>Serious security flaws that could give attackers complete access to a phone's data have been found in software used on tens of millions of Android devices.
>Qualcomm processors are found in about 900 million Android phones, the company said.
IT'S OVER ANDROID - 900 million devices vulnerable
Other urls found in this thread:
>talk about issue
>give no context, no information whatsoever
>just a link that you can't even bother to pastebin
>implying you're not a consumer whore just shilling for your brand of choice
Explain yourself nigger.
Bug in the LTE Chip. You cab get root rights with it
I don't even think software patches can effectively fix this issue.
Forgot: with a modified app, you don't need root rights internally that's all I knoe
Does it matter?
Aren't basically all of them already vulnerable to stagefright since no one bothers releasing security patches?
>Checkpoint has created a free app calledQuadRooter Scannerthat can be used to check if a phone is vulnerable to any of the bugs, by looking to see if the patches for them have been downloaded and installed.
>In addition, Mr Shaulov said Android owners should only download apps from the official Google Play store to avoid falling victim to malicious programs.
So if you're not a nigger who pirates apks from totallylegitapks.com you shouldn't be afraid. Just like other """""dangerous"""""" exploits
anyone who bought a phone from samsung and didn't installed cyanogenmod deserves stagefright. But other companies release monthly secure patches, have fun with your overpriced toy btw
At least this isn't like Stagefright that could be delivered with media files.
This requires an app that will exploit the vulnerability, which means the majority of Android users are safe just by not installing stuff from external sources.
Thank you based chinks, my chinkphone isn't affected.
what are you on about? samsung is one of the only 3rd party manufacturers that are still doing the monthly updates. most of the big manufacturers have given up or are not bothering
>mfw my note edge hasnt received an update in eight months
>mfw my version of the note edge has a 6.0.1 release in india but not singapore, the region mine is from
I didn't use samsung for a long time, but they didn't updated my phone not even once and it got stuck on 4.2. They might changed their policy, can we agree that is a faggot
that was a long time ago (years even) touchwiz and samsung have changed a lot since then.
ok pajeet, note edge is pretty old now. I think its everything since the s6 that they do it with.
>you don't need root rights internally
You're saying even if you're already rooted, it can just bypass SuperSU? No permission nessecary?
That's it. I'm switching to a dumbphone as soon as possible.
thank god, for a moment you had me really worried,
glad i belong into hisilicon master reis
The app can always get root rights dosent matter if you're rooted not rooted afaik.
Tl;Dr: yes
Praise the chinkphones! I knew choosing my Huawei Honor 7 was a good decision.
For the first two or three months the Note Edge got updates as well, patch updates.
The S6 might still be getting patches now, but in a few more months time will they drop it too?
There's also the question of whether it is the carrier holding up the release of patches, the Indian version has been getting an update every month for the past five or so months. It is possible that the carrier is preventing the release by choosing to no longer support it.
>You're saying even if you're already rooted, it can just bypass SuperSU?
Yes. It elevates to root access rather than runs su.
Because it isn't running su, SuperSU has no control over it.
obviously if you get the phone through a carrier you will have that problem.
if you care about updates you should know not to get a carrier android phone.
So, basically, there's a security vulnerability in the Qualcomm GPU driver? If I've understood this correctly, then manufacturers only need to push put a patch and this won't be a problem any more.
This. you have to install an apk. Fuck off OP
Better yet, people need to stop using android.
if it runs a SD8xx chipset it's vulnerable.
>Affected devices included:
> BlackBerry Priv
> Blackphone 1 and Blackphone 2
> Google Nexus 5X, Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P
> HTC One, HTC M9 and HTC 10
> LG G4, LG G5, and LG V10
> New Moto X by Motorola
> OnePlus One, OnePlus 2 and OnePlus 3
> US versions of the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung S7 Edge
> Sony Xperia Z Ultra
> OnePlus One
>Using a poo droid
>if it runs a SD8xx chipset it's vulnerable.
But it does not user! It does not!
i think ars buggered up as it's the one M8 not the one which is affected.
yeah i fucked up i didn't know huawei used their own chipset in that phone
superior exynos s7 wins again bitch
I appreciate the concern though bby
windows phone is still affected dumbass, as they use snapdragon chipsets.
It's just applefag scare tactics.
Are flip phones affected by this.
Enjoy your chink government installed spyware dumbshit.
There are already patches for both of these so expect CM to be patched, like, tomorrow if not already(mine is a bit dated).
I like how people say you need to pirate apks to be in harms way, and forgetting that someone could make a game, or other app that was really made to exploit user data, and put it on the play store. Like most people do with their viruses.
What is google going to do? Review the source code for every app submitted and kick out any apps that exploit the vulnerability?
It is entirely possible for Google to scan apks automatically for things like this.
The number of viruses/malware distributed through the Play Store is extremely small.
Can it be used to root phones?
I swear, there is always news about some new severe security flaw that grants apps root rights which could possibly used for malicious things. But if you want to root your device, you have to follow some complicated bullshit instructions which include connecting your phone to the PC, installing a bunch of stuff, use USB debugging etc.
>Can it be used to root phones?
Technically, yes.
It's possible that some of the root methods, like those that Kingroot employ, have been using this exploit, or exploits similar to this, to root devices.
They already do.
>monday 8
>bug involves just a few models from different brands with a particular SOC
>it will be fixed in a few days probably
>900 million devices
>it's happening
Sup Forums is truly shit
>7 viruses
Wow. Thats a lot man.
Have you even checked where the button on that page goes? They're not distributing malware through the Play Store, but rather through sites that redirect to the Play Store.
lgg2 master race not affected
Because it's too old to be effected by the bug, The LG G4, G5 and V10 are all effected.
Android was a mistake. Manufacturers are shady fucks and the goys let it happen by buying new phones every year, dropping support for older phones. Fuck. Alternative OS when?
Android is malware though.
Not a vulnerability in Android mate. If Apple had used that SOC then they would also be vulnerable.
> in your face "new is always better cucks"
You're malware.
Meh, I upgraded from the LG G2 to the Note5 because my G2's screen stopped worked (it didn't crack or anything, it just stopped responding to presses).
Note5 uses the Exynos 7420 so it's immune to this bug.
so it's a bug in hardware, and not in software? glhf
It's a bug in kernel source supplied by SoC manufacturer you cuck.
my lgg2 still kicking, had it for 3 years, custom Rom and kernel and it just werks.
I'll probably upgrade to the g5 if mine breaks in the near future! dunno yet.
Not said anywhere in the article.
GPU-related kernel bugs. The same bug is shown in the article's screenshot.
I had my LG G2 for basically 2 years, I think it was 2 weeks before the 2 year mark when it started fucking up hard.
I've had the Note5 since launch day so basically a year ago (11 months and 2 or 3 weeks)
>security flaw found and being patched as we speak
>meanwhile at apple
>zero days still everywhere with no fix in sight
Sasuga applecucks.
So scary. CM will have it patched within the week.
It's fucking over Nexus.
Ain't over for me OP.
Zenfone 2 Master Race.
Does this mean I can finally get root on my shitty ZTE?
People who download apks by googling will finally get their just desserts
It's not qualcomm so no.
I dont even have a fucking piece of shit mobile phone so suck my dick you young faggots
>mfw using an international galaxy s3 without even fucking LTE using an outdated cyanogenmod rom cooked by some random poo in the loo pajeet.
>install QuadRooter
>no vulns found
>tfw no vulnerable found
Ekynos 7420 octa core bitches.
What does this mean
>not using superior windows phone
so qualcomm not LTE socs are ok?
run the app and it'll tell you if you're vulnerable.
We might have no updates, no privacy and no security but at least we have a micro SD slot fucking applefags FUCK YOU
I knew about a possible code execution vulnerability when I was looking at the Kindle Fire HDX.
which app? com.checkpoint.quadrooter?
I only found it in play store, I'm not installing this shit if it's not FLOSS
>running proprietary software for detecting vulnerabilities
>thinking of writing a ransomware using this
>realizing android owners couldn't afford to pay anyway
>being this retarded
Safe here on my Xiaomeme Redmi Note 2.
same buddy we'll be okay
>4 bugs
I think you are winning.
My Mi2 isn't LTE and is vulnarable
Wrong screenshot, nice cat
Buy android they said
Don't need a Nexus they said
Just root it they said
Android gotten so bad now root access can be granted on the hardware level
iPhone here I come hear the second is a good deal
>Don't need a Nexus they said
Sup Forums was making all of a fuss over Nexus 5 (and moto G) about 2 1/2 years ago
>droid 4
>phone from 2012
: ^ )
>installing a properietary app which checks your security vulnerabilities
Sup Forums, you bakas
mine and my mother's one M8 have the same 4.
good going qualcomm.
>not being an exynos overlord
so mediatekfags ok?
ha, didn't know my poorfagass would lead me to buy a relatively "safer" phone
It's safe here, Using Note 5
>that your has been infected
Totally read this as ass. Stupid pajeets at Google can't even make proper sentences.
Btw faggots my iPhone is running well.