language.
>How can Snowden still be in Russia
Because the US will go after him if he tries to leave and has previously forced planes to land because they thought Snowden might be on them.
its all lies
hes sitting in his moms basement eating cup ramen while emailing bbc and cnn with something like "its hella cool here at putins yo good thing im not in the US"
>hey guis, the US going after a government contractor who purposely leaked classified documents to hostile foreign countries is totes the same as a dictatorial regime who kills its own press for speaking ill of it
If the US was the good guys, why would that information be classified in the first place? Nothing to hide means you have nothing to fear, right?
>a liberal turns out to be a hypocrite
well i'm shocked
So dumping him in federal prison indefinitely would totally be kosher, right? For exposing to journalists that our federal agencies are actively harming us? That's just groovy?
Man, the only reason they wouldn't kill him is because it might cause someone to look up from their sitcoms and take notice.
He's done interviews and shit
I want to see what you'd do in his place, basement keyboard crusader.
I wouldn't have released the secrets libcuck
My jaw just hit the floor
This, there's no reason to believe Snowden wouldn't leave Russia the first chance he got if they US wouldn't threaten to shoot down the plane if it didn't land in NATO territory so they could arrest him the moment the plane left Russian airspace.
good goy
>why would information on how good our ELINT is of foreign nations be classified?
>So dumping him in federal prison indefinitely would totally be kosher, right?
Wjats the government afraid of
Yea, he is really fighting for the common man by hiding in a country infamous for not giving a shit about the common man
Libcuck logic
The majority of what he released pertained to the governments secret and illegal surveillance of its own citizens.
>implying USA isn't a dictatorship
>Us president isn't decided by the majority vote
If you really think the US is as bad as Russia is becoming, you must have already given up on all hope. The US isn't anywhere close to as bad as Russia is, and Russia is only getting worse.
You are blind if you think the US as bad as a state that kills its own people for speaking out.
I'm starting to believe that it's we, the western nations that live under a dictatorship. We believe we are free. We believe we are followers of healthy principles and truth. But are we really? We are ruled by clever masters. We are all blind. In the east is a country of believers in another truth. You can fight against the state-truth and you receive harsh reprimands. But we,,, we are the dead. We are the neither hot nor cold. We should just give up. History has abandoned us. The future lies either in false decadent lies or ideology and truth.
Ah, you're just trolling then. kk, carry on wayward Millenial.
>stupidity is genius
>takes it up the ass by gov which obvioulsy steps outside its legal boundaries
The only cuck here is you, faggot nigger.
See you fucktard, that's the only reason Snowden is in Russia instead of Ecuador right now.
It's inevitably approaching that state, offbyoneanon. There aren't any brakes on this train.
Just don't elect Trump and stop listening to conservative propaganda.
As a scandinavian, I think we should abandon our entire worldview. The USA has defined our way of viewing the world since ww2. with the marshallhelp and materialistic obsession. Fuck it all, it does not work.
There is no day of judgement, there is only end of an illusion.
We already had this debate in 2013.
you forget one key difference. A Dictatorship works in Russia because it went straight from a rich royal family of rulers to rich militaristic rulers. The US hasn't had that kind of history.
You'd be surprised how flexible people can be when they both have something to gain.
it would have been better for him to be honest. Imprisoned, he is a martyr for freedom. In Russia, he is a traitor that abandoned his country. It's much easier to slander his name and give whistleblowers a bad name because he ran.
Yeah I'd totally be a martyr for the retarded underage burgers who can't appreciate it.
Just look at
Hope clinton's PAC pays you well.
>US going after a government contractor who purposely leaked classified documents to hostile foreign countries is totes the same as a dictatorial regime who kills its own press for speaking ill of it
>When elections are slanted at both the governmental and media level so one side wins by majority
>US literally is calling for the death of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange
>FBI would rather investigate the people responsible for the leaks rather than who the leaks implicate and frame.
>Another trail of bodies is forming behind Clinton
>Journalists are being pressured by editors being pressured by campaign managers to spin headlines
In your quest to make us sound retarded you in fact stated the entire thesis for our argument, congrats and thank you.
Yeah. Being raped on a regular basis and getting your ass kicked by guards would be awesome when people forget about him 6 months after he's imprisoned. Your average American already totally forgot about him.
>This is what the nu liberal actually believes is ok
Failing to pay his debt to society isn't doing him any favors.
>It makes no sense
Why? It makes perfect sense. Why would you think Putin would want to give up an American whistleblower? That wouldn't make sense.
they don't appreciate it because he ran. he released documents about spying in the US and left everyone.
Fuck if it was that easy to change the world Mandela should have just ran away from South Africa to North Korea and spouted from there about how unjust his home country was.
>they don't appreciate it because he ran
Bullshit. Don't be a fucking retard.
There are plenty of Cold War era defectors who were hailed as heroes. The only people who portray fleeing an government that wants you dead as "cowardly" are either terminally retarded or they support the government in question.
Mandela was a terrorist like his wife
He just murdered a bunch of innocent white people with horrible barbaric execution methods.
The fact that you view him positively is a sign that you're young and stupid and your opinion is worthless. Have fun.
>a martyr
Like Manning who got drugged and tortured until he was mentally shattered?
Think about it this way:
They used to say spys that switched sides were a good asset, but they were never to be trusted. In an age where you can't easily stop someones voice from getting out, why wouldn't Russia think he might do the same exact thing to them. Hell if he did I bet he would be greeted with open arms in US.
The Russians will never trust him either. He is a voice for change and Russia doesn't like that.
My guess is that he's holding insurance that guarantees his safety. Enough that Russia wants to either keep a hold of him or keeps him valuable in their boarders.
Shit, I mean as a contractor he's had access to government equipment, that's probably partially the reason they keep him around anyway.
So because you know you will have a harder life means it's not worth it? This is the real reason why everything is being stripped from us.
I guess the new way of thinking is:
Don't stand and fight
Run, and yell from afar
>Mentally shattered
Bruh. He had several pictures of himself crossdressing with makeup and everything before he got arrested. He was probably hoping to get better treatment if he "became" a woman.
Snowden doesn't work for the Russian government. He's not much of a threat because he has no access to anything important in Russia. They don't need to trust him, since he has no power to do anything to them.
holy shit, i hope this is copy pasta
>stand and fight
Okay bud. I'd like to see you "stand and fight" when you'll be forgotten in a week and the government will do everything it can to spin your conviction as a good thing.
Reminder: You can't argue about how you're portrayed when you're dead.
>stand and fight
They'll just silence him and the dumb amerifats will forget him in one week.
Why don't you get you guns and fight the gov, big guy?
He is "fighting" you fucking moron. He now has the ability to draw attention to any issue he wants to due to his fame. He wouldn't be able to do that in a cell or swinging from a noose.
It's really just because they can. They want to be seen as an independent superpower, and in order to try to create that image they put on a show of being the anti-America. They don't have any use for Snowden himself, he's just there to let other countries know that if they have a problem with the US that Russia's there.
about 0:40 seconds in
But i'm not amerifat
I'm from the civilised part of the world
So what? He is still a huge hypocrite for seeking refuge in a regime that represents everything he opposes but then again so are all liberals so no surprise there
>quoting literal human thrash
ok, kid
Again, not an amerifat. Also, he is too scared to face the consequences of his actions. That's literally the actions of a child
>prison sucks
Yea, so? Maybe he should have considered that before becoming a traitor?
>running away and posting tweets is considered fighting by libcucks
This is why the sandniggers are steamrolling you sad cucks
Because everyone else refused him asylum.
he's going to be at LibrePlanet 2016
can't the government just go there dressed up as normal individuals?
>he is too scared to face the consequences of his actions
Fucking retard. He knows he can't expect fair trial. That's why he ran.
>I'll call him a libcuck and win any argument.
Choke on bag of nigger dicks.
wow its almost like Snowden is an idiot who just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
nice post number though.
>He is still a huge hypocrite for seeking refuge in a regime
Except he didn't. The US canceled his passport when he was in Russia and he couldn't get on his flight out. Planes can't fly forever and connecting flights are a thing.
How would snowden learn the secrets of the Russian government? That makes no sense lol, do you think Putin is just sharing his diary with Snowden?
no, but if you knew anything about russia you would know there is a growing dislike for the government. what do you think would happen if a russian Manning came to Snowden with information?
Why would they go to Snowden with the information instead of leaking it to journalists outside of Russia? That makes no sense.
Snowden has always been just another "durr America bad" idiots. There are plenty of them out there, on both the left and right (though moreso the right simply because a democrat is in at the moment, that'll change).
Now, I have my reasons to dislike the USA. They do some unpleasant stuff. But fuckwits like Snowden buy into Russian bullshit like the cold war was never a thing. Russia is not a nice country, there is nothing to admire about it. But people have a fetish for strongmen politicians right now so Putin is in fashion.
>Also, he is too scared to face the consequences of his actions. That's literally the actions of a child
Facing the consequences of his actions he would end up dead in his prison cell just like the lawyers and witnesses representing election fraud cases against Clinton and his name never being shown again on the News.
This way he's still advocating for activism and doing interviews for news agencies in Russia.
If you're not a paid Clinton shill, whatever stupid little meme brain worm they worked into you concerning "Honor" needs to die. We no longer/have never lived in a world where Honor is met with good reward.
I mean he's a libertarian by political leaning.
>"I don't believe what I did was wrong so the trial is only fair if I won't be found guilty!"
That's not how fair trials work. There's a reason we don't let the accused decide whether or not they're guilty or to assign their own sentences. They'd tend to go with, "Not," and, "I'd like to be sentenced to sex with supermodels."
t. armchair general TheRedPill gentleman
>/x/ tier Sup Forumstard
Back to WorldNutDaily with you.
Nice argument faggot. Nothing like reddit memes to prove your superiority.
No I actually read the DNC emails. If you refuse to do your own research then you're no better than the libcucks you seem to hate so much .
>Le planted evidence
The only people that have responded to the email leaks have been mouthpieces. The only response from the President we get is a national cybersecurity attack that did as much good as the department of Homeland security's little toy post 9/11
I'm not going to validate your argument when it was based off of a lot of pulling assumptions of Snowden's character and his larger situation out of your ass.
>le memes
Stop projecting.
because he basically has no other options.
if you, one person, can find damning evidence like that in emails anyone can look at, why the fuck wouldn't the opposition jump on that shit like a jew on a penny?
it makes no sense, unless you force it to.
You seem to not realize that Russia likes Snowden there, it's a middle finger to the West and Snowden is smart enough not to fuck with Russia when they are his last refuge.
Except they did, Bernie's and Trump's campaigns jumped on the rigged election scandal as soon as the emails surfaced.
There were emails where they made a racial joke, nobody is talking about it because it's not on the DNC controlled news.
All of this got swept under the rug because Clinton/DNC have control of most major media outlets. Shit even Twitter and Facebook were actively suppressing trending topics talking about all of this and openly admitted it.
The issue here is that because they were able to change the dialogue enough people aren't focused on it right now. There's a reason why Clinton refused to debate Sanders in California (There's even an email talking about it) and now is stalling for time on a Trump v Clinton debate. It's not an open forum they can control.
Dont forget the direct emails to DNC shills Blitzer/Tapper at CNN telling them what to do.
You have damning evidence of Shillary constantly voting to build a fence along Mexico, but nobody seems to care to jump on that or mention it.
In prison he is useless. Free, he can still communicate with the world and bring awareness to new issues and happenings. A "martyr" wouldn't simply give up, that's the point of being a martyr.
Firstly, those were memes in your post.
Secondly, disprove me.
Assumptions about Snowden's character can be made through statements he has made. Otherwise we assume he is dishonest. As for the rest of it, go ahead and disprove it. None of my statements were particularly dramatic, just facts about the current state of things.
Oh yeah, and dont forget the convention where it was an entire show to shit on Sanders and suppress dissent.
Face it, media is dead and the populous voice is currently being suppressed hardcore. Your attitude is not helping to this matter.
Reminder that Snowdens dead man switch was activated 5 days ago and he most likely dead
His original plan was to flee to South America from Russia. The US revoked his passport after he left Hong Kong, making it more difficult for him to travel.
Also, if he wanted to get to South America via a civilian airline, he would have to get a connecting flight which would likely stop in a US-friendly country, where he could be arrested by local authorities or kidnapped by US intelligence services.
He's better off in Russia since he can continue to participate in the public dialogue. He has more influence there than he would rotting in some cell.
>Assumptions about Snowden's character can be made through statements he has made.
Great, then from interviews I've seen his character is that he hates the NSA spying and the current leadership in the United States.
Unless you can dig up a video or refer me to a link that displays his open disapproval for the United States as a whole his issue is not with that, unless you're correct and he's dishonest, then was he dishonest about the NSA surveillance program? Then why is the United States so hellbent on capturing him? True it's not indicative of his entire character but then when we know that the NSA is doing this why does his character matter in that case?
He's not exactly in Russia on vacation, so why are you painting him the way you do in your initial post? I mean unless you have experience running from actual government agents and having your passport canceled while you're in the middle of transit as a public figure and can tell me otherwise.
And yet you still have so many people going for trump. Does it make sense that Trump would be the nominee? No. Does it make sense that he would constantly try and destroy all chances he has at beating her? No. So why is he doing it?
Because Trump is a part of the larger scheme. A businessman knows what he is doing and destroying himself makes no sense, unless there was reason to. He will be a richer man by destroying his chance at election. He is only there to ensure her victory and he knows this.
Bernie was the only real chance we had. And the republifags were so brainwashed and ignorant that they willingly voted for a loss. All by playing on Socialism being Communism and Bernie would be the next Stalin.
It all fits like a fucking puzzle and none of us could stop it.
By the way, when the intelligence services thought that he was on-board the plane of the Bolivian president (a Dassault Falcon 900, which has the range to fly non-stop from Moscow to Bolivia), they forced the plane to land in Austria and checked if he was on-board.
They want him to either remain in Russia (where he can be written off as some kind of pro-Russia traitor), or to be returned directly to the US.
so a leader that actually leads his country is a dictator? better than having faggots like here in amurica.
This, it's not like he's exactly buddy buddy with Putin and is actively out to destroy the United States. But in that case then is the problem big enough that the United States needs an entire overhaul?
I don't enjoy Trump as the alternate nomination as the next guy, but you have to at least give props to the Republicans for holding a fair election.
Sanders though is proof that we as a people are capable of choosing good leaders. He's not exactly the greatest but in terms of what was available he was certainly the most qualified.
Nice job being surface level you cuck.
My dick is anywhere but on ur mum's surface.
post these pictures
>hear about Frozenrainlair
>"oh boy I'mma see sum spy tech shit
>just bunch of vague descriptions of technology and a few not-too-interesting facts
are they ever gonna release the rest of the documents or are they just trolling the world?
>be Russian protesting in Russia
>speak out against current head of state publicly in front of police
>go home after protest without an injuries.
Seems like Putin is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
>clearly a dictatorship and don't even try to hide it?
The law
1. Obligates ISP and phone providers to keep the call logs and traffic for 6 months.
2. Makes you an accomplice if you knew about a criminal intent and didn't report it.
That's all. That's all the deal. In my "free country" these laws have been in place for decades. Even worse, my ISP provider rats me out to the Hollywood Jews when I pirate movies.
Fuck that hypocritical propaganda bullshit.
When riots were incited in London, apparently the worst thing among starting fires, flipping cars, and bringing harm to bystanders was supposedly the looting.
this, honestly. Considering Russia's history over the last century, this is fucking a huge step forward for that country.
>inb4 alt right "but niggers are literally animals"
Let me remind you that BLM was called a problem by DWS in one of the emails. There's a reason why force is being met with force.
>debt to society
Are you a politician? Please kill youserlf, subhuman.
>unicronically defending feral niggers