100 000 RX480's shipping to vendors in the next two weeks. Are the supply problems finally solved?

100 000 RX480's shipping to vendors in the next two weeks. Are the supply problems finally solved?


>Are the supply problems finally solved?

too late, bought a 1060 instead

Couldn't care less. Where the fuck are the 470s?

And they're shipping to the manufactures in the next 2 weeks, wich means we won't see stocks full of customs until september.
God, I only ask for AMD to do things right for a change...

that will please crypto miners.

although overclockers was one of the few retailers that blocked bulk orders, putting regular customers first.

good goyim

>captcha: 1060

>muh manufacturer is better than your manufacturer
>muh brand loyalty


Wow who cares
These should be been there 2 months ago

This was a true paperlauch. I'm so fucking disapponted.

No, that's Nvidia

If that's 100,000 reference 480s then they can just suck a dick.
No one wants the reference ones.

Everyone knows the 1060 is the better option in that price range
>300 watts

Where the fuck are those cute little 460's? I want to 4 way crossfire some of those for the lols

>one item occupies the current plane of reality
>obtainable by shared delusion of currency
>another item does not occupy current plane of reality
>disregard cognitive dissonance
>acquire available item

Who would buy such a chit ?
You're not contrarian you are just retards !!!


ugh. hope i get my strix 480s shipped before legion launches.

stuck using my mac for the time being and its awful for gaming.

Just bought picture related on a sale because my 2 rx480s were just basically sitting idle at 1920x1200.
How hard did I fuck up Sup Forums?
I suspect my cards are just gonna spit their lungs out for sub 60fps gaming.

better with actual picture, I suspect.

Speak for yourself user,paying €50 for 3-4 fps is bullshit especialy in the case of the nitro.Im hoping that this will bring 480 prives down to normal,or atleast normal as posible here in yuroland.

Forget all that, what you need to see is AMD needs to sell 2-3 million 460, 470 and 480 units at a minimum within 12 months to make a roaring comeback

With any luck by the holiday season they can ship out enough units to overstock suppliers and force them to keep sale price as close to MSRP as possible (more so globally where retail price is almost never anywhere close EXCLUDING vat and pre-calculated tax)

I just wish some of the real shitty places that price GPUs terribly wacky stop that bullshit. Radeon cards 20% or more higher than their Nvid counterpart when the AMD msrp is lower is a real shitty move.

Reference is OK if your whole case is quiet and cool otherwise and you wear headphones most of the time.

Too late, I bought a decently discounted Fury X.

Canadaland retailers have the 480 in stock for whole minutes and AIB don't exist. And yet the DAY the 470 is released AIB are listed and in stock.

Screw that I actually want to get some use out of this VR headset.

nice try Isaac

>bought a 1070 a month ago

feels good man

I keep thinking I should get a new card to replace my janky 660ti sli setup, but it plays warcraft, overmeme, and the handful of other games I play at max setting on the monitor I have. All I would be doing is saving power, which I get for free with my university acom. and quietening my pc.

>buying retard-tier x70, with impossible resell value
>fells good man

do you live with your parents?

not even AMD can sell AMD cards so I don't know what point it is you're making here

>implying I want a reference 480

$200 for a 480 does sound really good but I just don't know about this blower fan.

If you dont have a 1440p monitor and aren't going to use VR you wasted your money

I do have a 1440p monitor

couldn't be more retarded than spending $400 on a 4GB fury in 2016.

why the fuck couldn't have AMD shipped the chips to the AIBs months before the launch so they were ready to go at day one as at least then they would have had a buffer if production had to stop for some reason.

In direct x 12 games and games with good crossfire scaling you will be able to run at 60 fps

You will get fucked by microstutter on poorly optimized for xfire games

You will get 30 fps on games that don't support xfire and might as well lower res on those

Tbh xfire 480 for 4k gaming rn is silly and you should have gotten a fury X and not had to deal with all the drawbacks of multigpu

My guess they wanted to beat nvidia to the punch.This way they had the best card avalible at the time and they were selling out everywhere,versus having to compete with the 1060.

It would be Itzakh dumb goy

Well I was gonna go for a 2560x1440 freesync display, but saw that shit on flash sale and pulled the trigger.

You will be fine just dropping resolution when necessary desu, and anyways for future direct x 12 games xfire 480s will be fine to do 60fps high/ultra

lol ok stay poor pleb

How long before prices "stabilize?" Or are they already?

Who gives a shit. The 1060 is better in every way, pic related. If you even think about buying a 480 you're a complete moron.

It's the Hawaii/Bitcoin situation all over again.
Ethereum miners are buying the whole stock.
Luckily, it looks like the 470 are even more of a watts/ethereum performer.
So maybe we'll see some stock of 480s soon.

Should I get a 750Ti of wait for the rx460-470?

meant for

Yes and not only that they increased price with 5-10% globally, smart move by AMD and easy to do with so many drones!

The 470 at the 180 price point makes pretty much no sense for anyone other than etherium miners compared to the 200$ 480. Hopefully the eth-difficultu bomb will destroy these miners and there will be a huge used 480 470 market

except in two years when that chart is flipped when they're tested on new games with new drivers

Or you know,you could just buy the 4gb 480 for $200 and have the best price/perf ratio around...

> including lower perf engines version for AotS, Doom, Hitman, etc.

for what purpose?

They should just compare best result for each card, whatever API it's using to get there.
Image quality is the same anyway.

I'd get a $180 custom 470 over a $200 reference 480 but maybe that's just me being silly.

long term support against planned obsolescence
AMD vs nvidia
hard choice

$20 wouldn't even be enough for a night out. Stay a night in and spend the $20 for something you'd be using for the next 8 months at least.


was about to buy a poolaris, but fuck waiting months

fucking amd

Was literally going to buy a Fury today, because 480s just seem nonexistent. I guess I can wait another week or so.

I don't think it was a supply problem, just a demand problem. Some shops had reps on various forums bragging about having 2k, 5k, even as much as 10k cards in stock. Within a week some place in the UK was back ordered 10k reference RX 480s.
Thats pretty ridiculous demand for a mid range GPU.

$200 for 970 performance, count me in

When is the RX 490 getting released and at what price?

>give me information no one has

>I don't think it was a supply problem, just a demand problem


AMD had FAR more cards than Nvidia did on launch. They just sold out faster because they where bought up for compute task.

>you could buy a unicorn while you're at it

Will this tank mining?

well now I know no one has it

Take the release date and remember to add 1 more month to it, maybe then you are lucky to get one before they are out of stock again.

I was thinking a custom 470 runs cooler and uses less electricity than a reference 480 so it feels like you'd be saving in the long run.

Wasn't the rubberized plastic on the face of the card supposed to be removable so you can 3D print your own? How come no manufacturer is taking advantage of that fact and making their own faceplates?

>massive stock increase
>retailer jews will still keep the same inflated prices

Calling it

Even leddit is more red pilled than this shill forum

I would if I could,faggot

Why would anyone ever buy this piece of shit

>constantly sold out everywhere
>worse than the 1060
>runs hot as fuck
>looks like shit
>blower fans

Not seeing any lies there, what are you talking about?

470 is the real redpill

>flood the market with complete shit and make it cheap so maybe people will buy it

If anything it makes me feel even better for being Intel/Nvidia masterrace

It's more "future proof" I guess.

No you fucking deluded poo in the loo amd shills
Buy fucking nvidia and be done with it

In europe the 470 4GB version is the only decently priced card available at the moment.

The 480s and 1060s are massively overpriced. No justification to pay that much for them.

>10xx in legacy support due to software async compute


>reading comprehension

Someone on one of those tech youtube weekly shows actually made a good comment when he said that the 1060 is kind of "stillborn" as a graphics card. Yeah it's pretty powerful now but you're paying a good chunk of money for it, you can't SLI in another year or two when you want more power, and it has already been proven that it doesn't have the hardware on board to always beat cheaper AMD cards when low level APIs are involved. Basically, the 1060 is a brand new graphics card whose best days are already behind it and it just launched literally a month ago.

People that buy in this segment want value AND longevity out of their cards. The 1060 is a tough sell to anyone that does a little research.

For Nvidia cards the performance is usually the same, while AMD cards have a lot to gain. There is no reason to show the DX11 versions as both Nvidia and AMD users will want to run the game in DX12.

what is ethereum?

Am I the only one who's starting to think that these manufacturers are being paid off to deliberately sink AMD? It seems like nobody is doing anything right.

>100 000 RX480's shipping to vendors in the next two weeks. Are the supply problems finally solved?
still not enough. we need more Mr. Chang.

>bought 1060
lel its not like the 10XX supply problems are much much worse ahahahahha
bad nvidia shill nobody wants your dx11 trash

nvidia shill shitposting the same 2 benchmark in every thread because they are the only ones showing the 1060 ahead.
Top kek shilling
10shekel got deposed into your account mr.shill

Once again, what are you talking about?

Sounds a bit like the 960 when it launched, a nice card for all intents and purposes, but just a bit too expensive and the only thing it's beating soundly is it's predecessor. The 1060 is better in the performance regard, but there's too much shit being flung around at these days, I was hoping the lithography shrink for high performance computer would be one bit gay party for everyone.

I think I'm gonna cancel my Nitro+ RX 480 order and go with the MSI instead since it seems to be better overall.

The MSI 470 or MSI 480, because that's a bit of a jump in price for the 480.

I'm thinking of getting the 470 and boosting it. That way it'd still be cooler and quieter.

I'm probably not gonna buy a new gpu for a while so I'm gonna go with the MSI 480. The 470 is super attractive too otherwise, Sapphire kind of dropped the ball on this one though. The Nitro+ isn't bad it's a really good card but the MSI is more quiet and cooler. Shame that it looks like shit but I can look past that.

The problems were solved with a driver update.

Is GTX 1060 good for playing fps games like Team Fortress 2 and CS:GO at high framerates on a 144 Hz screen on 1920x1080 resolution?

>be me
>have 280x
>upgraded to 4k monitor
>was thinking id need to upgrade g card to play starcraft 2 at 4k 60fps
>didn't need to
feels good

I don't mind bad graphics, I just want good performance.

Except the 1060 is widely available just about everywhere and there isn't a single custom cooled 480 available, of which Powercolor and MSI are the only ones worth even considering.

Fuck off nigger. The 480 will be close to 1070 performance In a six months.

Enjoy legacy drivers in a year, nvidiot

this will probably not actually happen until DX12/Vulkan games are the norm and not the exception.

Is it worth getting a reference 480 if I'm going to put an AIO cooler on it anyway?

too bad volta is out next year and nvidia will dump their dx11 pascal like the hot shit it is