I don't fucking care, Haskell is more of a potent psychedelic drug than a programming language

I don't fucking care, Haskell is more of a potent psychedelic drug than a programming language

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Reminds me of what I think of lisp, I really don't understand what what I'm writing does but I feel like talking to god while writing it.

I was thinking about implementing an FTP client in Haskell. Am I crazy?

an FTP client is quite a easy task. The problem is Haskell itself
best meme eu

Is it possible to OD on Haskell?

You generally can't OD on psychedelics

oh yeah? just watch me

I love how things just snap together in Haskell, for the most part, and just work. It's like playing with Lego, it's amazing. mtl and lens are so good.

I wish the standard library were better. The typeclass hierarchy is just bad. It's missing many, many things, just look at the semigroupoids library.

Daily reminder OOP is inherently anti-modular and anti-parallel

can I implement a logic written in Haskell and then use an interface with let say C++ or something that connects the IO of the program ?

Is this too crazy ? I have never worked with Haskell, but from examples and overview it looks pretty nice, I want to start. However, I can't find any solutions on "out of the box" productive and real life applications of it, without the thought of an interface made out of other lang.

Also, I have done things like that with Python (as interface I/O) and C++ for the logic part. The outcome was 30 times faster than just python code.

You can call C functions from Haskell using the FFI.

I would like the syntax of haskell in a little less pure language

I'd like a more pure language, desu

Being able to enforce totality would be great, as would removing all the unsafe stuff (maybe that's just a GHC-specific complaint though)

that's seems enough, and pretty cool, I guess my next lang is going to be haskell im pretty excited !

What I meant is that monads are an abstraction that can be done better. I just want a more natural way for I/O. But as one who do quantum computing the pureness of haskell is amazing as is more natural.

I don't really like the way IO is modelled in Haskell (passing the 'real world's as a state parameter), but I think monads are a very natural abstraction for it. I think using the operational monad over an ADT representing IO actions would be easier to think about (and would allow inspection and manipulation of programs, all completely purely!)

Perl 6?

They took loads of things from Haskell's book, and Rakudo, its reference implementation, is written in Haskell. It also has a really nice REPL.

It also has immutability through binding, lazy lists built into the language, functional pipes, pattern matching, and multiple dispatch using arbitrary conditions. (So you can define a function like sub some-function(Int $arg where * >= 0) { ... })

It even has a "pure" keyword that enforces purely functional code.

Fuck me. I missed that somehow.

Is there anything Haskel can't do?

Become popular

Succeed. It's even in their motto.

But besides that, nope.

It's avoid (success at all costs), not (avoid success) at all costs.

It takes twice as long to do half as much in Haskell than Python.

Does Haskell eliminate the need for unit tests?

Or, to what extent?

In a completely unscientific metric, functional code and strict typing were correlated with fewer bugs, but nothing terribly substantial: labs.ig.com/static-typing-promise

So, according to that likely-biased test, no.

But Haskell code is easy to test compared to a lot of things because you don't need to worry about external state.

If the interpreter wasn't so slow and bloated I'd totally go for it

F#/Ocaml is somewhat close

yes, thanks to purity and static typing

lots of methodology was made to fix OOP/imperative programming languages

haskell doesn't use an interpreter, did you mean the compiling speed?

Hey that's my bf.

probably he meant runghc

that's a girl

but it does my man, how didn't you know this?

haskell code is natively compiled with ghc

any compiler better than ghc?



To the point of it being annoying
If you're mentally ill then yes
Assuming you're masochistic

Perl is a really cool language with a really horrible syntax.


Not just Perl, but Perl 6. It is completely different from the language as most people know it today.

I brought it up because it is very easy to see how much it took from Haskell, so I thought someone who was looking for a less strict Haskell might like it. (Ignoring my lack of reading ability, ugh)

>Haskell thread
>Not one bit of code

yeah I'll beat it's a real sweet language since we all have so much of it to share

No it's not fucking cum guzzling faggot.
