What ya do with your raspberry pi Sup Forums ?
What ya do with your raspberry pi Sup Forums ?
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Pi hole, SFTP, mumble server and web server
>Pi hole
How is that better than adblock ?
I set mine up as a web server and I can't tell the difference between that and my godaddy hosting.
Its pretty awesome.
works on every device on the network, ps4 phone etc.
web servarrr
Pretty much everything except CAD, huge data processing, and PC gayman.
is pihole already a dns cache?
Mine is just a NES emulator. I'm sure i'll make something with it later.
It hosts some local network sites. One that allows me to check on my toaster in my kitchen without getting up and one that shows news and RSS feeds. The RSS feed site is running on a Thinkpad X200T touch screen laptop in my kitchen so I can quickly catch up while making breakfast
How did you do the rss server?
I'm interested in a single news getting source, instead of losing my subscriptions whenever I fuck up a device.
I had mine running a twitter ebooks bot, but it kept posting gamergate shit and I don't want to remember all that fucking autism, so I unplugged it
I am using mine as a webradio with a simple webpanel.
I've got a simple PHP script that opens up an RSS feed with the shorthand name I've given it with an associative array/hashmap (passed via an url parameter), parses it into JSON and returns it. In the frontend a simple jquery function polls the selected feed every 30 seconds and displays the results. I've got buttons to select the feed which to load.
Remote & scheduled Wake on LAN server
Mornings are comfy and warm in winter when my desktop PC starts warming my room up with Folding@Home.
yesterday I tried to make a stream machine with moonlight and failed. Man I am bad at this
re-writing and recovering motherboard BIOSes
How does this work? If it would block all ads from everything then I want it.
buy rapsberry pi, set it up then just run this command curl -L install.pi-hole.net | bash then setup your routers dns settings to the ras pi, takes under 10 minutes
OSMC media centre behind TVs (2×Pi3)
Basic NAS/Seedbox (Pi2)
ForeverAlonePhone project (Pi B+) (pic related)
Can I do it if I have a Xfinity router?
any good 'guidelines' on the raspberry pi for entry-level programming/electronics enthusiasts?
>Pi Zero
Lament getting additional cables and adapters to use a disappointing multi-system emulator that can't even play Starfox, and a disappointing media player which randomly crashes/can't decode chinese cartoons/can't properly pass through surround sound.
Does anyone have a guide to making Raspberry Pi a 1080p, 60fps anime machine?
I buy heroin off of the DNMs using Tor in Kali.
Kali linux? does that provide an extra level of protection?
I use it as a Web Server or multimedia home server
Alarm clock because a decent one doesn't exist
COPS server
You just need to be able to change your DNS server on the router