Does a hacked/modded spotify premium actually work? Or is it just a meme?

does a hacked/modded spotify premium actually work? Or is it just a meme?

If you want to use it on your PC then you can just use and an ad blocker

I think the modded apks for Android work

pay 5 dollars a month faggot

>paying for software
>paying for music
>paying for anything that you can pirate online
Point and laugh

>paying for products and services you enjoy
>not being a human tumor
If you don't like it enough to pay for it, then don't use it

>being a broke ass nigga

I like my movies and games but not the services that sell them.
>paying for media to prove you're not poor
Do you wear gold chains too, nigger?

0.1$ have been added to your shilling account

My classmate simply creates a new account with premium tryout every month, he has a tool to move playlists from one account to another as well.

>Do you wear gold chains too, nigger?
You're the one who's refusing to pay someone for their hard work, you're the only nigger here

>I like my movies and games but not the services that sell them.
Then don't use Spotify, use Torrents to find the music you want, hope you download Linkin.Park.Wake.Me.Up.mp3.exe

>le everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill :^)

> .exe

since when is linux vulnerable to windows malware?

I'm not the OP and don't use spotify, I just responded to your retarded post.
>hope you download Linkin.Park.Wake.Me.Up.mp3.exe
Must be hard being retarded enough to be afraid of torrents.

since they realized wine existed you dummy.

>le everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill :^)
I know that your not a shill but if you think your purchase matters you're fucking retarded. Do you really think it would make a difference if you gave a rich company some money?

I'm not afraid of torrents, but I work in IT, and I've seen enough people fall for this stupid shit
simple people can't tell the difference between a 6KB executable and a 8MB mp3 file

>rich company
I lolled
If you want to take someone else's hard work, go for it, but don't come on a burmese synchronized swimming forum to ask for help

To be honest family, pay for shit if you can. It's the right thing to do. There's a lot of people whose jobs are dependent on these pay models, and $5 a month won't hurt you.

It's the retarded moralfag thing to do to pay for media through jew services. If you want to give them their money that much, donate to them on their website. If they go out of business it's not because of piracy but because they weren't good enough.

>$2 billion revenue
Your 5$ a month won't make a difference.

>It's the right thing to do.
Nice meme. Why should I care about that?

Except that spotify is not owned by the Jews, it's in direct opposition to the jews
>I don't understand how revenue works
You do realize that the overwhelming majority of that goes to the artists and publishers, right?

>Nice meme. Why should I care about that?
Because some people try not to be a leech on society
Are you worried because Trump is going to take your mama's foodstamps?

>You do realize that the overwhelming majority of that goes to the artists and publishers, right?
So what? They still have enough money. And $5 still wouldn't make a difference.

Also this guy gets it

Sorry, I meant this guy

>your $5
It is a matter of principle more than practicality. I don't subscribe to anything except my car loan which is almost paid off, but I guess if I really wanted something and couldn't afford it I would have no problem "stealing" it.

I try to pay for what I use though, even/especially free software. Wikipedia monthly, Dwarf Fortress, and the vimium extension to name a few.

Honest question though: if you were to hypothetically have a company vulnerable to such exploits would you be okay with people taking advantage of it and trying to justify that you didn't earn the money?

Not him btw

>They still have enough money
Oh, you're a communist then. They deserve as much money as their work earns them. By paying for it you help ensure that the service will stick around. It's not your place to decide when someone else has "enough" money.

>dwarf fortress
my nigga

>By paying for it other people help ensure that the service will stick around so you don't have to pay anything.


Nobody cares if it's "your place" to decide whether to buy or pirate a product. If the service dies, a new one will replace it, but I already said that such services don't die because of piracy. You are honestly convinced that buy paying for media you're being something like a decent upstanding citizen, yet you're just a retard who buys arbitrarily overpriced shit.

how is 5$ a month overpriced? You do realize you're bitching over 5 dollars a month. I never thought I'd see someone who combined the worst traits of Jews and Niggers, but here you are, you've done it

So what? I still don't care

>le racism

I'm not talking about spotify which I wouldn't use either way but in general since what you said also applied to piracy in general.


>jews and black people are bad because le epic Sup Forums memes xD
Remove yourself from the gene pool

>jews and blacks are good because muh equality
you first :^)

theres a repo out there that adds a modded spotify to fdroid.
updates as new versions come out and stays modded.
its pretty neat actually.

You just proved that Sup Forums is one of the worst boards, good job. Stop infesting other boards with your ebin racist posts.

Nice reddit emoticon

the modded apks work fine
nevertheless it's only 5$/mo

So are you paying the artists directly?
And if you don't like them why are you using them?

How's being poor treating ya?

He's right, you know.

what is a good price according to you nigga?

A single album costs more than a Spotify subscription. It is a textbook example of larger companies being able to drive prices lower in an industry. It's not a "waste of money", it's a very good deal for what you're getting.

If you think giving any money to any company is a waste if you can steal their products instead, you need to rethink life a bit.

Do you know what's an even better deal? Getting it for $0

I have a modded Pandora apk on my phone and I haven't heard an ad or told I can't skip since I installed it.

Yeah but they don't because they're idiots. Your point?

I bet you think being on welfare is pretty sweet. I bet you would never buy anything if you could steal it without getting caught. I bet you think charities are a waste of money and resources.

You are not entitled to any product or service from a private enterprise. I hope the government cracks down on piracy and pirates so faggots like you can stop with this bullshit.

never used it
how does it work?
what is the difference between it and pandora?

just started using pandora, my new receiver has both
should i try it? what do i get for free?
is free spotify better than free pandora
explain pros and cons between them

>being this mad because someone didn't pay for something (which isn't even your problem)
>being this brainwashed

Actually a circle has infinitely many points you edgy fuckstick.

I actually started paying for Spotify because there was a FOSS Linux client. They purposefully remained compatible with it for Premium accounts.

I modified it to dump the .ogg files so that I was both paying for the music while having the full flexibility to play it on other devices, run visualizers on it, fair use, etc.