/fg lt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do I honestly need a swap partition with 8 GB of RAM?

OpenSUSE Leap: is there any way I can change my laptop fan activity to something the equivalent of the "passive" setting found in windows power management?

swap = ram size *1,5

Thanks, I'll go with 12 GB swap partition. Thank you.

i dont have wifi icon in my tray, i instaleld nm-applet but it is not running.
Arch Linux, Gnome
what do i do anons?

Isn't that only if you suspend? Otherwise, isn't it, in general, like .25 to 1.5 depending on whether or not you suspend your computer?

Asking too since I just switched to fish since I'm a huge faggot

is the service running/enabled?

> meme shell
zsh and bash are both pretty similar. They use the same sets of commands, it's just aesthetics and speed.

As for wms, I'm sure I don't know. I use Cinnamon DE.

no, dont know how to start it


Maybe we should remove option 2 from the OP.
Wendys cucked it's users again: hothardware.com/news/linux-users-reporting-windows-10-anniversary-update-hoses-their-dual-boot-partitions

did you disable dhcpd?

Not him but thanks

ye, wifi is working just, if i want to connect i need to go sudo wifi-menu

I'll just give it swap partition incase I happen to run out of the 8 GB of RAM.


Not even once.

Install Ubuntu.

i have 4 gigs of ram and 6 of swap

set up bash once and now i just scp/rsync the stuff to new machines.

could do the same with zsh, but eh. there is also bash-it/oh-my-zsh

Is there any reason I shouldn't install debian testing from an iso?

You dont need any



Am I going to get something out of installing stable then updating the source list?

It will take a minimal amount of time so you may as well try. I'd like to know why Windows isn't responding once you've loaded the install media, but that's out of the scope of this thread desu

Asking again; How do I manage my library in Sonata? I have it configured to a folder with music in it but when I press update library nothing happens.

i had it for 2 years, it is time for changes

I have to disagree. In multiple distros I have experienced complete system lock ups from using 4gb ram with no swap. Only while using chrome, but all of the distros crashed once I tried to use more ram than was available by accident.

>change for change's sake


>tfw no gnu/boyfriend because not homo

does a gnu/girlfriend exist?


I could see someone changing from Ubuntu because there is a better distro to suit their needs, but changing just to change is retarded tbqh family



ugh, might as well go the bf route.

>not homo
>current year
I thought everyone in tech is a trap/crossdresser anyway

fucking SINNERS!

Why is this the only copy of this image on the internet? Source?

is the thinkpad with lainchan sticker shopped in? elbow looks weird


friendly thread

she ugly af


What's wrong with openSUSE?

Do you speak english?

chek priblig

Is there any reliable confirmation thats a man?

the logo

please more

if i saw her with that shirt and laptop in one of my classes i would be way too nervous to say hi

>lowercase english

What's the worst meme you can fall for? I fell pretty hard for the "WM are more productive" shit. You just spend hours configuring, when a DE just werks and gets the job done.

>What's the worst meme you can fall for?
Arch Linux, being simple and lightweight

I fell for this meme.
I have salvaged the situation by deciding simply to never update my system again as then nothing will ever break.

I tried to install xorg.conf with recovery mode by I couldnt figure it out.And now I cant change back to proprietary drivers in additional drivers.How can I delete xorg and install proprietary drivers ?I am using elementary 0.3 64 bit and my gpu is a ATI 7870xt

Arch is quite comfy actually. I also like pacman. It's a shame that it has no LTS repo. But their philosophy of vanilla packages makes sense

"LTS" and "stable". Pretty much all newfriends fall for it and end up with outdated packages.

user, really

i'm assuming you have network manager installed so just follow the wiki since it will show you how to do it

i'll even be nice and link it for you


you should really learn the basics of systemctl, user
not even trying to be a dickhead

the germans

Z'ammreißn, Bursche!

If it were Cinnamon/Xfce/MATE it could work but GNOME is a bit retarded.

Okay here's what I'd do.

0. Make sure you have wifi drivers installed. See the arch wiki

1. Make sure the network manager is running
#systemctl start NetworkManager
#systemctl enable NetworkManager

2. Connect to wifi

3. You'll see the nm-applet appeared again

Good luck user

are there any good password managers for linux?

pass, keepassx, keepass2

keep it local

keep it local, keep it safe.

anybody else getting these messages when building packages from AUR?

==> Entering fakeroot environment...
dlsym(acl_get_fd): /usr/lib/libfakeroot/libfakeroot.so: undefined symbol: acl_get_fd

text file + gpg

brain.exe, not even trolling, some years ago a human was able to remember up to 25 phone numbers.

>tfw my memory place is a roadside shack

That's basically pass pham.

Knowing what packages you are attempting to install will help.
But no, i dont get that message installing anything from aur.

Your fakeroot is fucked

trying to install chromium-pepper-flash. Also happened when installing cower

I should note it installs fine, just with those messages.

I-I'm really liking Ubuntu lads

What's wrong with bread crusts?

Get this degenerate shit out of here

Unity never ceases to be horrendously ugly.

Google's servers are probably more secure than my laptop. I know next to knowthing about iptables etc. and keeping my laptop secure.

She's very shy user

And what does that have to do with bread crusts?

Is that supposed to be Trudeau?

> update bios
> get fedora KDE spin to boot liveusb
> install
> process goes swimmingly
> reboot
> no bootable device

I guess I'm trying another distro or at least another spin.

Once I'm done crying.

Why do people even try that garbage?

Literally nothing wrong with using it

Is that a lord of the rings reference perhaps?? Nerds unite! xD


> been using it with no problem for three years

Because it just werked until now.

>Google's servers are probably more secure than my laptop.
Google spies its users. Your laptop spies you?

> weebshit

Stop triggering me.

Okay then answer the question, what's wrong with bread crusts?

I'm talking about some hacker getting hold of my database and fucking with my accounts.

>does a gnu/girlfriend exist?
yes and that's funny.

Why worry about hackers? Have you already been hacked?

What I know is that you're a target for unlimited vigilance if you don't care about Google/NSA/every advertiser on the world checking your data.

the question isn't with fedora, but with you

>Not just using the bread crusts for fries
Git gud

Learn safe practices and you'll be fine.

Your chinese comics wont go anywhere.

wtf is this
only attractive people are allowed to be gay

>Btrfs RAID 5/6 Code Found To Be Very Unsafe & Will Likely Require A Rewrite
>The wrong parity and unrecoverable errors has been confirmed by multiple parties. The Btrfs RAID 5/6 code has been called as much as fatally flawed -- "more or less fatally flawed, and a full scrap and rewrite to an entirely different raid56 mode on-disk format may be necessary to fix it. And what's even clearer is that people /really/ shouldn't be using raid56 mode for anything but testing with throw-away data, at this point. Anything else is simply irresponsible."

well I guess I get to buy a few more drives and use ZFS on Linux like you people told me to in the first place.

I would fuck her up for being an attention whore.

Too bad you dont have a secure password to your database of random garbage text.
If only you were able to have a strong password you could remember

>btrfs still being this cucked
>ext4 smooth sailing

I choose to take that as an empowering statement.

Your shitty installer didnt set a boot device or a bootloader

>tfw linux bf

That's what I figured. Trying the netinstall.

Otherwise I'm just installing Kubuntu. I'll force myself to like it.